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File 165716762042.jpg - (1.77MB , 1920x2694 , 3efd39dfa25ac7b9a5ec2cd238ed6c95.jpg )
36320 No. 36320 [Edit]
Episode 1 has come out.
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>> No. 36322 [Edit]
File 165720744536.gif - (3.72MB , 480x480 , 1624881850408.gif )
One minute in and we already got rape and torture. And a few minutes after Riko is noisily taking a shit. This starts very strong.
>> No. 36323 [Edit]
File 165720807390.jpg - (2.91MB , 2300x2516 , 3df97fdd09d9710965476fd30bc0595a.jpg )
Agreed. Don't forget the vomiting from sea sickness. MIA has a kind of honesty and earnestness to it I really appreciate.
>> No. 36340 [Edit]
File 165842253857.png - (3.24MB , 1920x1080 , ep 3 title card.png )
Episode 3 was pretty interesting. The writer's interpretation of "lose of humanity" is somewhat unique.
>> No. 36373 [Edit]
File 165925341731.png - (1.49MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Made in Abyss - Retsujitsu no Ougonky.png )
Might be stupid but I only read the manga up until the village because I didn't want to spoil myself the experience of watching the anime adaptation. I've been waiting patiently...

Really enjoying it so far, even though the new songs aren't as great as S1 I can't wait for what's to come. Faputa is awesome!!
>> No. 36374 [Edit]
File 165928289630.jpg - (112.85KB , 456x684 , a0d198f3433329d86ad0d95e2c7b731d.jpg )
>I've been waiting patiently...
That must have taken a lot of strength of will for someone who's already started the manga...
>> No. 36376 [Edit]
File 165959791314.png - (2.46MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Made in Abyss - Retsujitsu no Ougonky.png )
Suffering ahead.

I feel for Nanachi, the thing that grips you about MiA is that it treads the path between complete despair and heart-warming hope so well.

I'm not liking the CGI for Belaf and Majikaji (and they go from drawn to CGI in a few shots) but hopefully they'll fix it if there's a movie compilation in the future like they did for the previous season. It's likely a cost saving thing.
>> No. 36378 [Edit]
>if there's a movie compilation
I haven't watched those. They seem redundant. Few weeks ago, I rewatched the show from the beginning.
>> No. 36379 [Edit]
The animation and pacing is slight better in the movies, however they do remove a few scenes iirc in particular one where Ozen fights that spider. I like the movies a lot personally. Obviously the 3rd movie is required watching because it's the continuation of S1.
>> No. 36380 [Edit]
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>> No. 36443 [Edit]
File 166086207032.png - (2.33MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Made in Abyss - Retsujitsu no Ougonky.png )
Irumyuui is too pure for that world. She doesn't deserve all that suffering, just like Mitty and Prushka. Seeing little girls suffering is just so sad. But why can't I stop watching?

The VAs did a great job this episode, I can't wait for the next one as always.
>> No. 36444 [Edit]
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>> No. 36445 [Edit]
I like how they foreshadowed this with him eating insects to ward off disease.
>> No. 36470 [Edit]
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Faputa is a neat character. Feral types are rarely this prominent in a story.
>> No. 36478 [Edit]
File 166215551529.png - (1.37MB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Made in Abyss - Retsujitsu no Ougonky.png )
Her VA has been amazing and she really powered up this last episode. I love it when she ends her sentences with "sosu", so cute.
>> No. 36480 [Edit]
She played Irumyuui too. Nice range.
>> No. 36552 [Edit]
File 166458396656.jpg - (435.15KB , 2048x1850 , 77794147f35206aaf5a4ea6233d7a35b.jpg )
And so it ends. It'll be looooong time till season 3, if that happens.
>> No. 36564 [Edit]
File 166494274661.jpg - (1.30MB , 1778x2500 , ataruman_faputa.jpg )
All in all, I found this season weaker than S1 and the movie. They spent too much time at the village compared to the real adventure and all the layers they went through in S1. I know what's coming after this is more interesting and they had to go through this part of the manga but still kinda on the weak side compared to the other masterpieces.

Faputa's VA totally stole the show and the ending was bittersweet. Now the wait begins for the next season (or movie?).
>> No. 36565 [Edit]
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It is very different. Season 1 went through a few of the layers too quickly, like layer 3(the great fault).

So while season 1 was more about adventure, this season was kind of like a drama. I agree that the former is more interesting than the latter. I enjoyed it nonetheless.
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