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File 149378182765.jpg - (204.28KB , 850x918 , paint.jpg )
30114 No. 30114 [Edit]
How do you self-insert into characters? I can't do that.
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>> No. 30115 [Edit]
Well first step is you pull off their pants...
>> No. 30116 [Edit]

Dang it, I knew someone was going to make a joke like that.
>> No. 30118 [Edit]
By finding common ground you can use to relate to them with. That or try to understand what they're thinking/feeling.
>> No. 30121 [Edit]
u have to take off their pantsus first
>> No. 30757 [Edit]
File 150983256698.jpg - (216.60KB , 600x768 , 7dc3f1501a23425a0f87da6449f57e56def8907c.jpg )
I don't think I ever really related to another character before. They are always so much better than me.
>> No. 30804 [Edit]
Self-insert is when the writer writes himself into the story.
The jargon of 'self-insert' is used by hypocrites who love characters 'they can relate to', but when they can't it's 'shitty self-insert'.

Is it too much to ask for a little courtesy from these people?
>> No. 30805 [Edit]
This. What OP was looking for was "How do you project onto characters?".
>> No. 30806 [Edit]
I can't and it causes me much angst. There's almost no characters like me, in any way.
Those that I can relate to are there to be hated and ridiculed.
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