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File 158785547199.jpg - (267.29KB , 1023x699 , 32367938327_0c0a0a194b_b.jpg )
34738 No. 34738 [Edit]
Why is whenever people compare Anime to cartoons normalfags always end up with something like "What about Disney?" or "Disney inspired Anime"?

Are they blind? look at this production cel of a feature Disney movie, even seasonal Anime has better production values overall, also did is the claim that Anime = Disney bullshit? Dinsey only inspired Osamu Tezuka to a dregree with fucking Bambi of all things, that cant account for all anime.
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>> No. 34778 [Edit]
Because they despise subtlety, nuance, and intricacy which is where beauty comes from. Subtlety and nuance means restrictions and boundaries, which they don't like and they don't understand is essential to creating something beautiful. Intricacy is hard work. What these artists want is to wildly scribble something on a page without troubling themself too much.

Post edited on 26th Apr 2020, 5:48pm
>> No. 34779 [Edit]
This is another thing to Blame Disney for, stuff like "identifiable silhouette" or "easily readable characters" are just justifications for being lazy or untalented.
>> No. 34780 [Edit]
>It's a real video
I mean at least the guy on it is consistent with his aesthetics, his haircut still has me laughing.
>> No. 34781 [Edit]
I don't know if I said this before, but the whole ideas that character design should in the most obvious, obtuse way possible display a character's personality is simplistic and childish. I'd even say it's insulting to people's intelligence. Making everything so obvious with little room for potential confusion is something that characterizes bad children's media. To think that would be a good design principle for characters with clear cleavage and skimpy clothes makes no sense.
>> No. 34782 [Edit]
When I used to post on 4chan I noticed a lot of people who seemed to watch/read something solely in order to collect wacky screenshots to share with each other. I noticed it especially with lolicon and trap threads consisting of very little discussion of what they thought about the media in question, instead they would just shitpost and share their funny screenshots. It strikes me as the equivalent of collecting rare pepes for the anime community.
>> No. 34783 [Edit]
Depending on the media, there might not be much that warrants actual discussion.
>> No. 34785 [Edit]
Thats what you get when you tell people they "can be anything they want" and "forget" to mention that behind real art lies exceptional talent (and superhuman effort).They try to butcher everything in little reproducible "scientific" methods ands procedures so its easy for bugmen to follow.But the result speaks for itself,empty and ugly.The reason cell animation used to look so good was because it was coated in tears,of men far more talented than your modern drones.Simple as that.
>> No. 34786 [Edit]
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I think the moment we started to displace the concept of art from the concepts of technique and crafts we fucked up. An artist should be someone with a set of really particular skills that require intensive training. Like in the middle ages, keeping the individual recognition aspect from modern times if you like, but never forgetting the technique.
>> No. 34787 [Edit]
Also that picture is highly depressing,but illustrates the issue.
And its not just the arts that have suffered;you can see the same thing in the sciences,too.I found a book recently called Bankrupting physics, you can find it on libgen, its more or less the same issues like your pic,but on the hard sciences.
At any rate,im just glad that the japs made enough media during their good years, so i have a backlog big enough for a few decades more.And it takes a big burden off me too,since i dont have to look anymore for new stuff coming out.Maybe except 2hu.
There is still some soul there.
>> No. 34788 [Edit]
Except well animated anime still comes out reguarly and plenty of older anime was done shoddily. The "Japs" are still in their "good years" by my yardstick. Don't know about yours. As for bankrupting physics:
>> No. 34790 [Edit]
ad hominems and nothing else
i have already read it
but its ok anon whatever you say
enjoy your modern "well animated" isekai and leave me alone in the past.Everything is going great after all.God forbid anyone dares to ask questions
>> No. 34791 [Edit]
Yeah yeah yeah, everything is isekai now or "moelove". Anime is shit now and ruined. Heard it a million times already everywhere else on the internet.

