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File 152565844962.jpg - (905.06KB , 1920x1080 , [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080.jpg )
31227 No. 31227 [Edit]
It's nowhere near as good as First or Second, but it isn't terrible enough to not bother with.

The Movie series covers the Gears of Destiny storyline whose characters end up being reconned into other Nanoha works.

I firmly believe the director should be shot, lots of shitty decisions in what gets cut and where to make everything fit into a movie format, as well as an absolutely shit structure for the movie in general. I would honestly recommend waiting for Reflection Movie 2, and then watching them both.

It's a 2-part movie in the same sense that a show separated by a commercial break is 2 separate episodes. It was a likely 3 hour movie that was cut in the middle and called two movies. Introducing 4 new characters in the final 10 minutes was retarded.

The transformation scenes meet expectations, everything else is rushed to some extent. Where First and Second had a small number of very well executed fights that last several minutes, this movie had a large number of rushed fights that last a minute or less, and the story was rushed to such an extent that all that remains is a series of references for those who know the story to catch for the .5-2 seconds they are on screen. I doubt the part 2 of Refelctions will change much with the story part, but hopefully the fights will come close to the standards Movie First and Second set.
>> No. 31228 [Edit]
That's disappointing to hear. I was interested in seeing more of the nanoha before she got old and had that adopted lesbian love child. I didin't much care that much for the last movie because I thought there was nothing wrong with As, and it didn't need a slightly more condensed and bigger budget retelling. This on the otherhand not being based on a tv series gave the impression we could expect something fresh and free of the restraints from a made for tv story. fuck. Guess it's back to more loli fighting tournaments and revenge fueled gang rape.
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