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29255 No. 29255 [Edit]
What's the strangest thing you've ever found in your home that you have no explanation for?
>> No. 29256 [Edit]
I found a pornographic dvd in one of my PS2s that I didn't use anymore, I think it might have been left there by someone who broke into our home a couple months before I discovered it.
>> No. 30986 [Edit]
Found some rusty old cans of redbull in our attic.
>> No. 31008 [Edit]
A scythe.
>> No. 31009 [Edit]
I have an unopened VHS of some sort of performance from a chinese idol from what I assume is the 80s or 90s. I have no idea where I got it or why.
>> No. 31011 [Edit]
Never found any things that I have no explanation for at home.
I'd be pretty freaked out if I did since this is supposed to be an environment which I have complete control over. Stuff that I didn't bring here shouldn't show up.
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