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File 15154678054.png - (24.85KB , 510x838 , Manchester-Bedford-Merrimack-Nashua streetcar line.png )
31292 No. 31292 [Edit]
I made a tram transit map for my area.

I really should stop fetishising infrastructure I'm in the wrong place in the world to do such a thing.
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>> No. 31294 [Edit]
that variety of stylized rail map based on the old london tube maps may look neat and convey the list and order of stops, but its ultimately a stupid way of displaying information which gives the end users geographically misleading data.
if you are an infratruscture fetishist then why do you want to perpetuate something as stupid as giving purposefully misleading information to your end users? just because it looks cute? because everyone else is doing it?
what if someone wants to know how far of a walk it is between stops? they'd have to look up on a whole different map that isn't completely retarded. what the fuck is a map even for if not to display accurate geographical data?
i think what you have there is a chart or a graphic, but not a true map.
no legend no scale
is north up? i guess i'll have to assume so
>> No. 31295 [Edit]
a map that as like that with purposeful, built in misleading geographical data can't have a legend or indication of cardinal directions precisely because the map is geographically inaccurate. they'd have to have a different north pointer for each stop.
>> No. 31302 [Edit]
File 151555053234.png - (1.42MB , 2292x2012 , Transit question.png )
The purpose of a transit map is to convey basic information on an easily replicatable, easily read format, not to give an accurate geographical representation of the area served. It holds all the pertinent information a person would need to use a transit system. It has a simple and easily read format for someone attempting to find their way around a subway system, going by their closest station and finding the closest station to their destination.

By default all maps serve a specific purpose, and every map can, does, and will omit information to that end. Imagine a history textbook about the Vietnam War that went into detail about the botanical information of the jungle, each species of plant by their genus and species name and their reproductive methods.

Any transit system worth their salt will put a detailed map of the street layout of the area within 100-500 meters of the station, but it's useless to put a station map with every street corner and building on it, as the pertinent information is lost to begin with in the rest of the noise. Someone on public transit won't need to know where Interstate 93 is, but they all will need to know the order of stops on a train.

Part of infrastructure is cost, another part is implementation. So imagine the process of production to make geographically correct maps of a transit system to be published in all sorts of forms (pamphlet, website, posters, cards, wall maps, etc). Now imagine the vast amount of wasted space that would be taken up by a map where a line has several stops per mile in high density areas but miles between spots in low density areas (as is the case with my map between two cities with two lower density towns between them). You need to print such a map large enough to not crowd the high density areas, so in short, you would have a map that only works as a large poster of abnormal proportions, or is completely unreadable in any way if you try to print it in a portable format, completely destroying the point of a transit map.
>> No. 31307 [Edit]
in almost every case its a far less functional use of space than it could be, people copy the old london tube style because it was on popular tshirts and shit. its far easier to copy the positively acceptable that to come up with your own style. most of the text on the graphic you produced is illegible so i can't really use is as a basis for comparison, but there is little doubt in my mind that graphic could be easily produced to represent a subway system with geographical accuracy if you were willing to sacrifice that cool combo of art deco stylized curves and bright colors.
furthermore i thought bostonians were really proud of having kicked the english out way back when, but now they're giving free publicity to the london tube tshirt salesmen? seems like an easily corrected minor mistake on their part.
>> No. 31309 [Edit]
File 151560239747.jpg - (1.02MB , 3455x2453 , metro2.jpg )
So we can use it if we're part of the British Crown?
>> No. 31334 [Edit]
What program do you use to make such charts?
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