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File 149731787416.jpg - (205.18KB , 1280x720 , E3-2017-Games-List-Confirmed-and-Rumors.jpg )
12421 No. 12421 [Edit]
It's that time of year again!
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>> No. 12422 [Edit]
File 149731861121.png - (336.04KB , 562x437 , 90e.png )
>xbox one x
It's like Microsoft saw how badly Nintendo fucked up while naming their console "wiiu" and said to someone "hold my beer".

AND it has liquid cooling on top of that! In a console made for frat boys and CoD kids!
360's hardwear issues are gonna be nothing compared to all the busted xbox 4s we'll be seeing.

hahahaha Oh my god, they can't be serious!
>> No. 12423 [Edit]
It was all bad and I hated everything. Except the Spiderman thing. It was full of too many annoying QTEs, however.
>> No. 12424 [Edit]
Technically it's a xbox 3.2 not 4, but with the changes it has it should be a whole different gen system.
>> No. 12425 [Edit]
I haven't had a console since the 360 (I know, I know, I was going to get the PS3, but I thought I'd 'try the other side' that gen. I regret it.) so most of the releases that might interest me are irrelevant. Ace Combat 7 seems kind of neat, but it's a cinematic trailer and the series has been in decline for a while now so it's cautious optimism. I haven't seen any releases, but the Thrustmaster Booth is showing betas for the DCS: F/A-18C and AV-8B which should also be interesting. Thrustmaster themselves are also announcing a new collaboration with Eagle Dynamics which might mean an F/A-18C stick to the same level of finish as the Warthog stick. i.e basically usable as a spare part for the real deal, and waaaaay above my budget
>> No. 12442 [Edit]
File 14975118693.jpg - (119.78KB , 700x1395 , bHzuWxW.jpg )
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