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File 15819904846.jpg - (177.92KB , 727x1024 , MV5BM2MzZmRiOTctN2JlZi00ZDM2LWI2ZjMtMjdlODg4MWE2ZT.jpg )
34085 No. 34085 [Edit]
Seems everyone's making a fuss over how controversial this is. What are TC's thoughts on it?
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>> No. 34086 [Edit]
Isn't it basically just Hentai?
>> No. 34088 [Edit]
I've seen people claim it's not hentai if you can't see the genitals, even if it's because they're censored.
>> No. 34090 [Edit]
Heh, but it's all censored in Japan. You could call it Ecchi maybe but that's nothing new either, although from what I have seen this is more lewd than Ecchi.
>> No. 34092 [Edit]
I don't see what's controversial about it. In fact if anything it's very popular this season. I guess someone finally figured out you can skip the middleman of fanservice disguised as plot and just delivery ecchi directly.
>> No. 34093 [Edit]
>I don't see what's controversial about it.
Tokyo MX pulled it off the air, and Funnimation removed it from their service.
>> No. 34094 [Edit]
>Funnimation removed it
Daily reminder that people pay for this.
>> No. 34095 [Edit]
It's new for an anime to be so blunt about it. Is every vn with a sex scene hentai?
>> No. 34096 [Edit]
It's not really that new, anime and hentai are related to begin with, there are many hentai that run for 20 minute episodes and are episodic in nature. What's rare is for this hentai to be placed in the main, usually it would fly under the radar and never be picked up by horrible subs or any mainstream group like that. But even then you have that anime about the Hamster and probably a few other animes that are quite rude. It's natural that something like this would appear every now and then particularly with how much more anime is being made now than before.
>> No. 34097 [Edit]
Apparently Sun TV just dropped it too.
>> No. 34098 [Edit]
>What are TC's thoughts on it?
I don't even know what it is.
That dragon girl is kinda hot though.
>> No. 34099 [Edit]
>there are many hentai that run for 20 minute episodes and are episodic in nature
Most look like shit though while this is standard at least. It's also got 12 episodes. If any hentai has that many, tell me. The studio's also done plenty of non-h stuff too.
>> No. 34100 [Edit]
Unfortunately it has a bad design, so I'm not interested.
>> No. 34101 [Edit]
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It reminds me of frfr.
>> No. 34102 [Edit]
>If any hentai has that many, tell me
Heard of Cream Lemon?
>> No. 34103 [Edit]
File 158206358710.png - (2.08MB , 1440x1080 , Neon Genesis Evangelion - 1x26 - Take Care of Your.png )
It's really not my thing. When you remove all subtlety it just becomes porn, and if I wanted porn I'd read a good doujin. No thanks.
>> No. 34104 [Edit]
I've argued about this a few times now but it's not "pornography" if sex isn't the majority of the runtime or the sole focus. It's a crude sex comedy, certainly, but just having sex scenes doesn't make it purely pornography. It's like calling every eroge nukige.
>> No. 34107 [Edit]
>sex isn't the majority of the runtime or the sole focus
This is an anime where the plot is how many different species of hookers you can bang. No, it's not strictly porn, you don't need to be a nitpicking faggot. But you should understand why a show where the main content is fucking monstergirls has no appeal to someone who doesn't really care about monstergirls and isn't interested in stories about just sex. Ecchi is appealing because there's a special draw with erotic teasing, just straight up hardcore sex has no purpose, in my mind, outside of short one-off scenes in a longer series or actual pornographic material. On the very basis that there IS less actual sex than a real hentai, it's just a sickly calf compared to the ample content and context of something that goes TRULY all the way. I never, ever, in my entire life, understood people who wanted lots of sex in a serial anime.
>> No. 34108 [Edit]
It has enough comedy to make it worth watching even if you don't want to fap.
>> No. 34110 [Edit]
>This is an anime where the plot is how many different species of hookers you can bang.
Yeah, and? Being about sex doesn't make it pornography, especially with only softcore scenes.
>outside of short one-off scenes in a longer series
you mean like this series is doing?
>But you should understand why a show where the main content is fucking monstergirls has no appeal to someone who doesn't really care about monstergirls and isn't interested in stories about just sex
I understand that, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind about that. That's what it's about and if you don't care for that there's not much to it.
>> No. 34112 [Edit]
Like most adaptations of ecchi/porn, it mostly sucks. Animation too budget to be hot or adapt the manga style. Also censored to hell so there's basically no point to watching the tv version. Only good part was the spats shot of the futa loli angel.

As a side note, it's strange anyone's even picked this series up at all. En press did the translation of the manga too, which struck me as odd. Like who looked at this series and said "yeah this looks like a solid investment"? I need to learn moonrunes already, people who pick what gets translated be crazy.
>> No. 34115 [Edit]
I couldn't get into it, far too lewd. Maybe I'm just too old-fashioned, as a lot of people seem to be enjoying it.
>> No. 34116 [Edit]
Why is it so important whether I call it pornography or not? It's equivalent to porn for me, whether or not it is technically porn is irrelevant.
>> No. 34117 [Edit]
By definition it is pornography, if you want to be technical.

Post edited on 20th Feb 2020, 1:55am
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