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File 151771816114.jpg - (51.14KB , 412x639 , 182220.jpg )
31388 No. 31388 [Edit]
TC what are your valentine's day plans?
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>> No. 31389 [Edit]
Ignore it, mostly. I don't really mind it's a pseudo-holiday, nor care there are those that spend them with significant others.
>> No. 31390 [Edit]
Same thing as any other day I suppose. What were you expecting?
>> No. 31391 [Edit]
File 151772117056.jpg - (18.29KB , 437x350 , dd0eaa9febcdb3dff4b358270e903dc9.jpg )
it not out of the question that you wake up that morning and you're in an irl 2d MMO with your anime gf. thats the kind of thing i expect form really devoted top level otaku.
>> No. 31392 [Edit]
I'm not into RP, sorry.
>> No. 31395 [Edit]
Finishing another drawing of my waifu.
>> No. 31397 [Edit]
Rubbing my penis as I look upon drawings of half naked Asian school girls on my computer screen.
>> No. 31398 [Edit]
I don't have any.
I never have any plans.
>> No. 31399 [Edit]
I forgot that this was a thing. I'm just going to act like it's another day, just like with any other "special" day.
>> No. 31432 [Edit]
File 151863734335.png - (1.20MB , 1920x1080 , gets.png )
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