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File 157901340095.jpg - (2.39MB , 3264x2448 , 20200114_094303.jpg )
33923 No. 33923 [Edit]
I finished the first season of rozen maiden last night. Cried alot watching the last 2 episodes. I felt really bad for Suiginto and cried. It was so sad. And the part where Nori finds Jun in his dream was really sad. Gonna continue with the next season later today. Rozen Maiden thread.
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>> No. 33924 [Edit]
File 157901849526.png - (753.82KB , 853x480 , rozen GUN.png )
Rozen Maiden is such a neat series, although I have yet to actually read the manga. The anime, though, is definitely a memorable one, and probably one of my favorites. Incredibly engaging characters, a very interesting plot, very good character designs, and animation that's sometimes cheesy and kind of awkward (six finger Suigintou) but works most of the time.
There's also a new season that everybody ignored that's supposed to be based on the new manga. The first episode is a really hasty recap though so it's kind of awkward going into after you just watched/rewatched the original series.
>> No. 34068 [Edit]
I started watching it as well. I have finished the first two and Overture and am now watching the 2013 version. It feels A LOT different than the others, it was written by two people so maybe that's why or it may be that it was the anime making it more serious or the anime of the other making it less serious. It's quite subdued and almost boring at times so far.
>> No. 34072 [Edit]
Okay, so I finished watching the 2013 anime, plus I read the manga up to where the new anime starts and then skimmed through until the new anime ends to see if there were many differences.

The 2013 anime was not great, it didn't get better from when I made the above post. Where as the first had more of the dolls together and had them often in an SoL type setting the new version didn't. It was more drama like and I didn't like the protagonist or the antagonist(the true one, I like Sugintou) much and it got quite silly.

The new anime is not actually an alternative version, the old anime ran out of source material and as is often the case it had to make an ending of it's own. The new anime is based on where the manga picks up again(but then again, overtakes the manga). The Manga up until the point that the new anime starts is actually fairly good, it feels much more like the old season(even the parts from when it diverts), there are some other differences and I didn't mind them, Sugintou is portrayed slight differently. Well I think. There is a side story called Rot Schwarz that apparently goes into the back story of Sugintou and Shinku, if it's like the back story in Overture then it would just mean the manga contradicts itself, it's possible. I can't actually find this anywhere to read, I can only find that it exists.
>> No. 34073 [Edit]
>The new anime is based on where the manga picks up again(but then again, overtakes the manga)

Actually overtake might be a bit misleading, it just stops when it runs out of material.
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