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File 15114231218.jpg - (143.32KB , 900x1200 , LittleWitchAcademia-Akko-by-metata.jpg )
30913 No. 30913 [Edit]
would masturbation become more enjoyable if i started taking male fertility drugs or would it be just about the same?
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>> No. 30915 [Edit]
I can't say for sure but I think it probably would. I've got almost no libido and rarely masturbate anymore. If/when I do it, it feels like more of a dirty time wasting chore with almost no pleasure to it. I'd almost compare it to using the restroom when nature calls. Anything would be more enjoyable than that, and normals seem to consider sex to be the best thing ever.
>> No. 30916 [Edit]
File 151142377581.png - (225.07KB , 800x600 , is 2d truly pure.png )
I don't know about taking drugs but I do know that abstaining from masturbation for a while really helped me enjoy it more. Maybe you could try it.
>> No. 30918 [Edit]
For me the main source of enjoyment out of masturbation is reading doujins without that I don't really like it so I might not be the best help but I doubt wasting your money on that would be worth it especially if you're a neet (you could try it out, if it's not that much and you really want it, I guess but if it's just a thought that went through your head, don't bother).

Try what the second anon said, it sounds reasonable and is free.
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