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File 166052889697.jpg - (282.63KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Lycoris Recoil - 01 (1080p) [E9D36F13.jpg )
36427 No. 36427 [Edit]
Seems this one's leading the seasonal popularity contest so far. Anyone here on board with it so far?
Expand all images
>> No. 36428 [Edit]
Yes, I briefly commented on it at >>36425 and >>36393

I like it so far, and at this point the plot and agencies involved are pretty clear, it's mainly a question of which way the ending is going to go (tragic or not). That said I wouldn't say it's particularly groundbreaking or revolutionary for its genre, but it's fun to watch. I can see why it's popular, there's enough in there ("mysterious" plot drip-revealed, yuri-tease, SoL antics, action scenes) that most people will find something to catch their interest.

Post edited on 14th Aug 2022, 7:11pm
>> No. 36429 [Edit]
File 166053079399.jpg - (148.01KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Lycoris Recoil - 01 (1080p) [E9D36F13.jpg )
If nothing else, it sure looks nice.
>> No. 36430 [Edit]
File 166053251765.png - (911.46KB , 1280x720 , Lycoris Recoil - S01E07_mkv-[00_00_16_934].png )
I wish I had their skill.
>> No. 36432 [Edit]
I don't know why they complained about Chisato's drawing, it seemed pretty spot-on to me. How many green-haired people could there be in the city?

The detail on Chisato's expressions is a nice. Whatever she does, it's always full of emotion.
>> No. 36433 [Edit]
File 166057894959.jpg - (197.09KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Lycoris Recoil - 01 (1080p) [E9D36F13.jpg )
No kidding.
>> No. 36453 [Edit]
Ep 8 Spoiler:

Interesting, looks like the majime arc might have a bait and switch. Alan institute was trying to get Majime to kill Chisato, but seems like Majime probably won't end up being the villain at all; rather given their interaction maybe they'll end up working together to expose Alan institute.

What happened at the end when they hooked up the electrodes to her heart and seemingly fried it? Alan institute guy didn't want Chisato "harmed", but the actions seem to contradict that so I'm guessing she's not dead (also on the principle that there's still 4 episodes left so either Takina gets there in time to prevent irreversible damage, or it ends up leaving her disabled - possibly no longer able to dodge bullets).

>> No. 36464 [Edit]
File 166171866239.jpg - (43.76KB , 1055x594 , SubsPlease_Lycoris_Recoil_-_04_720p_E08B5EE4_mkv_s.jpg )
There's something fishy going on here...
>> No. 36465 [Edit]
Takina reminds me of Adachi in her awkwardness. Come to think of it, most yuri shows seem to involve a pairing of a genki girl + a shy awkward one: adachi/shimamura, Yuu/Toukou, Shamiko/Momo. I guess it's a trope in the genre at this point.
>> No. 36491 [Edit]
File 166254680397.jpg - (13.76KB , 474x197 , bmtg (1).jpg )
Do NOT lewd.
>> No. 36518 [Edit]
File 16634327868.jpg - (165.98KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Lycoris Recoil - 06 (1080p) [F5E3291C.jpg )
I'd ask why the city streets are so empty at night in this anime, but it's obviously so the plot can happen. Feels like a lazy way of dealing with issues like witnesses, local police, ect
Even at hours like 3am it's hard to imagine things being this empty.
>> No. 36520 [Edit]
It depends on the city I guess. If it's a non-hub city without any places open after midnight, it might be reasonable. Alternatively maybe they just imposed a curfew and the citizens go along with it.
>> No. 36521 [Edit]
In the setting they've already shown they can clear entire blocks and areas quickly and efficiently.
>> No. 36524 [Edit]
File 166343655218.jpg - (185.91KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Lycoris Recoil - 05 (1080p) [D11DF1FC.jpg )
The world doesn't just shut down at 10pm. There's always people driving around. Either for construction, service work(such as janitorial), deliveries, going to and from late jobs, emergencies, long trips, or other random reasons neither of us could guess. curfews tend to make exceptions for people who are driving for work related reasons.
But lets just say for the sake of argument, there is a curfew that makes 100% of all people stay inside (and somehow doesn't screw up the local infrastructure harder than covid in the process).
That then makes the girl from this scene that much more retarded than she already is.

This girl's grand master plan was to follow a target (who's wearing sunglasses at night for some reason)for about a mile while staying three feet away and looking to the side the whole time to not be suspicious(lol seriously?), then gun the target down in the middle of an street intersection (yeah that'd be easy to cover up). Because there's no people on the street for some reason, that'd make her stand out like a neon sign, but if you add a curfew into the mix, that just makes her that much 'more' suspect. The whole point of the school uniform is to make them blend in (so maybe they should use a normal looking school uniform????) but a school girl walking around an empty city at night (past curfew)... that doesn't exactly blend in.
(And if there's no cars or people on the street, how the hell did she not hear or see the one coming at her? Nissan gtr aren't exactly silent cars.)

It then makes no sense for Chisato to go on a casual stroll after dark in the next ep if there's a curfew in the following ep.
>> No. 36525 [Edit]
File 166343683815.jpg - (131.06KB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Yeah no, he's fucking dead. Did the director watch BlackWidow before this scene?
>> No. 36540 [Edit]
File 166414760759.jpg - (781.73KB , 3840x2160 , [NC-Raws] Lycoris Recoil - 12 (B-Global 3840x2160 .jpg )
Aesculapis: Greek god of medicine

I guess you can forgive the javascript code since she's probably writing this on the spot. In the background you can see the obj-c stacktrace from a few episodes back I mentioned in a previous post.

Post edited on 25th Sep 2022, 4:24pm
>> No. 36542 [Edit]
Also now that the series is over, what did you think?

The ending felt a bit anticlimactic and unsatisfying to me. I never found the whole Yoshi/Alan Institute character arc that compelling in the first place, yet that's what the bulk of the ending focused on and even then they didn't flesh out any motives to make this believable. On the other hand, the arc that _was_ quite interesting, Majimas attempt to expose the DA and the question of whether a "forced peace" is worth keeping never ended up being resolved conclusively since we're back at square one. Chisato/Takina's friendship was highlighted satisfactorily I suppose, but the payoff here doesn't seem in magnitude with what was at stake.
>> No. 36551 [Edit]
>> No. 36557 [Edit]
File 166467010391.jpg - (274.50KB , 733x1000 , apanz (1).jpg )
No surprise that it's the #1 on the month of the blue-ray release.
>> No. 36558 [Edit]
I can't deny that the character design and visuals are great, but at least to me the massive hype seems a bit unwarranted considering the story ultimately doesn't feel very novel, it reminded me a lot of Release the Spyce. Then again I suppose that it's "familiarity" (in the sense of not being too unorthodox) is a major component of its popularity, since truly unorthodox shows are often polarizing and fall by the wayside
>> No. 36559 [Edit]
>the character design and visuals are great,
Yeah that's pretty much it. It mostly just looks nice. Has a nice concept behind it too, but has a lot of wasted potential and bad writing on top of that. There's stuff to like, such as close quarters gun fights that feel straight out of john wick, but then they have the same problem a lot anime does where they sprinkle on a heavy coat of stupid crap that ignores physics, doesn't make sense, or doesn't work that way because "it looks cool". Like a guy getting into a car as it violently explodes, and instead of being killed he simply gets flung to the side.
>> No. 36598 [Edit]
John Wick did this and manage to get four movies out of it...
>> No. 36683 [Edit]
Got around to finishing this. While the art and animation is nice, the writing could have used a lot of work. It's packed full of really dumb things that don't make sense, or don't work like that. Decent overall but nothing ground breaking.
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