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File 166308386374.jpg - (275.80KB , 850x580 , sample_363bc833b4bdc1562e3b33ab58cf1e5e.jpg )
36511 No. 36511 [Edit]
anime like noir,please?
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>> No. 36512 [Edit]
File 166309015067.jpg - (31.98KB , 327x450 , 20840l[1].jpg )
One of my favorite anime!

My first recommendations are of course the rest of the Bee Train "Girls with Guns" trilogy, Madlax and El Cazador de la Bruja. Avenger and Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom are two more Bee Train shows that are similar. Gunslinger Girl is also really similar.
>> No. 36514 [Edit]
just finished it, its a sad ending unfortunately
>> No. 36519 [Edit]
Have you tried Madlax?
>> No. 36523 [Edit]
File 166343577488.jpg - (653.72KB , 1556x2197 , MV5BZDdiMDM3ZjUtYTFhNS00NDY3LWEzZTMtNzQxOGIyMWU3Nj.jpg )
Jormungand is pretty good too although I haven't gotten around to finishing it yet
>> No. 36536 [Edit]
Have you tried Black Lagoon?
>> No. 37368 [Edit]
Wanna try Jormungand (ヨルムンガンド, Yorumungando) ?
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