No. 27547
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i suppose that's a philosophical difference of opinion. i'm a little more attuned to discussing my anime with others who do not mind 3d.
it's not a feminist rant (like a lot of anime fans, im an embittered man disgusted with the current cultural trends pushed by the far left). im no fan of fat, ugly women, i just prefer full, adult, female bodies to loli girls. you know, there are anime fans who prefer adult bodies to flat chested children. i've got nothing against lolis, CGDCT comprises the majority of my diet, im just not sexually attracted to these children.
i get your point about the "u mad bro" trolling, but i really didn't intend my post to come across that way. i should have toned down my language, it did come across as mean. i own the fact that it was inappropriate and apologize for it.
sorry, i didn't mean do derail the thread, in future i will post to /fb.
also, thanks for banning me faggot. i'll post my complaints for getting banned a second time (for this post) in the right place.