No. 30955
> since the persons themselves don't matter in those, I don't see why the age should while discussing otaku-related stuff.
Younger people tend to speak in very different ways using differnt lingo and phrases you might not be familiar with, making it challenging to relate to them or discuss things with them.
Just imagine if all your friends were five or six years old, Imagine trying to hold conversations with them. Do the same for 12 year olds, then late teens if you're in your mid to late 20s. Everyone feels like they're still a kid on the inside until they actually interact with some. People gravitate to like minded people, that's why we're on this site after all. It's only natural to like being around those such as yourself and find it awkward to be around those who aren't. I've met my share of people half my age I could get along with, but they're typicly a poor representation of their age group. Besides, it takes more than a shared interest in anime to make for kindred spirits.
It's hard enough to relate to characters and stories when it's set in a different country with a different culture, but then you add on that media targeting a different age demographic too and it becomes that more alienating. You could claim it doesn't matter but chances are most of the stuff you watch was made for people in your age bracket or gender. If not, good on you for challenging norms but exceptions don't make rules.
"in Japan" being the keywords there.
You tell me what "this" is then in OP's post if not referring to this life style rather than just watching anime or reading manga. If this was only about watching anime and reading manga, wouldn't this have been posted on one of those boards? I'm talking about the life style, culture, and community, not just a type of media. That includes unsustainable stuff like being a hikki or NEET, sorry if I didin't mention the life style specifically. I forget sometimes how careful I have to be with my choice of words here.
And because I can see where this is going, I'd like to inform you and >>30953 that I'm not judging you or saying you can't enjoy weeb shit when you get older. I was just offering my two cents about why so many people get "too old for this shit" (and they do, deny it if you want but they do). There's no need to take this personally, like what you like, watch what you want to watch. Just don't blame kids for getting too old for Barnie, teens for getting too old for power rangers, or 30 somethings for getting too old for anime. That's life, chewing me out wont change that.