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34328 No. 34328 [Edit]
ITT: experts offer timely advice on how to enjoy being trapped in your own home
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>> No. 34333 [Edit]
Step 1: torrent game
Step 2: Install game
Step 3: ????
Step 4: profit!!
>> No. 34335 [Edit]
Check websites.
>> No. 34336 [Edit]
White noise helps with the loneliness.
>> No. 34337 [Edit]
dude just be yourself
>> No. 34341 [Edit]
Twitter games
>> No. 34358 [Edit]
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What I do is pretend I'm one of those deaf-mutes.
>> No. 34365 [Edit]
One of the basic techniques of this lifestyle is to recognize that practically every form of media is going to be incessantly bombarding you with pro-normie and especially pro-chad lies and propaganda which is intended to make you feel lesser when compared to chad, intended to be demoralizing, depressing, etc. Virtually none of this propaganda is based in reality. In the real world most people are jealous of neets, hikis, etc. A norman who decides at age 12 to lick ass and do pointless busywork for decades so he can get a neat-o car to impress other normans with will always be troubled by the fact that all their effort seems so pointless, that sacrificing decades for a neat-o car isn't worth it, but because of all the time effort and wealth invested into becoming a guy with a neat-o car, the embarrassment of admitting a mistake and the inability to think up any creative alternatives, norman will be stuck forever with the choice he made as a 12 year old.
I know a guy who busted ass from jr high until he was in his late 30s to become a heart surgeon and make the really big bucks and he complains to me about how stupid his job is, that all he ever does is get dying octogenarians to live an extra 6 months or a year, but he can't give up his job for whatever reason. he works way more than 40 hours a week too. My guess is that he doesn't like being around his family so he prefers to be at work, its a common problem, on that hikis don't have because they just close the door to their room an its problem solved. Who is more intelligent?
I know another guy who was a neurosurgeon, but he decided to quit and open up a shop for high tech audio gizmos instead cause it'd be more fun than doctoring and he already had enough dough. Guy now spends all the time at his shop in order to avoid his family instead of at the hospital. He still can't live without pantomiming that he is some sort of important member of society, can't just relax and enjoy life, can't live a day without commanding the imaginary respect of the general public or whatever judgmental authority figure he assumes is watching over him. Its not mature, adult human behavior, but i guess they all need to be incessantly acting out to give themselves the illusion of being in control of their lives.
Avoiding all of that mess by simply not giving a shit about what other people might be thinking about you allows anyone to sit at and enjoy fun hobbies of their own choosing nearly indefinitely, but all the pro-chad propaganda makes it a challenge.
There is some counter-propoganda out there, but not nearly enough:
>The Bet
>Anton Chekhov I
It was a dark autumn night. The old banker was pacing from corner to corner of his study, recalling to his mind the party he gave in the autumn fifteen years before. There were many clever people at the party and much interesting conversation. They talked among other things of capital punishment. The guests, among them not a few scholars and journalists, for the most part disapproved of capital punishment. They found it obsolete as a means of punishment, unfitted to a Christian State and immoral. Some of them thought that capital punishment should be replaced

universally by life-imprisonment.
"I don't agree with you," said the host. "I myself have experienced neither capital punishment nor life-imprisonment, but if one may judge a priori, then in my opinion capital punishment is more moral and more humane than imprisonment. Execution kills instantly, life-imprisonment kills by degrees. Who is the more humane executioner, one who kills you in a few seconds or one who draws the life out of you incessantly, for years?"
"They're both equally immoral," remarked one of the guests, "because their purpose is the same, to take away life. The State is not God. It has no right to take away that which it cannot give back, if it should so desire."
Among the company was a lawyer, a young man of about twenty-five. On being asked his opinion, he said:
"Capital punishment and life-imprisonment are equally immoral; but if I were offered the choice between them, I would certainly choose the second. It's better to live somehow than not to live at all."
There ensued a lively discussion. The banker who was then younger and more nervous suddenly lost his temper, banged his fist on the table, and turning to the young lawyer, cried out:
"It's a lie. I bet you two millions you wouldn't stick in a cell even for five years."
"If you mean it seriously," replied the lawyer, "then I bet I'll stay not five but fifteen."

