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36417 No. 36417 [Edit]
How many of you have read through some of TC's archives to any degree? What were your favorite board's archives to read through? What were your favorite posts? Did you ever feel tempted to make a thread that one of them covered from years ago because you wanted to see what modern TC's users thought compared to back then, because you wanted more discussion, or any other reason? And for the question I want to ask most: what did you think about the Tohno-chan of that time? Please share anything and everything you think about it, I would love to read it all.
I've read many archived posts from /mai/ and /ot/. Sometimes I go back and read them again when I'm bored and more than enough time has passed for me to forget what I read. One thing I find myself not forgetting is the impression I get from earlier posts. While I prefer not to normally state my opinions in the OP as they relate to the topic, I sometimes feel like older Tohno-chan was more fun and friendly. People could funpost and nobody had a problem with it and questions had more variety. Somehow I can feel less restraint from the topics and content of those old posts. It's like anons back then were always happy to be away from the shit that was taking over the internet at the time but they weren't on-edge about it following them here. I suppose that just comes with the general environment the internet had. It's a little sad to imagine that nobody back then knew how bad things would get but it's reassuring to know they could enjoy themselves back in those dreamlike days.
As I progress from the very early posts to one that came much later I feel like depression really started to set in for many anons. Be it because their lives got progressively worse, they couldn't ignore the pain anymore, or because the more upbeat members left and negative ones took their places, I don't know. Regardless of the reason, it's sad to watch the general mood change over time to something I always considered unsavory and was never fond of in Tohno-chan even in the best of times. Maybe it was always like this and it would be clearly spelled out for me if I decided to read the /so/ archives, which I won't do because /so/ is already poison for the soul, I don't need more of that, but I can't help but remember the general loss of humor and what humor remained becoming darker over time. Sure, some of the happier posts were short and silly, contributing little to nothing. But I can't help but feel like such posts have their place in a board and might be a little necessary, especially for a place filled with depressed people who could probably use some fun and joy, even if it's just a little bit.
Tempted as I may be to apologize for having rambled about my own opinion, I probably won't. I want to share my views, even if I get screamed at over it for one reason or another. That's all that happens in modern internet anyway regardless of the site. Besides, I would have really liked to be there in TC's younger more optimistic days that I see.

Post edited on 24th Oct 2020, 2:40am
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>> No. 36418 [Edit]
>How many of you have read through some of TC's archives to any degree?
I have not, but the changes you describe are ones that I think are common across imageboards. They track with my experiences of them, at least. I agree with your sentiments here.
>> No. 36420 [Edit]
I'm ashamed of being a newfag, I've been here for only a few years. I was just thinking if this general pesimistic or depressing view it's a thing from here, or we're just reflecting the spirit of this era. Also noticed how I don't take any satisfaction into thinking my life is shit and I actually like to think is quite nice. As opposed as TC, getting older just have made it better. So I somehow feel like an optimistic in a sea of pesimism, but at the same time almost everyone I ever knew has told me how an absolute pesimist I'm, and that makes me really confused.
>> No. 36422 [Edit]
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I've read some archived threads here and there. The impression I've got is that things have improved. In the past, the no 3d picture rule wasn't around(at least at certain times). There was also way more active tripfrags. In older threads, their posts or references to them and their drama on tc or the irc are quite prevalent.

/fb/ has a thread from a while back back mentioning that there's too many posts about gender politics. I can't imagine that kind of thing being here now. On tc and other imageboards, there was a lot of talk about tc being a complete ghost town. Now, on an average day there's at least five posts, which is good in my book. As for pessimism, I think there was plenty of it around then too. I prefer pessimism to humor. Humor masks people's thoughts and intentions while pessimism reveals them. When people are humorous, I feel more distant from them.

