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File 147644060965.png - (787.04KB , 1280x738 , anime butt.png )
27148 No. 27148 [Edit]
flip fappers is good
the colors
holy fuck
Expand all images
>> No. 27153 [Edit]
Dippin dots made an anime?
>> No. 27180 [Edit]
File 147682541689.jpg - (63.97KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 01 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
First ep was pretty interesting. Not sure what to make of it so far. It's very whimsical and is clearly trying to be 'fun', whatever the hell that is. Reminds me a bit of something like Alice in wonderland. That ending sure makes it clear they're going for a modern fairy tail sort of story.
>> No. 27181 [Edit]
File 147682553742.jpg - (87.18KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 01 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Village of the damned called, they want their creepy kids back.
>> No. 27209 [Edit]
It's like OP was trying to make a haiku, but failed miserably.
>> No. 27211 [Edit]
File 147712935229.jpg - (81.93KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 01 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
I have no flapping clue what I'm watching here.
>> No. 27228 [Edit]
File 147726233661.jpg - (127.77KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 02 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
This anime is really something else.
>> No. 27229 [Edit]
File 147729447567.jpg - (97.94KB , 1280x720 , [GJM-DDY] Flip Flappers - 03 [56215287]_mkv_snapsh.jpg )
>> No. 27241 [Edit]
you are watching the best anime of the season desu
>> No. 27260 [Edit]
This is already anime of the season for me, and it could be a contender for the yearly title if doesn't drop the ball.
However, I think it really could go down a path that doesn't appeal to me, both Kokona and Papkia seem poised to have a tragic past revealed; one lives alone with her aged grandmother, and the other is some kind of animal who lives in a fantasy dimension.
I really don't want this to become some kind of grimdark anime with a pastel finish. So far it has been fantastic, I hope it remains a Through the Looking Glass style surreal adventure with some darker imagery flitting at the edges.
>> No. 27262 [Edit]
Only watched the first episode so far but it's a but directionless to me. Like how people orgasm over 'Nichijou' but it wasn't anything special to me.
Not saying I want forced drama.
>> No. 27266 [Edit]
File 14778688117.jpg - (105.91KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 03 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Might just be me but ep3 was giving me some heavy KLK vibes.

>I really don't want this to become some kind of grimdark anime with a pastel finish.
Same. I can easily see it going in that direction and I'd drop it like a ton of bricks the second that it does.
>> No. 27268 [Edit]
Japs do Alice in Wonderland way better than the eurofags do
>> No. 27269 [Edit]
They really do.
>> No. 27287 [Edit]
This was probably the best episode yet, they nailed the horror vibe really well, it was unsettling without losing sight of the overall tone of the series.
I grinned like an idiot when they dropped into the OP with 'goukigenyo'.
>> No. 27301 [Edit]
File 147831906537.jpg - (149.03KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 04 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Gotta love what she's done with the place.
>> No. 27304 [Edit]
File 147834226524.png - (635.07KB , 1280x738 , flip flaping2016-11-03-23h23m28s012.png )
those transformations are pretty magical
>> No. 27312 [Edit]
>It's like OP was trying to make a haiku, but failed miserably.