"Fifteen! Done!" cried the banker. "Gentlemen, I stake two millions."
"Agreed. You stake two millions, I my freedom," said the lawyer.
So this wild, ridiculous bet came to pass. The banker, who at that time had too many millions to count, spoiled and capricious, was beside himself with rapture. During supper he said to the lawyer jokingly:

"Come to your senses, young roan, before it's too late. Two millions are nothing to me, but you stand to lose three or four of the best years of your life. I say three or four, because you'll never stick it out any longer. Don't forget either, you unhappy man, that voluntary is much heavier than enforced imprisonment. The idea that you have the right to free yourself at any moment will poison the whole of your life in the cell. I pity you."
And now the banker, pacing from corner to corner, recalled all this and asked himself:
"Why did I make this bet? What's the good? The lawyer loses fifteen years of his life and I throw away two millions. Will it convince people that capital punishment is worse or better than imprisonment for life? No, no! all stuff and rubbish. On my part, it was the caprice of a well-fed man; on the lawyer's pure greed of gold."
He recollected further what happened after the evening party. It was decided that the lawyer must undergo his imprisonment under the strictest observation, in a garden wing of the banker's house. It was agreed that during the period he would be deprived of the right to cross the threshold, to see living people, to hear human voices, and to receive letters and newspapers. He was permitted to have a musical instrument, to read books, to write letters, to drink wine and smoke tobacco. By the agreement he could communicate, but only in silence, with the outside world through a little window specially constructed for this purpose. Everything necessary, books, music, wine, he could receive in any quantity by sending a note through the window. The agreement provided for all the minutest details, which made the confinement strictly solitary, and it obliged the lawyer to remain exactly fifteen years from twelve o'clock of November 14th, 1870, to twelve o'clock of November 14th, 1885. The least attempt on his part to violate the conditions, to escape if only for two minutes before the time freed the banker from the obligation to pay him the two millions.
During the first year of imprisonment, the lawyer, as far as it was possible to judge from his short notes, suffered terribly from loneliness and boredom. From his wing day and night came the sound of the piano. He rejected wine and tobacco. "Wine," he wrote, "excites desires, and desires are the chief foes of a prisoner; besides, nothing is more boring than to drink good wine alone," and tobacco spoils the air in his room. During the first year the lawyer was sent books of a light character; novels with a complicated love interest, stories of crime and fantasy, comedies, and so on.
In the second year the piano was heard no longer and the lawyer asked only for classics. In the fifth year, music was heard again, and the prisoner asked for wine. Those who watched him said that during the whole of that year he was only eating, drinking, and lying on his bed. He yawned
often and talked angrily to himself. Books he did not read. Sometimes at nights he would sit down to write. He would write for a long time and tear it all up in the morning. More than once he was heard to weep.
In the second half of the sixth year, the prisoner began zealously to study languages, philosophy, and history. He fell on these subjects so hungrily that the banker hardly had time to get books enough for him. In the space of four years about six hundred volumes were bought at his request. It was while that passion lasted that the banker received the following letter from the prisoner:

"My dear gaoler, I am writing these lines in six languages. Show them to experts. Let them read them. If they do not find one single mistake, I beg you to give orders to have a gun fired off in the garden. By the noise I shall know that my efforts have not been in vain. The geniuses of all ages and countries speak in different languages; but in them all burns the same flame. Oh, if you knew my heavenly happiness now that I can understand them!" The prisoner's desire was fulfilled. Two shots were fired in the garden by the banker's order.
Later on, after the tenth year, the lawyer sat immovable before his table and read only the New Testament. The banker found it strange that a man who in four years had mastered six hundred erudite volumes, should have spent nearly a year in reading one book, easy to understand and by no means thick. The New Testament was then replaced by the history of religions and theology.
During the last two years of his confinement the prisoner read an extraordinary amount, quite
haphazard. Now he would apply himself to the natural sciences, then he would read Byron or Shakespeare. Notes used to come from him in which he asked to be sent at the same time a book on chemistry, a text-book of medicine, a novel, and some treatise on philosophy or theology. He read as though he were swimming in the sea among broken pieces of wreckage, and in his desire to save his life was eagerly grasping one piece after another.
The banker recalled all this, and thought:
"To-morrow at twelve o'clock he receives his freedom. Under the agreement, I shall have to pay him two millions. If I pay, it's all over with me. I am ruined for ever ..."
Fifteen years before he had too many millions to count, but now he was afraid to ask himself which he had more of, money or debts. Gambling on the Stock-Exchange, risky speculation, and the recklessness of which he could not rid himself even in old age, had gradually brought his business to decay; and the fearless, self-confident, proud man of business had become an ordinary banker, trembling at every rise and fall in the market.
"That cursed bet," murmured the old man clutching his head in despair... "Why didn't the man die? He's only forty years old. He will take away my last farthing, marry, enjoy life, gamble on the Exchange, and I will look on like an envious beggar and hear the same words from him every day: 'I'm obliged to you for the happiness of my life. Let me help you.' No, it's too much! The only escape from bankruptcy and disgrace—is that the man should die."
The clock had just struck three. The banker was listening. In the house everyone was asleep, and one could hear only the frozen trees whining outside the windows. Trying to make no sound, he took out of his safe the key of the door which had not been opened for fifteen years, put on his overcoat, and went out of the house. The garden was dark and cold. It was raining. A damp, penetrating wind howled in the garden and gave the trees no rest. Though he strained his eyes, the banker could see neither the ground, nor the white statues, nor the garden wing, nor the trees. Approaching the garden wing, he called the watchman twice. There was no answer. Evidently

