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File 151625072236.jpg - (118.63KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 01 [720p]_m.jpg )
30430 No. 30430 [Edit]
Are you Triggered yet?
29 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 30527 [Edit]
File 151687960884.jpg - (151.77KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 02 [720p]_m.jpg )
Who the heck thought anime eyes on the mecha looked good? It's like Hero Man all over again.
>> No. 30528 [Edit]
File 151687973719.jpg - (68.12KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 02 [720p]_m.jpg )
Same person who thought high heels on a mecha was a good idea.
>> No. 30529 [Edit]
It's very reminiscent of Super Robot, I like it
>> No. 30533 [Edit]
Somewhere some engineers were tasked with the job of creating weapons to defend the last desperate remnants of humanity from a relentless and powerful enemy. One can assume they have knowledge of all of humanity's greatest technology and weapons of war from the past. Attack helicopters and battle tanks, fighter jets and bombers, guided missiles, attack drones, rail guns, and nukes. So what do they create? High heeled wrestling robots with anime faces controlled by kids pretending to have sex.

...maybe they deserve to get wiped out.
>> No. 30721 [Edit]
File 151778499988.jpg - (129.46KB , 1920x1080 , IMG_20180204_175509.jpg )
Good girl
>> No. 30725 [Edit]
File 151778842822.jpg - (87.23KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 04 [720p]_m.jpg )
What's the point of keeping her at gunpoint? They want her alive right?
>> No. 30726 [Edit]
File 151778904121.jpg - (89.79KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 04 [720p]_m.jpg )
I know right?
>> No. 30741 [Edit]
Cute smile.
>> No. 30748 [Edit]
I mean ideally.
You could asspull that they're tranquilizer guns.
>> No. 30750 [Edit]
At first that's what I thought, but then she grabbed one and used it to shoot through a glass wall.
>> No. 30767 [Edit]
Hi-penetrating tranq guns?
>> No. 30768 [Edit]
That would penetrate a person, then.
>> No. 30796 [Edit]
File 151839452934.jpg - (85.95KB , 1280x720 , _HorribleSubs__Darling_in_the_FranXX_-_05__720p__m.jpg )
They sure love re-using this totally not eva inspired shot, don't they?
>> No. 30806 [Edit]
But unlike both of those, I don't hate the characters. So that's progress.
>> No. 30860 [Edit]
File 151900505661.jpg - (36.29KB , 1280x720 , _HorribleSubs__Darling_in_the_FranXX_-_06__720p__m.jpg )
>> No. 30951 [Edit]
File 152021072659.jpg - (147.85KB , 1920x1080 , _HorribleSubs__Darling_in_the_FranXX_-_07__1080p__.jpg )
This fucking guy...
>> No. 30956 [Edit]
I'm curious if he knew where the conversation was going and was purposefully trying to change the subject, or if he's just that fucking retarded.
>> No. 30961 [Edit]
I assume he's not a retard and is trying to have a pleasant time without having to reciprocate her feelings like she wants him too.
>> No. 30986 [Edit]
File 152082698515.jpg - (101.55KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 08 [720p]_m.jpg )
Why jump to the conclusion they all died when it's more reasonable to assume they became adults and moved on, which is what they've been hoping would happen to themselves since forever.
>> No. 30988 [Edit]
Probably because the room was sealed off. That made it fishy.
>> No. 31014 [Edit]
File 152134158745.jpg - (183.65KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 08 [720p]_m.jpg )
Let me get something straight here. The women so far have been forced to sit in humiliating poses in skin tight outfits with their asses waving in the face of male pilots without complaint. They're okay with these sexually suggestive positions and seem completely used to it, the guys too for that matter. But as soon as they show a bit of skin and the guys don't say anything, that's where they literally draw the line?
>> No. 31044 [Edit]
File 152202596563.jpg - (129.34KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 09 [720p]_m.jpg )
They do this, but they wont give the kids names?
>> No. 31050 [Edit]
Animals don't give names to each other, but they can still feel the sense of reward.
>> No. 31051 [Edit]
You consider their leaders to be animals too then?
>> No. 31148 [Edit]