God forbid I want normalfags who blew in from another site recently and don't lurk to fuck off.
>> No. 34792 [Edit]
ok name (1) one good one from the last years
>> No. 34793 [Edit]
There are good old anime and good new anime, and there are bad old anime and bad new anime. The difference is that the crap from the past has been filtered out, leaving only the (mostly still crap) better anime. (These principles apply to whatever art.) Additionally, there is the issue of anime that are meaningful only in a small time of it's publication. The problem is clear when you're choosing what to watch:
Of all new anime you might watch, you get all new anime---the good and the bad, and the ugly. Of all old anime you might watch, you get only those we have preserved---the good (or niche).
>> No. 34794 [Edit]
i like moe btw and i enjoy some lighthearted series.
But that uniqueness of the old ones is gone.
>> No. 34796 [Edit]
I dont disagree with that
The thing is that among the many bad ones of the past,the few great ones that came out far surpassed what would be labeled the best today.
At any rate its pretty clear where you stand so i dont think there is any point continuing.Ive heard the same arguments a million times already
>> No. 34797 [Edit]
Tatami Galaxy, Parastye, anything based on One, Ping Pong the Animation, Pyscho Pass, to name a few. That's not including strict comedies. If that's not recent enough for you, I don't pay attention to whatever is currently airing, I just look for whatever interests me and has already finished.
>> No. 34800 [Edit]
I hate how westerners discovering a term for a specific subgenre or element of anime inevitably leads into them blaming them for ruining anime. It's tiresome.
>> No. 34801 [Edit]
Its a symptom of a larger issue,not a cause.
Listening to the same excuses,now thats tiresome
>> No. 34802 [Edit]
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I know what you mean. It seems anime has been ruined since the 90's and it wasn't ruined before because there wasn't western fans to point it out.
>> No. 34803 [Edit]
This post is especially funny to me because Omoide Poroporo was only 3 years old at the time yet he considers it part of some bygone golden age.
>> No. 34804 [Edit]
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In those years people didn't even know what was released in japan every season so they mostly had a distorted view from the little that was published in the west.
See pic related how in 1995 someone blames Sailor Moon for Wings of Honneamise lack of success or whatever nonsense (also because blaming 1987's Akira wouldn't sound cool at all).
>> No. 34807 [Edit]
Wtf guys?!Thanks for these posts!
You finally made me realize that japanese animation is better than ever!
I was worrying over nothing!
Brb i ll go download the latest series(dubed ofc) so i can enjoy what i was missing.

>> No. 34808 [Edit]
>especially funny to me because Omoide Poroporo was only 3 years old at the time yet he considers it part of some bygone golden age.
Reminding, when were lamenting Kon Satosi's permanent disproductivity, methought old his œuvre. Having consumed, my of his heyday being early '90s impressate continued. Whatever shall temps withstand shall affect semiïgnorants as should had it yet.
>> No. 34811 [Edit]
My attempt at an english translation:
Reminds me of when we were mourning Satoshi Kon's death. At the time, since I watched his popular early '90s work, I thought everything he worked on is old. Whatever stands the test of time will leave an impression on somewhat ignorant people as it should have already done.
>> No. 34812 [Edit]
>> No. 34816 [Edit]
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Delusional people are worst kind of people there is, when they say Anime are cartoons it sounds like people saying races don't exist. Or saying that grounded meat is the same as Filet Mignon
>> No. 34834 [Edit]
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Stop whining about Disney, you jealous little bitch! Disney is fucking badass! Just LOOK at how accomplished they are! Has anything you were involved in ever blasted off like that?

Remember the original X-men cartoon series from the 90s? Well, guess what, that's retroactively a Disney title now!

And BTW, it's unbelievably pathetic how Pravda is constantly picking on Marvel, whining up and down about how "woke" they are, particularly with tumblr-pandering, yet they never even bother to note what a prodigeous entertainment imperium it is! And the same thing is even repeated for Star Wars, yet Pravda, or Rolling Tankies or Rubble Tube or whatever they call themselves today won't even touch that!

But anyway, that thing was amazing. Everyone was crystal clear on that. That show even made me realize how much I crave to kill this worthless exocorporal cancer of mine that others would call my mother, who is acts exactly like Omega Red, albeit a whole lot more pitiful. Although I never would, because I never could harm her enough to make it worth it. What other series, be it anime or otherwise, has enlightened any of you to such a deep intense level?
>> No. 34840 [Edit]
Are you being sarcastic?
>> No. 34842 [Edit]
Hell no, that old X-men cartoon was indeed damn great! Don't know about their Clone Wars cartoon and all the other tons of stuff they have, but it IS such a fucking monumentally impressive arsenal. Talk about insollence to Disney, you don't even see anyone giving them props for the fiercest fucking empire ever ... okay, probably not that exceptionally fierce technically overall, I mean, I'm sure whichever one Time Warner is part of, for example, is similarly prodigeous.

Although I did idiotically misspell Rouble Tube. And yet they don't care how badass they are, yet they obsess over them. Freaks!!!

But yes, I'm serious, although I would love to hack that bitch to bits, I really, seriously, absolutely would never do it. The curent viral extravaganza has massively underscored how puny and pathetic such little efforts are. Though it may be hard to understand how anyone could resist dousing a creature like Omega Red in acid ... or alternatively, as this thread makes clear, some people may be biased against believing how crystal-clearly, brilliantly on-the-ball the piece of shit that is Omega Red is.
>> No. 34843 [Edit]
>you don't even see anyone giving them props for the fiercest fucking empire ever
Because nothing about any of that is a good thing. Jesus...
>> No. 34852 [Edit]
Okay, that is just seriously retarded.

