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File 165073419476.jpg - (111.11KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 01 (720p) [8FA646CF]_m.jpg )
36114 No. 36114 [Edit]
If you're not already watching this, you should really fix that.
Expand all images
>> No. 36118 [Edit]
File 165076495331.jpg - (121.81KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 01 (720p) [8FA646CF]_m.jpg )
Someone who stares at a faulty break peddle and ignores the road really has no business driving people around for a living.
>> No. 36122 [Edit]
File 165083120717.jpg - (83.49KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 02 (720p) [30F48507]_m.jpg )
I thought you needed a special jig to open these type of coins?
>> No. 36124 [Edit]
File 165083410822.png - (737.64KB , 480x810 , unknown-115.png )
>> No. 36126 [Edit]
File 165084182553.jpg - (60.64KB , 1054x594 , SubsPlease_Spy_x_Family_-_03_720p_4A7F98BD_mkv_sna.jpg )
Can I just say, it's really refreshing to see an anime with actual adults as the main focus. Sometimes it seems like 95% of anime these days is centered around school age kids. Even in isekai I doubt the characters are ever over 20.
>> No. 36129 [Edit]
File 165090027513.png - (726.19KB , 1366x768 , Screenshot_2022-04-25_17-23-43.png )
You made me start watching this, and I'm really entertained.
>> No. 36130 [Edit]
That sounds crazy, but people really do spout insane shit like that all the time.
>> No. 36133 [Edit]
File 165103277934.jpg - (107.70KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Spy x Family - 03 (720p) [4A7F98BD]_m.jpg )
Does she never take her ear rings off or something?
>> No. 36134 [Edit]
Surely not. It's a hidden weapon.
>> No. 36135 [Edit]
That's what I'm guessing too.
>> No. 36144 [Edit]
File 165151280123.jpg - (215.98KB , 700x688 , FRrDLjYVkAE5AqM.jpg )
>> No. 36168 [Edit]
>> No. 36211 [Edit]
File 165335067485.png - (742.34KB , 608x707 , Screenshot 2022-05-23 at 18-02-47 anya - Imgur.png )
Anya is literally neurodivergent and a minor
>> No. 36482 [Edit]
File 166217949934.jpg - (312.24KB , 850x1134 , aaaaaa.jpg )
Next season soon....
>> No. 36533 [Edit]
>> No. 36553 [Edit]
File 166459753392.jpg - (239.80KB , 850x1248 , bpanz (1).jpg )
How closely is the anime adaption following the manga?
>> No. 36554 [Edit]
fairly closely, I'd say. Its always hard to replicate the mangaka's personal tone of a manga but the show does a good job. really good anime and really good series

but, my main criticism of this show would have to be not enough romance between loid and yor. 68 chapters and they have made zero progress. all it does it make me support fiona
>> No. 36841 [Edit]
File 167091577632.jpg - (64.09KB , 1074x604 , ASW_Spy_x_Family_-_23_1080p_HEVC2583F9B2_mkv_snaps.jpg )
Somehow I was completely unaware until now that there was a second season airing. What the hell...
>> No. 37000 [Edit]
File 167470516784.jpg - (139.58KB , 722x1024 , 12.jpg )
Buddy Daddies ~ a copycat anime?
Buddy Daddies or バディ・ダディズ is an original Japanese anime television series animated by P.A. Works and produced by Aniplex & Nitroplus.
A better title would be Baddie Daddies.
>> No. 37046 [Edit]
File 167697442888.jpg - (128.57KB , 845x1200 , VX.jpg )
Spy x Family has a musical planned XD
>> No. 37050 [Edit]
*Anya is autistic and a loli
FTFY, stop using tumblr lingo, kudasai
>> No. 37051 [Edit]
It has been a long time since I've heard someone even mention tumblr...
>> No. 37052 [Edit]
Is 4chan lingo really any better? Autistic (and adhd) must be among the most overused words.
>> No. 37053 [Edit]
Yes, because it's irreverent of current social norms, while tumblr lingo is like current social norms on steroids.
>> No. 37287 [Edit]
File 16882827956.jpg - (604.72KB , 1448x2048 , 20230701.jpg )
When's the movie coming out?
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