In general, haiku poetry includes some sort of temporal reference, without which it lacks the necessary sensitivity to ephemera もののあわれ or whatever the fuck you want to call it, so its not really much like what you posted at all. Its more like you have the type of very thin understanding of haiku and disdain for japanese culture in which is generally considered to be characteristic of posters from lesser websites
>> No. 27385 [Edit]
File 147909124573.jpg - (66.29KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 05 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
"Come and play with us, Danny …for ever, and ever, and ever."
>> No. 27393 [Edit]
File 147921203088.jpg - (105.42KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 05 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
I wonder if we'll ever get another season of Maria-sama.
>> No. 27395 [Edit]
File 14793526715.jpg - (138.67KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 05 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Here's a crazy idea cunt, how about you stop being so fucking vague and just explain the situation to her?
Of course she's not gonna hand the thing over if you don't tell her what the thing is.
>> No. 27401 [Edit]
She probably doesn't know what it really is either.
>> No. 27415 [Edit]
File 147972091997.jpg - (112.04KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 06 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
It's seeming more and more likely with each ep.
>> No. 27428 [Edit]
File 147988126631.jpg - (677.56KB , 1876x741 , ffgoed.jpg )
anime hell
>> No. 27440 [Edit]
File 14800764059.jpg - (162.74KB , 1280x720 , mpv-shot0009.jpg )
The ice has thawed.
>> No. 27445 [Edit]
File 148013316418.png - (353.45KB , 694x424 , anime screencap2016-11-25-00h39m53s027.png )
quality ep
>> No. 27490 [Edit]
File 14813382978.jpg - (73.81KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 08 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
That was... pretty dang rad.
>> No. 27512 [Edit]
File 14817969031.png - (1.02MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2016-12-15-02h13m39s350.png )
juvenile flapper
>> No. 27539 [Edit]
File 148223127917.png - (847.13KB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2016-12-20-02h51m36s213.png )
naked ball pit loli
>> No. 27540 [Edit]
File 148224686914.jpg - (95.20KB , 1200x675 , CzvlD-lXAAAKm1b.jpg )
Well, this is becoming The End of Akiragelion.
I don't like it, but it's the only way everything would make sense.
>> No. 27579 [Edit]
File 148282299616.jpg - (86.79KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 11 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
I initially wrote Yayaka off as an unlikeable cunt, but she's turned out alright. Probably my favorite character now.
>> No. 27580 [Edit]
I'm still confused by her lack of twin tails. Are they invisible or something?
>> No. 27583 [Edit]
File 148284368798.jpg - (128.52KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Flip Flappers - 12 [720p]_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Who needs acid when you got a milf like that?
>> No. 27597 [Edit]
File 148322879922.jpg - (152.57KB , 1280x720 , far out man.jpg )
The fuck did I just watch?
>> No. 27625 [Edit]
I like how there's a silhouette of a giant mushroom in center frame. Really says a lot about this anime.
>> No. 27627 [Edit]
File 14835286345.png - (1.01MB , 1280x738 , anime screencap2017-01-04-02h53m44s558.png )
psychedelic service
>> No. 27632 [Edit]
that it's fun and interesting?
>> No. 27633 [Edit]
That's one way of putting it, sure.
>> No. 27666 [Edit]
Watched the second episode and I 'get it', enjoying it.
The first episode focused too much on world exposition, where the world has no story/lore and is more a visual spectacle.

>Might just be me but ep3 was giving me some heavy KLK vibes.
I got it as well; my thinking was a more general 'Trigger Studio feel'.
>> No. 27669 [Edit]
it's definitely influenced by Trigger works. studio 3hz is relatively unknown, i think flip flappers is the only thing they've worked on but i like the 'vibe' a lot. i predict/hope we'll see a lot more of these klk-esque anime in the coming years.

take no game no life which was basically klk by madhouse.

anime should always strive to be visually confrontational/appealing.
>> No. 33677 [Edit]
I <3 the OP
>> No. 33680 [Edit]
File 157324099349.jpg - (1.99MB , 3388x1906 , 1529597900379.jpg )
There's a very nice AMV that uses the full-length OP to retell an abridged version of the story:

