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File 158803522747.jpg - (244.15KB , 850x1200 , 26.jpg )
34815 No. 34815 [Edit]
What do you think about webtoons as a format? They apparently originated in Korea, but some Japanese artists have picked it up and it seems to be gaining traction(at least for porn). Good, bad? Has anybody seen any interesting ones?
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>> No. 34817 [Edit]
If this is the one I think it is, MC picked worst girl.
>> No. 34818 [Edit]
Are you thinking of Traditional Job of Washing Girls' Body?
>> No. 34819 [Edit]
I am indeed, but I don't remember the blonde girl in the OP. So either this is another work by the same author, or she makes an appearance later in the story.
>> No. 34820 [Edit]
It's chapter 22.
>> No. 35996 [Edit]
File 160086238686.jpg - (893.31KB , 4000x2255 , zm.jpg )
Isn't it just comics but for a mobile screen rather than a page?
>> No. 35998 [Edit]
I'm pretty sure they're published online first, not necessarily for smart phones, but smart phone use is part of what popularized them. While they are distributed in the same way as "webcomics", in practice they're closer to manga /manhwa than that shit.
>> No. 36000 [Edit]
Some of the mangakaka I follow release chapters/bonuses on Twitter. Does that count?

I don't follow many, but I am annoyed by how many are uploaded onto the panda, often with poor, almost machine-tier translation.
>> No. 36005 [Edit]
I hate Korean webtoons because I don't like the big single page format they use. Web manga is not really the same.
>> No. 36010 [Edit]
File 160088684677.png - (494.86KB , 650x1092 , UQFX9913.png )
Is that darjeeling?
>> No. 36011 [Edit]
I tried to enjoy some Korean webtoons, but the art isn't anything special (and doesn't seem to vary across different artists), and the stories don't appeal to me. Maybe one has to do some digging to find the good stuff.
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