Did someone say Triggered?
>> No. 31170 [Edit]
File 152433795857.png - (615.72KB , 750x1029 , 89ae8de3cbd958f71271e23d5f99327d.png )
>> No. 31182 [Edit]
File 152445667389.jpg - (128.00KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 14 [720p]_m.jpg )
I crammed in a few ep of this today to try and get up to date, and I still don't get the hate for ichigo. Is it because she's trying to break up what's obviously a toxic relationship? A massive whore that runs through men like nothing shows up one day to snatch up the guy she likes and she's supposed to just let it happen? This whore's clearly violent and unstable, and is literally killing this guy, and fans hate Ichigo for what, trying to stop this? Am I missing something here? What the fuck?
>> No. 31195 [Edit]
I'm not watching this until it finishes airing, but from what I've gathered this is the old case of "Red Flag Defense" in which people rally behind the most popular character because or despite them being portrayed as an absolutely disgustingly behaved individual. Naturally the "best girl" will have its counterpart, which is to be hated unconditionally by these apparently vapid people.
>> No. 31199 [Edit]
File 152495436133.jpg - (101.20KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 14 [720p]_m.jpg )
> despite them being portrayed as an absolutely disgustingly behaved individual
There seem to be a number of factors at play which makes me understand why someone might be on team 02. Not to get too much into spoilers here but she has a fucked up back story that can make a person feel sorry for her. I also assume people like her because she's wild crazy and "fun", compared to the other more boring and average characters.
I don't think any of that excuses any of her behavior. From the very start it's established she's dangerous and kills all of her partners one after another. She's arrogant and treats the rest of the team like they're beneath her and even beats them all up at one point. 02 is plainly psychopathic but I doubt horny 15 year old boys watching this can see past "dat ass" enough care. That's what I feel this boils down to. They don't know what toxic relationships are and can't see or understand that Ichigo has Hiro's best interests at heart. Up until ep14 02 only saw Hiro as a plaything, something to suck the life out of and discard once it's no longer useful. She even said as much while calling him fodder.
>> No. 31200 [Edit]
I have yet to watch a Trigger made anime, and from the way this looks that will be continuing for a while longer.
>> No. 31201 [Edit]
Little witch wasn't bad. It was like a moe harry potter.
>> No. 31202 [Edit]
File 152496238979.jpg - (143.11KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 11 [720p]_m.jpg )
All this hate for Ichigo, and no one cares about fatty's feelings.
>> No. 31203 [Edit]
It's no secret that Jappies hate the fatties.
>> No. 31204 [Edit]
True. Guy tried his hardest for her, but not at lunch time.
>> No. 31301 [Edit]
File 152729560182.jpg - (111.74KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 16 [720p]_m.jpg )
Have these guys ever fallen out of the chairs?
>> No. 31302 [Edit]
I'm more curious how they even get in them or why they're arranged like that.
>> No. 31306 [Edit]
With some difficulty I'd imagine.
>> No. 31312 [Edit]
Would you recommend this show to someone who has lost faith in modern anime for the most part and hated Kiznaiver (one of Trigger's previous works)? I haven't seen any episodes yet but it seems to take a lot of inspiration from psychological mecha shows of the past like Eva and if done right I can imagine it could be fun but I have also seen a lot of criticism from people online, even those who are normally willing to defend anything.
>> No. 31313 [Edit]
If you're not on the ride and seeking faith in anime, wait for the ending and the opinion on the series after that.

