A Kirara adaptation from a brand new studio.
Might pick up.
Apparently the latest episode released by funi was a pre-production version compared to what was aired on TV. if you want to see your share of distorted drawings, look no further. (Or if you just want screencaps, 4/a/ 201982179 has plenty).Post edited on 22nd Apr 2020, 1:03pm
There's an entire side-by-side: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9woShaFcncM
>>34297 Excuse me but what the fuck kind of aspect ratio is that, oh god it's the worst thing since 9/11
>>34297 Both of them look kind of shit, just in different ways.
>>34297 The 'proper' version still doesn't look too good to me.
>>34303 There were some scenes that looked better in the drawn version compared to the CG. Of course the interesting part is that they bothered to fully-flesh and color a drawn version in the first place (unless they only decided to switch to CG very late).
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