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File 130513983748.jpg - (142.92KB , 1024x768 , Doom.jpg )
2781 No. 2781 [Edit]
Let's talk about co-op games. Maybe we can find one that we can play together.

Does anyone like Doom? The gameplay is simple, and it runs on nearly all computers. I'd set us up a server (using Skulltag), but my ISP doesn't allow me to open ports.
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>> No. 3221 [Edit]
I'm downloading it now. mw2 was sort of fun
>> No. 3223 [Edit]
If I played the free CoD weekend thing it would probably be the only time I ever play CoD since the next one is going pay to play
>> No. 3229 [Edit]
How about Alien Swarm? it's free and it looks like it has low requirements.
>> No. 3290 [Edit]
Does anybody here own L4D2 who would like to try out the custom campaigns? Some of them aren't too terrible.
>> No. 3313 [Edit]

ok, sure.
Which ones do you have in mind?
>> No. 3315 [Edit]
I'd be up for it. I don't have any downloaded, but I'd be willing to if you have one in mind.

Post edited on 4th Jun 2011, 7:36pm
>> No. 3317 [Edit]

I don't know any, so I guess we could try the best rated ones first?

The kokiri forest sounded interesting.

Post edited on 4th Jun 2011, 7:51pm
>> No. 3324 [Edit]
So.. strictly co-op, or competitive as well? TM is strictly competetive as far as I know, so I guess it's fine?
>> No. 3418 [Edit]
File 130753606812.jpg - (320.16KB , 640x800 , DemonStar-SM2_3.jpg )
There's this new diablo-like/dungeon crawler called Hunted: The Demons Forge with fully crackable online (Gamespy). It's only two player co-op though but you get to play a sexy elf if you're lucky.

Another game like that would be Borderlands but here up to four players can co-op.

Another co-op game is DemonStar. It's an old-school two player vertical shooter. All versions are uploaded here if you want to try it out: >>/ddl/17

Pic related.

Post edited on 8th Jun 2011, 7:50am
>> No. 3426 [Edit]
Wow, I had a demo of that on my old computer. Didn't think anyone else had heard of it.

I'll re-download it. It was a lot of fun, but I only played alone. Maybe if I played with someone else I wouldn't die every 30 seconds...
>> No. 3433 [Edit]
Oh wow, I can't believe that I forgot about this game. Back in 4th grade someone installed it on every computer in the computer lab, I used to play it every now and then along with half the class whenever we were in there. I remember getting pretty far into the game one day, good times.
>> No. 3445 [Edit]

I loved that game too (Demonstar).
>> No. 3452 [Edit]
Are you guys into shooters? We could play something like or which are both free. I don't like FPS too much but I love the old arena style ones I played in the 90s, and these are kinda like that.
>> No. 3454 [Edit]
Not much into arena shooters. I've never been good at them.
>> No. 3459 [Edit]

Oh, that's a shame. They are very hard to get good at I suppose, due to the extreme accuracy and timing you need to achieve.
>> No. 3475 [Edit]
Do you guys play TF2? I just reinstalled, and I'm playing it for the first time in a year. I had to register a new account and re-buy it though, which kinda sucks cause I had my account since 2007 and pretty much everything that went along with it (except the hat gayness).

If anyone plays, what servers do you frequent? All my old hangouts are dead, and I don't really want to deal with the 24/7 micspam touhou and /jp/ related clusterfuck servers.
>> No. 3484 [Edit]
I'm just starting to get back into it myself after getting burned out a little while back.
>> No. 3487 [Edit]
I've never played it, but I have it as part of the Orange Box.
>> No. 3489 [Edit]
I played a ton a few months ago then just sort of stopped. As for servers, I got on whatever ones used the Badlands map
>> No. 3499 [Edit]
Why does no one play Bad Company 2 here? Lots of fun to be had.
>> No. 3500 [Edit]

It's a bad game. I mean, I love it and I've played it since beta. I love the gameplay even though it's nothing like Battlefield itself. But, there are so many piss off moments that would make most people rage. Be it retards with Gustavs, or endless useless snipers on your teams, or lag, hackers, or people who just use the most OP guns like the G3 or M60.

Personally I love to play but it's kind of dead now in terms of player count. I already got platinum on all the guns too, so there is nothing left to do. I tried Vietnam but holy shit did that game suck. It was designed by the MOH team which is probably why.
>> No. 3501 [Edit]

Sorry not G6, G36 or whatever the one LMG is with the build in red dot and zero recoil.
>> No. 3503 [Edit]
So you're playing on console? PC community is still pretty active. I usually play on Conquest servers with Recons set to 3 max so it doesn't ruin the game for everyone. Because HURRR I'M A SNIPER. People need to learn how to play Recon the right way.

Otherwise the /v/ Bro Company server is pretty cool, when there are people playing..
>> No. 3511 [Edit]

No, I play PC. If you check, the console versions are many times more popular than PC still. Maybe you're in Europe but it's not really active over here in North America. There is still enough servers for any mode of course but the actual active population left isn't half what it was just 8 months ago.

People who play recon right are fine, but snipers who don't move piss me off. Personally I prefer the recon with the M14 (no optics) and C4. Plus you get the n00b balls. I absolutely rape any server I'm on with that setup.