the watchman had taken shelter from the bad weather and was now asleep somewhere in the kitchen or the greenhouse.
"If I have the courage to fulfil my intention," thought the old man, "the suspicion will fall on the watchman first of all."
In the darkness he groped for the steps and the door and entered the hall of the garden-wing, then poked his way into a narrow passage and struck a match. Not a soul was there. Someone's bed, with no bedclothes on it, stood there, and an iron stove loomed dark in the corner. The seals on the door that led into the prisoner's room were unbroken.
When the match went out, the old man, trembling from agitation, peeped into the little window.
In the prisoner's room a candle was burning dimly. The prisoner himself sat by the table. Only his back, the hair on his head and his hands were visible. Open books were strewn about on the table, the two chairs, and on the carpet near the table.
Five minutes passed and the prisoner never once stirred. Fifteen years' confinement had taught him to sit motionless. The banker tapped on the window with his finger, but the prisoner made no movement in reply. Then the banker cautiously tore the seals from the door and put the key into the lock. The rusty lock gave a hoarse groan and the door creaked. The banker expected instantly to hear a cry of surprise and the sound of steps. Three minutes passed and it was as quiet inside as it had been before. He made up his mind to enter.
Before the table sat a man, unlike an ordinary human being. It was a skeleton, with tight-drawn skin, with long curly hair like a woman's, and a shaggy beard. The colour of his face was yellow, of an earthy shade; the cheeks were sunken, the back long and narrow, and the hand upon which he leaned his hairy head was so lean and skinny that it was painful to look upon. His hair was already silvering with grey, and no one who glanced at the senile emaciation of the face would have believed that he was only forty years old. On the table, before his bended head, lay a sheet of paper on which something was written in a tiny hand.
"Poor devil," thought the banker, "he's asleep and probably seeing millions in his dreams. I have only to take and throw this half-dead thing on the bed, smother him a moment with the pillow, and the most careful examination will find no trace of unnatural death. But, first, let us read what he has written here."
The banker took the sheet from the table and read:
"To-morrow at twelve o'clock midnight, I shall obtain my freedom and the right to mix with people. But before I leave this room and see the sun I think it necessary to say a few words to you. On my own clear conscience and before God who sees me I declare to you that I despise freedom, life, health, and all that your books call the blessings of the world.
"For fifteen years I have diligently studied earthly life. True, I saw neither the earth nor the people, but in your books I drank fragrant wine, sang songs, hunted deer and wild boar in the

forests, loved women... And beautiful women, like clouds ethereal, created by the magic of your poets' genius, visited me by night and whispered to me wonderful tales, which made my head drunken. In your books I climbed the summits of Elbruz and Mont Blanc and saw from there how the sun rose in the morning, and in the evening suffused the sky, the ocean and lie mountain ridges with a purple gold. I saw from there how above me lightnings glimmered cleaving the clouds; I saw green forests, fields, rivers, lakes, cities; I heard syrens singing, and the playing of the pipes of Pan; I touched the wings of beautiful devils who came flying to me to speak of God... In your books I cast myself into bottomless abysses, worked miracles, burned cities to the ground, preached new religions, conquered whole countries...
"Your books gave me wisdom. All that unwearying human thought created in the centuries is compressed to a little lump in my skull. I know that I am cleverer than you all.