>I'm ashamed of being a newfag
You shouldn't be. It defeats the purpose of anonymity. Sombody on /so/ recently tried using oldfag cred and they showed why it really doesn't matter.
>I am still the same guy I was back almost 20 years ago. I remember wasting so many hours back in 2006-10 on imageboards. The earliest thing I remember was the Hal Turner raids

Post edited on 24th Oct 2020, 7:52am
>> No. 36423 [Edit]
I always find it funny when people use oldfag cred on any imageboard as an excuse for some sense of superiority. As for TC I agree in many ways it's improved. Sure it was more friendly and carefree at first, but after a rough and awkward transition time I think things are pretty peaceful now. It's not often we see much drama anymore.
>> No. 36425 [Edit]
We could all start posting on /lol/ more.
>> No. 36426 [Edit]
Fuck newfags and newfag apologists.
>> No. 36427 [Edit]
I've only been around for a few years now, but I chose to stick around entirely because of the archives dating back so far, so I got a good amount of enjoyment out of reading those. I think that shift towards negativity is just a sign of the times.
>> No. 36428 [Edit]
You say that like you were never one yourself.
>> No. 36429 [Edit]
No, stop. Don't take away anon's only source of the social clout he desperately craves.
>> No. 36430 [Edit]
Eh, I'll take the oldfags over the newfags if it's all the same to you.
>> No. 36431 [Edit]
> I sometimes feel like older Tohno-chan was more fun and friendly
Yes I felt that too. When browsing archived /an/ threads for old anime, it honestly feels a bit closer to the current incarnation of 4chan /a/'s board that it does to modern TC's /an/, with shorter comments and more reaction-based content. I think you're right in that the shift towards more serious posts is just a natural reaction to the fact that every other forum for discussion has been taken over by the funposting brigade.
>> No. 36432 [Edit]
>I sometimes feel like older Tohno-chan was more fun and friendly
It depends. Outside of /so/ (and even in that board) and some of /ot/, the atmosphere has been lighter than years past this year.
>> No. 36433 [Edit]
>the general mood change over time to something I always considered unsavory and was never fond of in Tohno-chan even in the best of times.
Oh this complaint makes me so mad. I've had enough of it in the real life.
Always having to pretend everything is alright because the happier, more successful people hate it when some wet blanket is cramping their style by being sad and unsightly somewhere in the corner of the room.
>> No. 36434 [Edit]
I think there's a bit more to it than that.
Negative attitudes can be infectious, depressed people might drag others down with them to have some company. Likewise, sometimes acting happy and keeping a positive attitude can have a lasting effect on an unhappy person.
>> No. 36435 [Edit]
I don't come here to fill the role of someones therapist.
>> No. 36437 [Edit]
>spelled out for me if I decided to read the /so/ archives
/so/ has never really struck me as a particularly "depressing" board. Yes it's certainly not all smiles and optimism, but that doesn't mean it's an endless gloom pit either. What's discussed there feels raw and human, and above all most of the posts are of a constructive nature – rather than falling into the pit of wallowing in self-despair as other such places have fallen prey to. Even if you don't usually take to the "ronery" atmosphere, given the presence of topics such as the "random memories" one (kudos to the OP to who created that; I've enjoyed the momentary glimpses into others' lives), maybe you could instead view it as encompassing something like "saudade."
>> No. 36440 [Edit]
File 160363213349.jpg - (1.27MB , 2010x2763 , 72572896_p0.jpg )
>How many of you have read through some of TC's archives to any degree?
I've read just a little.
>What were your favorite board's archives to read through? What were your favorite posts?
I haven't read that much, so nothing really stands out that much, most of what I've read was /ot/ and /ma/.
>Did you ever feel tempted to make a thread that one of them covered from years ago because you wanted to see what modern TC's users thought compared to back then, because you wanted more discussion, or any other reason?
I'm the one who made the Prison School thread on /ma/. I just made to talk about it, nothing more. The manga wasn't concluded at the time, so the threads are different.
Personally, I don't see much point in reading the archives like that, I am pleased with the website as it is, and I believe even now there's a dreamlike quality to it, no matter how nightmarish things may seem at the moment, some years from now I think most users will look back to this era and also remember it fondly. Most users from the dreamlike past, didn't felt dreamlike at the time, it will be time that will show to us the happiness we could not perceive.
Oh, and tell Maki to stop smoking and get some rest.
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