Which theme do you use on tohno-chan? I like vndb as I tend to browse at night and bright themes hurt my eyes in the dark, but sometimes I switch to Pseud0ch for the comfy textboard vibe. How bout you? Imageboards themselves are otaku culture so this counts.
I was just using the plain black theme.
I use yotsuba v2. It has a nice soft color palette without being too garish.
Default, mostly because I delete cookies so it always reverts back anyways, also because I'm used to it now.
vndb for me
Default dark theme.
>>34806 Same.
>>34806 I do the same. Firefox clears all the stuff when I close it. I'm thinking about using an userstyle to change the theme to pseud0ch or vndb.
>>34945 > using an userstyle to change the theme to pseud0ch or vndb. You don't need a userstyle you can do it purely via a userscript that sets the cookie if it doesn't exist.
pseud0ch because I like bricks.
Much like the others, I use the default because of auto-deleting cookies, but I'm quite fond of the Lain one.
>>34806 Same here, I like this one so I don't mind at all.
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