It's "not good", so it shouldn't be appreciated? So it's an excuse for people, who BTW just constantly go out of their way to talk about intensely "not good" things in the first place, to fucking fail to do their job, because it would be unpleasant for them or something?

And it's okay for idiots hysterically afraid of tumblr to cry over and over if stuff's unabashedly all part of the same slick, slick game, just making a splash in multiple adjacent corners?

No wonder people are incapable of observing how badass Disney is if they have it spelled out to them and just blatantly resolve to not take note of it.
>> No. 34853 [Edit]
Please take your medication and lay off the meth.
>> No. 34855 [Edit]
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Meth doesn't make Disney's Goliathan might go away. Cupping your ears and bellowing lalalalalala does not change the fact that they're like a demolition superhero taking pretentious little excuses for companies who think they're hot shit and sweeping them away like dominoes!

Do explain that to me, how can people be so stupid as to just cry like babies that Disney is doing something they don't like? It's so fucking clear cut, Disney gets to do what they want because they're a superpower.
>> No. 34856 [Edit]
We all perfectly understand that Disney is shit. This is an entire thread talking about it. But talking like a slightly-below average intelligence schizophrenic gets you nowhere in convincing anybody of that.
Instead, please get your mind out of the perpetual high it is in, and focus on talking like you're not trying to pretend you're shouting in a room full of dissenters on a fairly unactive imageboard. It makes you sound like some 60 year old who has only the faintest idea how computers work and has no idea how to properly transmit his thoughts using it.
>> No. 34857 [Edit]
You're getting it totally wrong. We have to prepare a blood sacrifice to appease the mighty Disney gods so they don't buy out every anime studio and force them to produce endless star wars and cape shit movies.
>> No. 34858 [Edit]
I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to buy ghibli. It seems like a logical move.
>> No. 34859 [Edit]
Ahhhhhh, finally someone's getting it!!
>> No. 34860 [Edit]
I've seen a lot of nutsjobs on tc over the years but holy shit...
>> No. 34861 [Edit]
Is he a nutjob because he's exceeded the human threshold of sarcasm, or is he a nutjob because he really loves Disney?
>> No. 34863 [Edit]
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There's a difference between love, and admiring a corporation's massive, throbbing capital.

Post edited on 30th Apr 2020, 4:15pm
>> No. 34864 [Edit]
Just stop. We can come up with enough arguments against Disney by ourselves without slipping into incoherence.
>> No. 35121 [Edit]
Monopoly is bad, ok?
>> No. 35130 [Edit]
But there is a very solid point to that gripe though, and it squarely contradicts that. RT sure does bend over backwards to call out whatever substantially bad things about the US.

So if monopolies are so bad, you'd think they'd be gettin blasted for them, eh?
>> No. 35133 [Edit]
That's not a solid point, that's just being ignorant to the amount of power these corporations hold over legal entities. And no, that's not a good thing, No single person or group should have too much power, power corrupts.
>> No. 35134 [Edit]
And just why are you so fussy about them having a virtual citadel-warehouse of garbage to offer you, or better put, a phone book sized menu of garbage to offer you? Do you need to cry about being oppressed by someone having power over a phone book sized menu of garbage?
>> No. 35300 [Edit]
I think it's simply due to a difference in goals and aims. The Japanese seem to desire to take the real world and polish it into something as beautiful as possible whereas the west wants to take the world and exaggerate it and parody it as much as possible to the point it becomes grotesque. Body types are a good example of this, an anime body is usually drawn in a way that would work and be attractive in real life or at least would very nearly work, but western art exaggerates it to the point where it would not work and would be disgusting, indeed it's disgusting even as art.
>> No. 35301 [Edit]
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I think there's great western art, just see the french who sometimes were greatly appreciated by the japanese. So it has to be something else;
Maybe it's because animated art it's depreciated in the west, maybe it's an american thing or maybe it's a thing related to our days of cultural decadence. Personally I don't understand most modern cartoon aesthetics, like how all CG movies use the same generic, ugly style. Maybe we're just degenerating.
>> No. 35302 [Edit]
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I asked my parents once what they thought about animation and why animation can't have more adult themes. Their response was to keep insisting that animation inherently had less "weight" to it and they can't take it seriously or feel immersed in what they're watching unless it's live action. When I asked how come Japanese people can make and appreciate more mature animation, my mom said it was an aberration and that it's because they're "children at heart".

Post edited on 13th Jun 2020, 6:02am
>> No. 35312 [Edit]
Today you wouldn't hear that too often about animation, but still similar things about particular genres, countries, or entire media like videogames.
I think it all can be resumed in "old dog doesn't learn new tricks" with some inherent racism.
Also what you said made me remember of the old "how you can fap to that? it's just a cartoon".
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