"And I despise your books, despise all worldly blessings and wisdom. Everything is void, frail, visionary and delusive as a mirage. Though you be proud and wise and beautiful, yet will death wipe you from the face of the earth like the mice underground; and your posterity, your history, and the immortality of your men of genius will be as frozen slag, burnt down together with the terrestrial globe.
"You are mad, and gone the wrong way. You take falsehood for truth and ugliness for beauty. You would marvel if suddenly apple and orange trees should bear frogs and lizards instead of fruit, and if roses should begin to breathe the odour of a sweating horse. So do I marvel at you, who have bartered heaven for earth. I do not want to understand you.
"That I may show you in deed my contempt for that by which you live, I waive the two millions of which I once dreamed as of paradise, and which I now despise. That I may deprive myself of my right to them, I shall come out from here five minutes before the stipulated term, and thus shall violate the agreement."
When he had read, the banker put the sheet on the table, kissed the head of the strange man, and began to weep. He went out of the wing. Never at any other time, not even after his terrible losses on the Exchange, had he felt such contempt for himself as now. Coming home, he lay down on his bed, but agitation and tears kept him a long time from sleeping...
The next morning the poor watchman came running to him and told him that they had seen the man who lived in the wing climb through the window into the garden. He had gone to the gate and disappeared. The banker instantly went with his servants to the wing and established the escape of his prisoner. To avoid unnecessary rumours he took the paper with the renunciation

from the table and, on his return, locked it in his safe. THE END
>> No. 34396 [Edit]
Really good post.
I have to live and work with normals, and I wouldn't like to be in their place. I don't know if they are happy or unhappy, maybe that's happiness for them and I wouldn't like to judge, but I know for sure I would be extremely unhappy living like them.
I think I could understand them, from an species/society point of view, but not from an individual that takes their own decisions.
I don't understand why they crave for the company of those creatures called women, I understand the physical need they can suffer but they don't seem to be conscious about the true nature of it and tell themselves lots of lies.
I suspect most of young "losers" are depressed because society tells them to be like that and put in their brains some ridiculous ideas about the normal life, so they are completely fucked; if they keep being like that they will be sad because they are told to be, if they go normal they will be frustrated because unreal expectations.
>> No. 34410 [Edit]
Ah, if only someone would pay me to live in isolation for 15 years. My biggest regret in life is that I did not discover how to live as a NEET on my own in time. I wonder, now that the economy is crashing, if I will ever even be able to get NEETbucks for what society calls my mental "illness".
>> No. 34413 [Edit]
Thanks to the current situation I can work from home, just taking some calls everyday, I can even watch anime while "working". It's all really fucked up and the future looks dark, but still like I'm right now it's like a dream come true, I haven't been outside in two weeks and I still get paid.
>> No. 35001 [Edit]
Nobody outside Japan is a hikikomori hikikomori describes a condition unique to only Japan also its not not leaving your house the definition of hikikomori means to hide in your bedroom in your parents house for 6 months not go to school not have a job not communicate with other people except for your parents and to only go outside to convenience store or for shopping people who make money while at home are not hikikomori all hikikomori are NEET.
>> No. 35002 [Edit]
>While hikikomori is mostly a Japanese phenomenon, cases have been found in the United States, United Kingdom, Oman, Spain, Italy, India, South Korea, and France.
>> No. 35003 [Edit]

You cannot be diagnosed as a hikikomori outside of Japan which makes it mainly a Japanese only problem western societies like The US are not conformist most are individualistic nobody cares if you stand out in a crowd go your own way and live your own life however in Japan that is seen as a bad thing because everyone has to conform to the strict social rules over there even their part-time workers known as Freeters are looked down upon by the older generation just like hikikomori. I am pretty sure the number of hikikomori-like cases overseas are small unlike Japan there are not millions of people in The USA Canada or Europe withdrawn sitting in their bedrooms depending on their parents doing nothing to the point where it effects society and the economy so yes it is mostly only a Japanese problem most western parents just kick their children out and wouldn't support NEET withdrawal behavior recluses are global but hikikomori is mostly only uniquely a Japanese problem if anything homelessness is more of a big problem in western culture rather than hikikomori/NEET like situations.
>> No. 35005 [Edit]
You just made me remember some discussion I had about hikikomoris that could have jobs (outside the house of course) and sentimental relations, also the classic weekend hikikomori. When the pressure for normalcy is so high in a society being at home a saturday means you're going to be labeled with whatever name they have at their disposition. I think it's not in bad faith, but they are probably not being able to assimilate what a hikikomori really is; "those guys must be a little weird but they must have jobs, and 3DPD, and friends, right?".
>> No. 35007 [Edit]
The wiki page and other articles say that you can.