The amount of effort put into this show overall is breathtaking. It's a treat to watch, and you don't necessarily have to care about the underlying themes or motifs to enjoy it.
>> No. 35802 [Edit]
File 162570957345.png - (881.71KB , 700x988 , 32ccd2479c95394d5d37470a6fc20099.png )
>it's a show that I strongly believe was designed for the viewer to engage with
I didn't see a reason to look deeper into it since I didn't enjoy my initial experience enough to want to. Intentionally making an anime where the viewer is supposed to get most of their enjoyment from it by researching its themes, puts the entire point of anime and storytelling as a whole into question.
>relationship with her mother
The one she never knew and had no conception of? I didn't get to this before, but the whole, bad guy hypnotizes good guy, good guy's friends try to snap them out of it and fail, good guys try again with the power of friendship/love or whatever and succeed this time thing, really annoyed me. It was one the most bothersome, predictable parts of flifla.
>the beauty of flip flappers comes from the way it interweaves all these three layers together
>for a show wholly centered around the notion of perception and the subjective nature of experience, should it really be any other way?
Have you seen Paprika or Perfect Blue? I think those do similar things better. The movie format is generally better for this kind of thing in my opinion since we don't expect to get too attached to characters. More emphasis can be placed on themes for themes sake since it's a low dosage. SEL though did it better too since it was tighter, more focused, and managed to have more chemistry between Alice and Lain.

>she gains that self of identity and independence
I know that's what the show said practically point blank. They basically tacked that on at the end after her friends break her out of hypnosis(if she were really more independent, wouldn't she not need them to save her?). I didn't feel it over the course of the series though. She was also still just as boring by the end.
>this is one I can't really see
I worded it confusingly. They were "good friends" in that they liked each other a lot, but they weren't GOOD friends in a writing sense. I don't know why they liked each other. I didn't see them gradually grow to like each other and how that happened. I didn't feel their connection.
>it's a show about refactored perception and an exploration of the psyche
Then it should have been about people plugging their minds into a machine that lets them see their psyche. That's basically what Paprika did. Pretending it's about another dimension, evil organizations, and poor attempts at romance(?) are a needless distraction.
>> No. 35803 [Edit]
> after her friends break her out of hypnosis
If I recall correctly, it wasn't actually "hypnosis" it was just that Cocona was physically trapped in that tree thing, representative of the fact that she was still mentally trapped by her dependence on her mother. To quote from the doc

> One day she leaves her comfort zone, opens up to another girl, and goes on an adventure with her. However, what dwells deep within Cocona is her lost relationship with her mother. Cocona, afraid of failure, runs away back into her mother’s care, but she realizes that her new relationships aren’t something she can - or wants to - give up, and that her friends aren’t letting her go that easily either. She accepts who she is and becomes her own person.

And in particular in that scene we see that even though Papika herself is the motivator, it is Cocona who ultimately has to accept and unlock the tree herself.

There's also beautiful symmetry here since in the very next episode we get a flashback that shows that very tree thing is where Papika was trapped after Mimi disappeared and fragmented pure illusion – the meaning here is less clear, but I interpreted this is as the fact that Papika was ridden with guilt (since as I recall it was her idea to escape). And this time it was Cocona who helped Papika overcome that.

>bad guy hypnotizes good guy, good guy's friends try to snap them out of it
Except in this case, it _has_ to be Papika and Yayaka that help Cocona defeat Mimi. On a psychological level Cocona only overcomes her issues with the help of _both_ Papika nad Yayaka, and so it is only right that the two team up with Cocona to finally overthrow Mimi (the symbolic interpretation of this should be obvious).

And more generally, pure illusion is by definition symbolic. You can't separate the two, and everything that happens in pure illusion must be interpreted through that lens since pure illusion is the very dream-like subconscious.

>Then it should have been about people plugging their minds into a machine that lets them see their psyche
But that's what every episode basically was? Every episode we journey into a pure illusion which gives us a glimpse of each character's mind. In this sense, we learn about the characters not through the characters themselves but through their pure illusions. Again, the fact that this entire story unfolds in pure illusion highlights the fact that symbolic interpretation is not only integral but perhaps even more important than the literal aspect here.
>> No. 35804 [Edit]
>her dependence on her mother
Who she never even knew. What dependence could you have for a person you never even met? A deep-seeded longing for her mother isn't very well-established either.
>it wasn't actually "hypnosis"
She acted hypnotized and not aware of her surroundings, so for all intents and purposes, she was hypnotized.
>the symbolic interpretation of this should be obvious
Yeah, it's the power of love and friendship. This theme conflicts with "becoming your own person" a bit. Sure "she must go out of the tree herself", but she doesn't think to do it on her own. She might as well be swapping her mother for her friends and gay lover.
>But that's what every episode basically was?
The in universe explanation is that Pure Illusion is another dimension that actually exists. This is a misdirection. All of the magical girl, collecting rocks just because stuff was also a needless distraction. A straight forward "here's a neural meguffin, lets use it and see what happens" set-up, would have served better.
>everything that happens in pure illusion must be interpreted through that lens
Unless I'm back in english class and getting a grade, I want to enjoy my stories first, then look at them with an uber-deep, symbolic lens.

