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File 147590546365.jpg - (127.77KB , 1280x720 , [Primrose] ViVid Strike - 01v2 (1280x720 x264 AAC).jpg )
27089 No. 27089 [Edit]
How the hell do you go from being a mahou shoujo anime to being an anime about lolis training in martial arts?
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>> No. 27105 [Edit]
I'm no expert, but I imagine the show doesn't have "mahou shoujo" in the title for that reason.
>> No. 31338 [Edit]
Tomboys the brawler anime
>> No. 31372 [Edit]
File 152868498951.jpg - (28.38KB , 350x473 , 20180618.jpg )
Where's Makoto from Capcom?
>> No. 31377 [Edit]
File 15287431548.jpg - (44.60KB , 384x383 , 605002381.jpg )
How the hell do you go from an eroge to a mahou shoujo anime?
>> No. 31380 [Edit]
Training. Haha.
>> No. 31414 [Edit]
File 152983339149.jpg - (66.22KB , 500x283 , mm128_card01a.jpg )
Where's Subaru Nakajima?
>> No. 31420 [Edit]
File 15302389778.png - (304.47KB , 673x589 , 1392171276279.png )

Well, they do have a strong ninja background.


leaking oil in the scrapyard.
>> No. 31460 [Edit]
How the hell do you go from a side-character to a spin-off anime that's more popular than the game?
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