Societies like the US are still conformist(all societies are) just not to the same degree(perhaps explaining why there are less).
>> No. 35008 [Edit]
>The wiki page and other articles say that you can.

Just because there are a small number of cases overseas that doesn't mean it is mostly only a Japanese problem hikikomori are not hikikomori because of mental illness or other issues like physical health issues they are hikikomori because of Japanese culture and Japans strict social rules yes there are many different reasons and mental illness can play a role but what it all boils down to is the stress and pressure of Japanese society.

>Societies like the US are still conformist(all societies are) just not to the same degree(perhaps explaining why there are less).

Not really there is a huge difference between conformity and individualism yes western countries may be conformist in certain aspects but like i said generally nobody cares if you stand out in a crowd go your own way and live your own life however in Japan that is seen as a bad thing because everyone has to conform to the strict social rules over there.
>> No. 35009 [Edit]
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Those types of people are not hikikomori a hikikomori is a Japanese NEET who doesn't leave their bedroom for 6 months. There's a pretty big misconception about hikikomori in which the distinction is not explicitly made often enough. A key characteristic of hikikomori is about never maturing from a state of functional adolescence. A hikikomori is stuck in a state of childhood/adolescence specifically with regards to basic self care and life skills.

For example finances. Hikikomori remain a dependent of their parents for life. This is a problem because, 1 - it is a drain on parents and later on social services, 2 - hikikomori do not accumulate their own wealth/savings to become self sufficient.

For example setting and working towards longer term life goals. A hikikomori is unable to achieve the prior example due to issues with prioritizing and staying on track. It is a characteristic of adolescence to be carefree of managing your own life. They primarily have short term leisure on mind. They never matured to the stage where they are capable of putting aside play time because there's an appointment to set up or to attend to.

For example having food prepared for you. This is one of the more stark characteristics of lacking the ability to take care of yourself such that you're a grown adult who still needs others to prepare food and feed you. Another example of such a lack of basic self sufficiency is having your parents make doctor appointments for you.

These are some core characteristics of a hikikomori that do not apply to the part time workers. Someone who is able to work for a period of time to accumulate wealth to sustain themselves for a duration of unemployment requires so many life skills that hikikomori lack. There are people who are entirely capable of all of the above but for whatever reasons they choose not work or go outside all together. These are not hikikomori.

A popular type of people to call themselves hikikomori are the ones who believe that their parents and/or society owe to them to provide so they don't have to study/work or go outside. Again these individuals are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves when the need arises. They do not have the issue of being stuck in a state of functional adolescence. This is a personal ideological point of view which is distinct from hikikomori.

As a continuation of the previous point. Someone who lives off social assistance money is not necessarily a hikikmori either. The fact that an individual has the assertiveness and ability to take advantage of the social system is requires a level of life skills that hikikomori lack. They may have psychological, mental health issues or physical disabilities that justifies social assistance but those people are not hikikomori.

So the misconception can come when people don't read past the first paragraph. It is pretty normal to want to enjoy a life of leisure and never want to grow up. However hikikomori is more nuanced than that. Most people are able to functionally mature into adulthood. Even if the feeling of adolescence never leaves them, they are able to stay on top of their own life. Hikikomori do not mature to this stage.
>> No. 35010 [Edit]
>Just because there are a small number of cases overseas

So then even you admit that 'Nobody outside Japan is a hikikomori' is wrong, all you are doing is arguing to what extend Japan has more of them, which I agree, Japan does have more I never questioned that.

>like i said generally nobody cares if you stand out in a crowd go your own way and live your own life however in Japan that is seen as a bad thing because everyone has to conform to the strict social rules over there.

