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No. 28343 [Edit]
Too bad i won't be able to afford Gateboxes or be alive until then, still, it's closer than ever.
Sexbots may become a thing in the future but i'd like to see these Gateboxes succeed instead.
This is the true otaku love, right here.
>> No. 28347 [Edit]
What a time to be alive...

I wonder how much a life size version would run.
>> No. 28411 [Edit]
i would run until it ran out of breath, as long as you can run further than she can you'll catch her eventually.
>> No. 28426 [Edit]
what if it can run forever?
>> No. 30999 [Edit]
Aren't they like $3,000? What's the point of them?
>> No. 31001 [Edit]
A pseudo-interactive mini-holographic companion that reacts to your words and gestures.
>> No. 31005 [Edit]
I had to delete the image in the OP because it contained 3D.
>> No. 31007 [Edit]
Honestly this thing seems like a stupid gimmick. Sure it might seem interesting, but after some weeks I can only imagine it'd begin to get repetitive, responses, actions, etc. That leading to a less believable experience, which I'm not sure if it has in the first place. Because really, anyone buying one of these things has that in mind.

I also can't help wonder how often these things might end up breaking if kept for longer periods of time. It must be somewhat complicated at least, right? With all the features it has. How long will the company support it, and how long will they last? $3k is no small amount of money. I really can't imagine how on earth it could be worth that.

>This is the true otaku love, right here.
Isn't this whole thing more about companionship than love? Think about it. Is everyone who buys one "in love" with the character, or are they after buying it? Doubt it.
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