No. 34842
Hell no, that old X-men cartoon was indeed damn great! Don't know about their Clone Wars cartoon and all the other tons of stuff they have, but it IS such a fucking monumentally impressive arsenal. Talk about insollence to Disney, you don't even see anyone giving them props for the fiercest fucking empire ever ... okay, probably not that exceptionally fierce technically overall, I mean, I'm sure whichever one Time Warner is part of, for example, is similarly prodigeous.
Although I did idiotically misspell Rouble Tube. And yet they don't care how badass they are, yet they obsess over them. Freaks!!!
But yes, I'm serious, although I would love to hack that bitch to bits, I really, seriously, absolutely would never do it. The curent viral extravaganza has massively underscored how puny and pathetic such little efforts are. Though it may be hard to understand how anyone could resist dousing a creature like Omega Red in acid ... or alternatively, as this thread makes clear, some people may be biased against believing how crystal-clearly, brilliantly on-the-ball the piece of shit that is Omega Red is.