Again, it's a matter of degree, if an old man dresses up as a girl in the west he will still be looked at strangely and ostracised(though he could find a subculture that accepts him) and it's not like no old men do such things in Japan either, they do and likewise there are subcultures that accept them. It's not some black and white case of 'all westerners can do whatever they want with no social repercussions and no Japanese can ever do anything outside of the norm or they will be shot'. It's a matter of degree. Western societies are still conformative just in different ways(some of them more extreme than in the east) and to different extents.
>> No. 35012 [Edit]
One of the most important tips is to have a good relationship with your parents or whoever is supporting you. This is extremely important for hikis/neets and in many ways you're completely dependent on it. I've seen way too many people failing at this. Show common decency, be respectful, be grateful or at least show gratefulness, be it so your only demand is to not work and not leave the house. Make it so these things don't seem like a lot to ask by keeping it to yourself, be nonintrusive, don't eat all the food in the house, occupy the least amount of space as possible literally and figuratively, be a good person to be around when your parents/whoever is paying your existence shows up. Having a good or at least decent relationship with your parents will make your life so much better and it guarantees a longer neet/hiki lifespan, too. I know this is easier said than done. But that's because (here comes the secret) you have an ego. Discussions and fights only happens when there's more than one ego involved. If all you can amount to is to be a hiki/neet that can't support yourself, you're not allowed to have an ego. It's surprising you even kept it. Well, you don't need it, let it go. Avoid conflict at all costs and in order to avoid conflict you have to control your temper. You have to be meek, as to inspire the protection instinct in whoever is caring for you. If they're caring for you already, it's a sign that instinct is there and you can nurture it.

Again, this is easier said than done, but if your parents is the only thing keeping you to have to work and leave the house, then it's worth the effort to improve your relationship with them. Just try to be an overall more pleasant person to be around, there's always something you can improve on this end, even if it's only to shower more regularly.
I've lived 13 years as a hikineet that way.
>> No. 35013 [Edit]
>be it so your only demand is to not work and not leave the house.

Those are enormous demands though, the biggest of all.

>Make it so these things don't seem like a lot to ask by keeping it to yourself, be nonintrusive, don't eat all the food in the house, occupy the least amount of space as possible literally and figuratively

In my experience, even when it was just living with someone else like sharing a flat, that never worked. The more I didn't show myself the more I get yelled or the more they complained about me.
For normal people not socializing in a daily basis mean they will think you have a personal problem with them and they will start to try finding every little thing so they can make an enormous drama of it. I'm also the kind of person that only knows to stay silent when yelled, I don't even have a "temper", and that can even make things worse, people start to think you are defying them or something like that and things can get worse. Being silent and reclusive is going to mean for most people that you're conflictive.
Maybe it's a cultural thing though, not saying what you say is inherently wrong, but my personal experience has been the complete opposite.
>> No. 35014 [Edit]
This guy, this fucking guy. I hate him.
>> No. 35015 [Edit]
>For normal people not socializing in a daily basis mean they will think you have a personal problem with them

I had to socialize with my parents in order to achieve the "being a pleasant person to be around" thing. In my case that was "fixing" the computer every other week, teaching them how to download crap on their phones, listen to the opinions they read on whatever trash news outlet they use. It was either doing those or having an unpleasant household to live in. I have a brother and he lived with us until his early 20s. He would have opinions about everything, argue with my dad about inane shit that doesn't even matter (turning dinner into a very unpleasant experience), he would complain about the food, constanly demanded what he wanted to eat even though he didn't pay for the groceries nor cooked the food nor washed the dishes, would complain about how bad the internet was even though he didn't paid for it and more. I'm sure there are many people out there who would benefit from my previous post, unfortunately maybe not you.

Your situation does seem different and of course you have to adjust to your particulars. On your case it seems you would need to make small talk to go by, but when fending for yourself out there you have to do that and worse. Even people on bucks have to go out and please their appointed civil servants in order to continue to get government money.

>Those are enormous demands though, the biggest of all.
Is it though? All an relatively healthy human needs to survive is a little food, a place to sleep and be warm, and a shower once in a while. My clothing is mostly a decade old and my computer (my only possession) is an old computer they were going to trash it. But that's coming from a middle class individual, my parents don't need my income to go by or anything like that and I know many families need every abled-body in the house to work just to pay rent. Thank heavens that's not the case for me.
>> No. 35016 [Edit]
I don't think it's who you think it is.
>> No. 35019 [Edit]

>On your case it seems you would need to make small talk to go by

My NEET years were long ago, I was talking about past experiences, sorry. Now I'm already too old for that shit, I just do it at work, for me doing things I don't like means I have to get paid for it or I don't do it. I don't want to spend my whole life doing certain things just because it's what's supposed to be done, I had enough of that. Outside work I only speak with my mother, nothing else.
Still, my past NEET life was a torture of being constantly remembered how much a leech I was and how useless was everything I could do, nothing could have made it better. Destroying the ego seems impossible to me, that's why I always thought I would certainly kill myself before going homeless. But maybe it's the right thing to do if you can, I guess you don't feel guilt and humiliation once you're done with that.

