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36786 No. 36786 [Edit]
Bun is kill, so I hope it's cool to post this here. Delete it if not.
The internet's favourite poll is here to finish off another year!

The rules if you are unfamiliar with them:
- One girl per show max
- No repeat entries from previous years
- Cutest girl wins

Vote here:
>> No. 36789 [Edit]
Doesn't this just end up being a proxy for a popularity poll? Also the form doesn't seem to do IP deduping (did not try submitting twice to verify though).
>> No. 36790 [Edit]
Having three votes means people are more encouraged to choose a lesser known flat girl that they liked that year, even if they do just pick the fotm.
>> No. 36791 [Edit]
>Also the form doesn't seem to do IP deduping (did not try submitting twice to verify though).
It should now, there was a problem with eating votes that seems to be fixed now(?)
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