No. 36617
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Yanderes. A girl so devoted to the extent of violent obsession is not only romantic, but it helps me believe that the yandere herself isn't some whore who switches between guys at the same speed as her heartrate. The violent obsession is an exciting kind of romantic. I don't know of any character like this, but a yandere school shooter girl would be my favorite. A guilty pleasure of mine is the works of Aosore's JC-chan. That's how I feel yanderes should be at minimum, punishing infractions with violence. The appeal of a cute girl spilling someone else's blood is very strong, especially if it's deserved. One of my favorite things about yanderes is when their eyes glow in the dark. Few things, for me, communicate so effectively the danger and insanity they hold. Blood and dead bodies spilled everywhere like a pressurized ketchup bottle someone accidentally stepped on obviously communicates it well and probably more clearly than anything else a yandere could do but glowing eyes communicates it so cleanly, so effectively. If you see a girl's eyes glow in the dark, you know something is off about her. At that point she doesn't need the knife, the blood, the victims, or anything else, all you need is the eyes. Not to mention, the intimidation is very enticing.
I would like dere-deres but I don't think I would trust them very much and I can't think of many examples I've seen in anime.