Also, by all indications, this isn't as much a Trigger anime as it is an A-1/Cloverworks anime with Trigger sprinkling.
>> No. 31314 [Edit]
>I have also seen a lot of criticism from people online, even those who are normally willing to defend anything.
I don't want to get too much into spoilers, but the themes presenting themselves in the anime where it's at now are apparently considered offensive to some of the more deranged sjw types in the west. If people are getting offended by the messages this show is trying to get across, they're: A insane, B too stupid to understand anime is made -for japan- and tackles Japanese issues and they give zero fucks about American's retarded SJW bullshit, or C all of the above.
Meanwhile people were creating a shitfest a few weeks back while hating on one of the characters because they're too stupid to understand her motivation.
Then there were people who hated this show when it first came about because of the love it or hate it mecha designs and very controversial cockpit designs, on top of an extremely uninspired cliche first ep which I myself hated as well.
>like Eva
Well like eva it does deal with and explore teens in puberty struggling to understand their emotions and place in the world and so on. That much is tackled much better in eva, however that shouldn't be too surprising.
>> No. 31315 [Edit]
>Also, by all indications, this isn't as much a Trigger anime as it is an A-1/Cloverworks anime with Trigger sprinkling.
I despise A-1 so that is useful information.
>the themes presenting themselves in the anime where it's at now are apparently considered offensive to some of the more deranged sjw types in the west
That sounds very interesting. I only know so far that the mecha piloting in the show is supposed to be a methaphor for sex which sounded like something that SJW types would love since they are so oversexualised and obsessed with stuff like gender. Based your statement I can imagine this means that the show is about how sex at a young age negatively affects the mental health of teenagers which does sound like something they would hate.
I may be completely wrong on this but I actualy thought that Trigger was interested in catering to western SJWs, with one of the head directors saying he watches Steven Universe and the LWA tv show having certain themes that hinted at it like an episode about an artist being "cyberbullied" by trolls on an imageboard, vague implications of a nationalist conflict and almost all (human) males being portrayed as evil while women are in contrast the saviours of the planet.

Sorry about getting all political but those were just some observations of mine. I honestly don't mind spoilers because with shows like these I often have a better idea of if the entire thing will be worth my time if I knew more indepth what happens in it.
>> No. 31316 [Edit]
File 152763859068.jpg - (124.00KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )

Based your statement I can imagine this means that the show is about how sex at a young age negatively affects the mental health of teenagers which does sound like something they would hate.

Nah, see you're thinking of this from the mind frame of someone in the west with western problems on your mind. It's closer to the complete opposite. You've got to remember japan is having problems with birth rates and getting people to do the deed and form families and all that stuff. The messages here are more about how reproduction is natural, why we have genders, and how humans much like all animals have survived as long as they have by doing it. This is something that can and is being considered offensive by homosexuals, "gender fluid", and "non-binary" wack jobs in the west, many of who will never reproduce because of their life choices.
>> No. 31321 [Edit]
Even if that is the message of the show, the idea that Japan is having trouble with its birth rate is retarded. It may be so that there are not enough Japanese people being born to support the economy, but for the most part it would be a good thing if birthrates dropped. They're having trouble even finding space for building new houses, families of five people are forced to live in apartements that in the west would be made for one person. If the birthrate would increase even more then Japan would have an overpopulation issue as major as that of China.
Homosexuals and genderfreaks are also a western issue. It's not that men in Japan refuse to have children because they are all faggots, it's just that they are intelligent enough to understand that marriage in the modern age is a scam that ruins the lives of men and rewards women for divorce. There's also the fact that most Japanese companies force their employees to overwork making it so that even people who want to have children can't because they don't even have time to come home, let alone time for finding a potential partner.
>> No. 31326 [Edit]
It's okay. I'm not following it as much as I am watching it when I have nothing else I want to do. It's watchable but I'll probably just rewatch some classic mecha instead of this in most cases. It's quite generic and leans a bit hard on the obvious sexual tones while for me, I really love a good bit of genuine teamwork be it hot blooded or not and the chemistry isn't there with the way they've done it despite having the great opportunity of multicrew, especially when you compare it to some of the great multicrew elements in something like Eureka Seven which had problems but the team felt a lot more cohesive and didn't need to lean on cockpit poses. I can put up with a lot of mediocre for good mechanical design too, but the designs for me were a definite miss.

That's this guy's perspective anyway. Your mileage may vary.
>> No. 31360 [Edit]
File 152842565186.jpg - (103.93KB , 1280x720 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
They have an ep about the reason for genders, their rolls, marriage, and old fashion reproduction that pisses off all the nutjobs in the west... Then the next ep hits and a character comes out the closet. These guys...
>> No. 31363 [Edit]
Maybe they just don't care about the Western political standard.
>> No. 31368 [Edit]
They really don't, I just think it's funny.
>> No. 31465 [Edit]
File 153171078427.jpg - (180.45KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Darling in the FranXX - 23 [720p]_m.jpg )
This show ended up taking an, interesting, direction..
>> No. 31466 [Edit]
Are you sure that what it has taken is a direction?
>> No. 31467 [Edit]
If you're saying the anime felt like it was lacking in direction, you're not exactly wrong.
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