Thompson with recon is also pretty fun for stealthy/knifing stuff since it's not a loud gun and reloads nice and fast. M24 when I need extra long range too. I liked the shotguns during beta/early retail but they changed them quite a bit over time.
>> No. 3519 [Edit]
Recon is just so powerful because of motion sensors and rarely will you see people throw them because they're in the back trying to snipe some dude.

M16 is pretty cool but I prefer the M1. Usually my setup is the VSS with 4x optics for close to mid range when in big maps, or the USAS-12 with light equipment to run fast in close quarters + C4. On those snow maps, USAS-12 and this setup makes a killing. No one can kill you, you're fast, have motion sensors, camouflage, quick reload.

If you look at the stats you can see there are usually more PC players playing than 360 or PS3.
>> No. 3538 [Edit]

oh shit the VSS in that game is the best. my preference is the red dot on it, nothing will escape you once they move. i had to stop playing the game because i got banned from so many servers for "hacking", that it got annoying trying to find somewhere where i had no bad rep. best gun ever (m14 is cooler though)
>> No. 3553 [Edit]
File 13080250439.jpg - (285.16KB , 600x600 , zelda saria.jpg )

When would be a good time for us to play?
>> No. 3554 [Edit]

...just gotta figure out how to install this thing first.
>> No. 4069 [Edit]
File 131154127090.jpg - (96.62KB , 849x607 , sample-9833f55b0ccd2b7c6c7fedc0f7035fe6.jpg )
I would like to play with you guys, but I only have access to older games, like starcraft and diablo 2.

It could be fun as I would be the imouto staying behind in base, while everyone else would say "Itekimasu!" as they leave for the day. They would say "Tadaima!" as they come back as I heal them and make them a meal.
>> No. 4072 [Edit]
I wish you hadn't written this post.
>> No. 4073 [Edit]
Me too, it's terrible.

I would be the imouto!
>> No. 4076 [Edit]
File 13115750158.jpg - (115.67KB , 523x685 , 62999541967ff3cdc2901f15ae34765d_jpeg.jpg )

Well, if its starcraft, then I can be Terran since they have medics and I’ll go around people’s bases healing everyone as they come back from raiding the enemy’s base. And just before everyone goes off, I can go “Ganbatte, oneechan!”

If its’s Diablo, then we could be just like mahou shoujou and be either amazon, sorceress, or assassin, and go around fighting just like in Moetan. But of course, I’ll stay in the Rogue camp, tidying up around the fireplace, making sure there are enough health potions, and stamina potions, and gold coins on the ground for everyone as they come back from fighting Andariel (who is always very tsundere~).

I don’t think we need a lot of players, but if there’s enough interest it’ll be fun. When I play, I’m not very good at it, as I always seem to get overrun by the computer in starcraft or die needlessly in Diablo, but if it’s for Tohno-oniichan I’ll try my best!
>> No. 4503 [Edit]
There's yet another free Call of Duty Black Ops weekend thing going on on steam. I dunno if I care enough to download it, but maybe some of you do
>> No. 4504 [Edit]

Don't bother. I bought the game, and it sucks. Horribly optimized for PC, and the guns are either all the same or horribly unbalanced.
>> No. 4506 [Edit]
And to think it's like the most popular game ever. Sigh, video games...
>> No. 4514 [Edit]
I'm about done downloading that forest map for L4D2. if anyone wants to play I'm in
>> No. 5434 [Edit]
File 132195377585.jpg - (237.92KB , 1280x818 , zOMD_01.jpg )
How about a nice game of Diablo II?
>> No. 5523 [Edit]
File 132282046769.jpg - (130.35KB , 1024x768 , swat4002.jpg )
Just remembered about this one. Playing the coop campaign with a good team is awesome.
>> No. 5524 [Edit]

I'd love to play this with this board

if you guys are interested, get the gold edition and tunngle.. right?
>> No. 5525 [Edit]
I'd totally be up for it.
>> No. 5526 [Edit]

I'd love to play this with everyone too.
>> No. 5527 [Edit]

I'd like to as well though I'd quite bad at those kind of games
>> No. 5530 [Edit]
A five-man squad formed so fast?!
How/when shall we meet to play? Never used this tunngle thing.
>> No. 6195 [Edit]
I want to play Sealhunter with somebody it got 4-player co-op online and it is free!

it is based on the original sealhunter
>> No. 6261 [Edit]
File 133114907377.jpg - (1.54MB , 1543x2719 , 1330972051670.jpg )
Some bros at /v/ made a Doom Server

Server:/v/-PRESS F
Password: Heretic

download wads:

Server Browser :

Post edited on 7th Mar 2012, 11:51am
>> No. 6262 [Edit]
Since you posted this here, the server is coop only, I suppose?
I'll check it later anyway though, thanks!
>> No. 6264 [Edit]

>> No. 6265 [Edit]
I feel the same way.
>> No. 10815 [Edit]
File 140922523227.jpg - (262.29KB , 1600x854 , yRainbow.jpg )
esbenlash wants a Diablo3 party!
>> No. 12500 [Edit]
File 150148139513.png - (939.58KB , 1280x720 , Tchernobog 2017-07-30 23-06-00-00.png )
I am pretty much always up for:
Left 4 Dead 2
Killing Floor
PAYDAY: The Heist
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (latest patch, no mods)
Diablo I (with HD mod, "Tchernobog" version)
100% Orange Juice

Feel free to add me on Steam if you're interested.
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