>Is it though?

It is when your sole presence makes everyone uncomfortable.
Just see >>35014
It's like magic.
>> No. 35020 [Edit]
> western societies like The US are not conformist most are individualistic
Do you not live in the US? It's extremely conformist here. We have a few groups you can conform to, but it's still very conformist. Left or right, red or blue, north or south, rap or rock, basketball or football, apple or android, it's an illusion of choice. It's all the same shit. People are hive minded wherever you go, they want to fit in with whatever group will have them.
>> No. 35021 [Edit]
>So then even you admit that 'Nobody outside Japan is a hikikomori' is wrong, all you are doing is arguing to what extend Japan has more of them, which I agree, Japan does have more I never questioned that.

Just because a person lives a similar life to a hikikomori it doesn't mean they actually are one there is a huge difference between people who actually suffer with the problem and people who call themselves hikikomori because they want to fit in and be apart of some kind of subculture/group two completely different types of people so yes nobody outside Japan is a real hikikomori.

>Again, it's a matter of degree, if an old man dresses up as a girl in the west he will still be looked at strangely and ostracised(though he could find a subculture that accepts him) and it's not like no old men do such things in Japan either, they do and likewise there are subcultures that accept them. It's not some black and white case of 'all westerners can do whatever they want with no social repercussions and no Japanese can ever do anything outside of the norm or they will be shot'. It's a matter of degree. Western societies are still conformative just in different ways(some of them more extreme than in the east) and to different extents.

I agree it is a matter of degree but you're comparing strict social rules high pressure and a strict work environment to crossdressing or being trans? those are two completely different topics and they do not match up at allyou are basically comparing apples to fucking oranges.
>> No. 35023 [Edit]
>Do you not live in the US? It's extremely conformist here. We have a few groups you can conform to, but it's still very conformist. Left or right, red or blue, north or south, rap or rock, basketball or football, apple or android, it's an illusion of choice. It's all the same shit. People are hive minded wherever you go, they want to fit in with whatever group will have them.

i have lived in The US my whole life maybe you should do a bit of research on how Japanese culture works you would realize Japan and America are both completely different. Western societies like The US are only conformist in small pocket amounts. The US is not a strict conformist culture where everyone is expected to be a white collar worker salaryman conformity and individualism are both different.
>> No. 35024 [Edit]

You're telling people who are trapped in a dangerous mental prison to just calm down bruh when it simply cannot be done refer to this post. >>35009 also i think you miss the point as to why hikis are hikis it is not about dependency i mean yeah that is apart of it but really it is about being trapped in a mental prison you feel like you cannot escape from these people are isolated psychologically socially and spaciously.
>> No. 35025 [Edit]
>"those guys must be a little weird but they must have jobs, and 3DPD, and friends, right?".

You know that is ironic considering this is a website targeted at social outcast yet those types of normalfag people do post here lol.
>> No. 35026 [Edit]
Hmm, I guess you better head to wizardchan then.
>> No. 35028 [Edit]
>too old
I was a hiki for extended periods of time in and out and neet until 31 but yeah I guess everything has a limit.

>It is when your sole presence makes everyone uncomfortable.
>Just see >>35014
>It's like magic.

Yeah wtf was that? Well the thread has been captured by ken-samas so it's pretty much just trash anyways, who cares. I wish you good luck though, whatever your situation is.
>> No. 35029 [Edit]
>Hmm, I guess you better head to wizardchan then.

Get the fuck out normalfag it literally says this on the rules page Tohno-chan is an anime-themed image board for NEETs, hikikomori, (true) otaku, and other social outcasts. Please take this into consideration when posting.
>> No. 35030 [Edit]
>I was a hiki for extended periods of time in and out and neet until 31 but yeah I guess everything has a limit.

>> No. 35031 [Edit]

>Get the fuck out normalfag it literally says this on the rules page Tohno-chan is an anime-themed image board for NEETs, hikikomori, (true) otaku, and other social outcasts. Please take this into consideration when posting.

You'd feel much more at home on wizardchan if you're unhappy with the users here.

