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File 158758959016.jpg - (36.84KB , 633x640 , Burn tan.jpg )
34658 No. 34658 [Edit]
I find that I'm far more interested in the prototypes for stories, games, and characters than I am in the final product. There's just always something, some element of a prototype that stands out to me as being more raw and interesting than its final, polished form. Characters that are toned down and made softer, designs that are widened and modernized to eliminate the influence of older popular fashion, music that has the original hard edges replaced with some sort of smoothing beat. Every final product just feels so watered down, as if products have to be more bland to be palatable to the average person. Does anyone else feel this way?
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>> No. 34663 [Edit]
No, not really. Prototypes can be interesting, but less being more really is true. Products with no revision process are shit a lot of the time. Getting rid of the death eraser from Death Note's pilot manga or making the art look not shit are improvements to me. If the final product is mediocre, the production doesn't interest me at all either.
>> No. 34736 [Edit]
File 158784503422.jpg - (305.02KB , 1920x1080 , 斑鳩7e93857572f884a718aaf17d39d2e5cb3ef8a8b5.jpg )
Then it might interest you that the prototypes for the 1st and 2nd gen Pokemon games were recently leaked:
>> No. 34737 [Edit]
That does interest me, I like especially the older pokemon games.
>> No. 34744 [Edit]
If you're into worldbuilding definitely read Ursula K Le Guin's Always Coming Home.
>> No. 36496 [Edit]
When it comes to Anime, one of the critiques I always see is that the stories often start off with an interesting premise but, for some reason, the writers fail in execution. Perhaps the reason why you're often more drawn to the prototype is because the prototype is legitimately more interesting than the final product.
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