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File 146787346738.jpg - (1.23MB , 1500x957 , Nekopara-logo1resized2.jpg )
12922 No. 12922 [Edit]
Dunno how no one has made a thread for this yet but here it is!
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>> No. 12923 [Edit]
File 147346289880.jpg - (1.19MB , 1920x1200 , 68397efa448a2d5cbb1a2bdc1fe31d6f.jpg )
Coconut is best neko.
>> No. 12924 [Edit]
I ended up liking it until the H-scenes come along. Granted, you can play without them but I normally still know when they happen and that kind of ruins it for me. It's almost like boding with them as daughters and then having sex with them.
>> No. 12925 [Edit]
>It's almost like boding with them as daughters and then having sex with them.
That's not uncommon for Japanese games. I've even seen some where you litteraly raise a baby, feed them, potty train them, show help them to walk and everything, then fuck their brains out when they get older. So yeah nekopara could be worse.
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