Post edited on 17th May 2020, 6:19pm
>> No. 35032 [Edit]
>You'd feel much more at home on wizardchan if you're unhappy with the users here.

What is with the giant long space?? also Wizchan is people 30 and older which i am not i am not a middle aged old man virgin also tohno is a retard faggot saying stuff like this Tohno-chan is an anime-themed image board for NEETs, hikikomori, (true) otaku, and other social outcasts. Please take this into consideration when posting. while at the same time allowing normal people with normal lives who can function in society on here you guys are not social outcast being a non-conformist MGTOW introvert doesn't make you a social outcast a social outcast is someone who is excluded from social life or society in general someone like the quiet kid in class who gets bullied by the popular kids they want to be apart of that but they are excluded. and being insecure and depressed or socially inept doesn't make you a hikikomori, your situation may be bad but you have to descend way deeper in that rabbit hole to get there, and no, you don't want to. Nobody wants that crap. refer to this post. >>35009 The hikikomori way of life is extremely dangerous to ones mental health i highly doubt any of you sat in a single room for years peeing in bottles collecting trash not bathing not talking to anyone at all and having mommy leave a plate of food for you outside your room door while you sit around and do nothing all day in your bedroom hiding away that is truly hikikomori.
>> No. 35033 [Edit]

>What is with the giant long space??

What? You don't like my posting style?

>Wizchan is people 30 and older which i am not

Give it a try. You'd fit it nicely anyway.

>tohno is a retard faggot saying stuff like this Tohno-chan is an anime-themed image board for NEETs, hikikomori, (true) otaku, and other social outcasts. Please take this into consideration when posting. while at the same time allowing normal people with normal lives who can function in society on here you guys are not social outcast

What tohno wrote is vague and doesn't affect the board much. He can come in here and clarify if he feels like it. The people actually here and who make up the board culture matters more. If you dislike it, you should leave.
>> No. 35034 [Edit]
>What? You don't like my posting style?

Its shit and annoying.

>Give it a try. You'd fit it nicely anyway.

Fuck off normalfag.

>What tohno wrote is vague and doesn't affect the board much. He can come in here and clarify if he feels like it. The people actually here and who make up the board culture matters more. If you dislike it, you should leave.

So what you're saying is what he said doesn't matter look there wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't being a hypocrite and contradicting himself which he is doing also great job ignoring everything else i said you cherry picking dumbass.
>> No. 35035 [Edit]
I think he thinks you are somebody else who he has taken issue with before over the use of an extra space under a quote, so I guess now he is trying to parody him and fails to realise that it's a different person all together. Which is ironic given the reason he was taking an issue with it.
>> No. 35036 [Edit]

>Its shit and annoying.

This isn't 4chan you know.

>So what you're saying is what he said doesn't matter look there wouldn't be a problem if he wasn't being a hypocrite and contradicting himself which he is doing also great job ignoring everything else i said you cherry picking dumbass.

The problem is you. Here you go :
>> No. 35037 [Edit]
>I think he thinks you are somebody else who he has taken issue with before over the use of an extra space under a quote, so I guess now he is trying to parody him and fails to realise that it's a different person all together. Which is ironic given the reason he was taking an issue with it.

Weird i don't know why he feels the need to cry over spilled milk.
>> No. 35038 [Edit]
>fails to realise that it's a different person all together
You can multi-task.
>> No. 35039 [Edit]
>This isn't 4chan you know.

Well you sure are acting like you are from there.
>> No. 35040 [Edit]
>Well you sure are acting like you are from there.
Is that a problem? Conformity is bad and i'm unique. Who are you to say posting in one way or another is bad? If conformity is bad, people should just post in any way they feel like and we should all use trips to express how unique we are.
>> No. 35041 [Edit]
>Conformity is bad and i'm unique.

Shut the fuck up you're not special.
>> No. 35042 [Edit]
Oh, but you are? Of course you're special. You're different from everybody else here. You don't have to lurk and you don't have to even enjoy being here. You get to come and complain incessantly and express yourself in your very own special way because that's your special privilege.
>> No. 35043 [Edit]

I have been on here since 2015 also i never said i was special do not put words in my mouth.
>> No. 35044 [Edit]
Assuming it's just two people posting, you're both incredibly immature.
>> No. 35046 [Edit]
>> No. 35048 [Edit]

At least i have a point the other anon doesn't he is just being a stupid edgelord.
>> No. 35049 [Edit]
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That's enough.
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