Post edited on 7th Jul 2021, 10:10pm
>> No. 35888 [Edit]
I was reminded of Pure Illusion when I came across the works of Neville Goddard. He was in the camp of those who believe that reality can be influenced by thoughts. (This idea is also found in certain magick communities, and is presumably the basis for things like manifestation/law of attraction). The idea that reality is a sort of canvas we all influence (whether we consciously realize it or not), that things change fluidly and regularly without our noticing, and that the gaps are filled in by our collective logic feels like a very direct, literal representation of the idea of pure illusion.

Of course a natural question is to what extent is this true. Putting aside the question of free will for a moment, we have control over our own thoughts and feelings (and this can be strengthened through things like meditation) so it's true in that limited sense. And we can of course influence the world through our actions, and deeply desiring a situation will make you more observant/likely to act so as to establish that situation so it's true in that limited sense. And things like the placebo effect show that mere (unconscious) intention itself is sufficient to effect some change within the realm of your body. I think anything stronger than that is wishful thinking at best, delusional fantasy at worst; but ironically fully committing to that on both a conscious and unconscious level might make it more likely for you to act on things you wouldn't have acted on before.
>> No. 37376 [Edit]
Why do you think the show was titled "flip flappers." As a reminder, the organization in the show is also called FlipFlap. I've thought about a lot of aspects of the show, but never considered the title, and I'm drawing blanks here.

Just laying out the dictionary definition
>with repeated strokes and noise
>the repeated sound and motion of something loose that is moved by recurrent impulses
I feel the second definition makes some sense here. There's a sense of repetition, periodicity, also a sense of freedom (the imagery of wings is associated). But at the same time that periodic motion is comprised of two parts, the "flip" and the "flap" (akin to the "tick" + "tock" clock imagery we see in the show a few times). And the fact that these two are dual to each other is probably analogous to Papika/Cocona's relationship.
>> No. 37377 [Edit]
For fun I asked chatgpt to pontificate on possible reasons. Here's what it spat out:

>Wordplay and Fun: The title "Flip Flappers" has a playful and catchy quality to it, which could reflect the whimsical and imaginative nature of the series. It might be intended to draw viewers in with its memorable and unique name.

>Transformation and Change: Throughout the series, the two main characters, Cocona and Papika, often undergo transformations and change appearances when entering different worlds within "Pure Illusion." The term "flip" can imply a sudden change or transformation, and "flap" can suggest movement or travel. This could symbolize the central theme of personal growth, self-discovery, and the ever-changing nature of the girls' adventures.

>Symbolism: The title may also be symbolic of the girls' journey to discover their true selves. "Flip" could symbolize turning one's life around or making important decisions, while "flap" could represent the wings of change and the freedom to explore new possibilities. The series features themes of self-discovery, emotional turbulence, and the transition from childhood to adulthood so the title might symbolize the ups and downs, twists and turns, and constant changes that young people experience during this period of their lives.

>Mystery and Intrigue: The title might be intentionally cryptic, sparking curiosity in potential viewers. It doesn't immediately reveal the premise of the show, encouraging people to explore it to find out more.

>Duality and Contrast: The title "Flip Flappers" could suggest a sense of duality or contrast, which is a recurring theme in the series. Cocona and Papika have contrasting personalities and backgrounds, and they often find themselves in contrasting and surreal worlds within "Pure Illusion." The title may reflect the idea of opposites coming together and complementing each other.

Fair enough, I think that about covers possible reasons.
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