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File 148814852924.jpg - (796.25KB , 1366x768 , P3fes.jpg )
12354 No. 12354 [Edit]
Do you guys do much game emulating?

I just found out recently my laptop can actually handle some ps2 games decently. Over the past few days I've been playing P3fes at 2x rez with a widescreen patch, and getting a mostly consistent 60fps. (and yes I own a legitimate hard copy of the game before anyone complains.)
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>> No. 12355 [Edit]

speaking of, the AT2 retranslation project finished earlier this year.

If you haven't played AT2, or it's been a while, it's time to play it (again).
>> No. 12357 [Edit]
From time to time. I have a fairly good PC that can emulate most PS2/Wii games fairly reliably (along with the usual handheld/older systems, obviously).

The last game I emulated was Etrian Odyssey III.
>> No. 12360 [Edit]
PS3 emulator is making a bit of progress.
>> No. 12361 [Edit]
File 148964155196.png - (314.73KB , 1364x768 , Zelda end 3 hGOOD wall.png )
I started during late 90's (Nesticle days), but it was only quite recently that I got a gear powerful enough to run some emulation's current state of the art. As someone whose only consoles were NES and N64, emulation has allowed me to enter a beautiful world I could only see from afar for many years.

By now I rely heavily on emulation, either on my laptop or on my GPD XD (or the combo, by means of streaming). I use Snes9x Ex+, ePSXE, PPSSPP, Drastic, Muppen64 PLus AE, PCSX2 and Dolphin without issues. I can run Citra alrigth, but nothing there really interests me. I've tried Xenia, but it turned out to be too much for my GPU. I've also been using Cemu for a while and recently became a patreon, afer watching their outstanding work with BotW (apart from the fair performance, they already made possible to play it undubbed, the only way I wanted it).

Post edited on 15th Mar 2017, 10:27pm
>> No. 12377 [Edit]
File 149259216641.gif - (855.57KB , 576x324 , 20170506Jack.gif )
I emulate fighting games.
>> No. 12481 [Edit]
File 150012357144.jpg - (320.24KB , 750x1000 , 7462afa26efe00bedcf04cc05ea9b069abe83f18060c022f19.jpg )
I play mostly NES and SNES games since they're easy, and I only really play them at times when I would be do nothing else
I recently tried emulating smash bros brawl on Dolphin, but I could never get >8fps, is this because I'm doing something wrong, or is it because my computer is total garbage?
>> No. 12482 [Edit]
Your computer isn't total garbage. Gamecube and PS2 emulation require very, very high end hardware to get playable frame rates. The emulators just aren't very efficient.
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