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2618 No. 2618 [Edit]
Tohno-chan, tell me about your favorite video game.
43 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 7386 [Edit]
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Pokemon is still going? How long has it been?
>> No. 7433 [Edit]
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Final Fantasy Tactics.

Absolutely the best jrpg ever in gameplay, characters and story.
>> No. 7492 [Edit]
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Enjoying Mount & Blade. Feels more like a war sim than a game.
>> No. 7536 [Edit]
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Long enough for them to have language skills!
>> No. 7770 [Edit]
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My 2012 favourites are on this page
>> No. 7841 [Edit]
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Pokemon X and Y
>> No. 7862 [Edit]
If I absolutely definitely had to pick one game, it'd be Starcraft : BW. The hours I spent playing that game and all the fun I had (there was NO anger!)... It was like none other.

If I can pick multiple, then MHFU/2G would be a very close contender and Dark Souls would be up there too... then there's GGXX#Reload... and then...
>> No. 7897 [Edit]
Devil May Cry 3 and 4.
I haven't played either one in a while though since my ps3 needs to be fixed, but there aren't many games that I'm as good at as Devil May Cry. I really need to get my ps3 fixed. I miss playing them.
>> No. 7939 [Edit]
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It's gotta be Persona 4. I have never had so much fun with a video game in my life.

I am very new to video games. I've got a lot more games to finish. The only console I own is a PS2.
>> No. 7956 [Edit]
Shadow of the Colossus as far as artsy games are concerned. The free roam feel of the game is where it's at because basically All areas of world are seamlessly mapped, and it seems to replicate a natural world unlike any other game. No NPCs and towns to deal with, just ancient runes. The entire game is a living painting, and it is hard to make out landscapes and how to navigate them until you continue closer. Getting lost is actually enjoyable and part of exploration, you can even get lost in small closed areas. It just feel so real compared to any other game environment design, and reminds me the most of real world exploring. Also the entire way the game was designed feel exactly like a dream, it's like what is going on is presently taking place is timeless or in the past because its an ancient forgotten land with no one around. The giant boss battles are epic and unique, but they can get tedious and aren't really the highlight for me. Environmental design seems to always get overlooked in games, in replace with interactivity, AI, physics, graphics processing which don't equate as heavily to realism, as the at the moment experience of just walking around a place. It's the very first step of creating a game.
>> No. 7958 [Edit]
>Also the entire way the game was designed feel exactly like a dream, it's like what is going on is presently taking place is timeless or in the past
I agree completely. Ico was the same way. Both excellent games.
>> No. 8073 [Edit]
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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Well.. it was fun in an action movie kind of way.
>> No. 8120 [Edit]
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Playing the SCII expansion, HotS.
>> No. 8158 [Edit]
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Anyone playing Path of Exile?
>> No. 8189 [Edit]
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What was the point of Sarah Kerrigan getting deinfested only to be reinfested ?!?

Also the worst death ever goes to Acturus Mengsk.
>> No. 8198 [Edit]
The Warriors
You beat people up and it actually feels quite real and very brutal, when the bitch who tried to snitch on me starts puking blood as I stomp on her head I get a serious violence boner.
>> No. 8281 [Edit]
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I'm going to have to go with Timesplitter 2 or Future Perfect. 2 for the awesome MP, FP for the campaign and updated controls.
>> No. 8305 [Edit]
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SC2 story just gets dumb & dumber ...
>> No. 8417 [Edit]
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It's raining in my eyes..
>> No. 8513 [Edit]
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My favourite video game is about to be made!
>> No. 10479 [Edit]
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Ready for Bayonetta 2?
>> No. 10500 [Edit]
Haha seriously? I thought it was funny that people predicted "joe raynor would cure kerrigan and possibly wind up with her."
And now Blizzard is just trolling.
>> No. 10530 [Edit]
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“Not even death can save you from me.”
- the complete script for Diablo, the Lord of Terror, in Diablo II
>> No. 10536 [Edit]
Dark Souls 2
Finally finished Dark Soul 2. The game took me over 90 hours, and I died 450 times. So it's one death every 12 minutes!!
>> No. 10572 [Edit]
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FREE is good!

>> No. 10592 [Edit]
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>> No. 10594 [Edit]
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>tell me about your favorite video game.
It isn't out yet...
>> No. 10622 [Edit]
>> No. 10659 [Edit]
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Be the Batman
Arkham Asylum was wow.
<3 Arkham City too.
Origins was bleh due to change in studio and lack of risk on gameplay.
>> No. 10660 [Edit]
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The one and only!
>> No. 10661 [Edit]
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>> No. 10692 [Edit]
I want this to be my fave game...
30 Minutes of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain at 1080p;
>> No. 10707 [Edit]
Oh yeah
MGSV Ground Zero
>> No. 10745 [Edit]
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Demon Souls and its ilk are the best.
>> No. 10753 [Edit]
The atmosphere and soundtrack for DeS was god-tier.
>> No. 10774 [Edit]
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Arkham Knight has the original studio back, so it's a good sign that it's going to be good.
>> No. 10798 [Edit]
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War Thunder
Planes and tanks
>> No. 10808 [Edit]
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>> No. 10930 [Edit]
Hearthstone is a nice game to play on a tablet before sleeping.
>> No. 11167 [Edit]
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Lost Odyssey. I'm not a JRPG fan, more like an anti-fan. But the character and story development compensated for any bias, in spades. The short stories (A Thousand Years of Dreams) are something special.
>> No. 11185 [Edit]
Enjoying Far Cry 4
>> No. 11186 [Edit]
I am absolutely shocked at how much I'm enjoying Neptunia rebirth. They took one of the worst PS3 titles in existence and remade it into one of the best vita games available.
>> No. 11996 [Edit]
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Free to Play are my faves;
Alien Swarm
Path of Exile
Project Reality
>> No. 12031 [Edit]
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Now try it with DARK SOULS 3
>> No. 12060 [Edit]
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Infinity Blade II on iOS. Late to the party but it has the same gameplay while offering more choices of loot.
Hard mode: only spend attributes on increasing damage.
>> No. 12061 [Edit]
The first one did have the best writing and world setting.
If Re;Birth is just a remake then of course it would become the best.
>> No. 12062 [Edit]
That's kind of a though question for me, but probably TF2.

Max Payne is a close second though. I've been attempting to finish New York Minute Hardcore in Max Payne 3 for the past few days. It's actually the most fun I've had playing a game in a while.
>> No. 12068 [Edit]
>I've been attempting to finish New York Minute Hardcore in Max Payne 3 for the past few days.
I gave that up when I went too fast and a door didn't load to let me through.
>> No. 12569 [Edit]
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Super Mario Galaxy.
It had so much creativity poured into it, the cinematic feel of the cutscenes was amazing to me, the music was simply beautiful, and at the end of it all it was fun to play too. Running and jumping through space was so enjoyable to me and I loved messing around with gravity and seeing what I could do, trying to make Mario orbit around smaller celestial bodies with a long jump was so funny to watch when I got it right.

It also featured one of my two favorite characters from all of fictional media.

I didn't really like the sequel quite as much simply because it had Mario going through 2D sidescrolling and the story didn't feel like it was as important, like the game didn't take itself seriously and I missed that with the first game. The main hub was kind of boring too, not a whole lot to explore and see. Just a single planet rather than the various sections of the observatory that I liked to look at.
>> No. 12571 [Edit]
I loved both Mario Galaxys but they are too easy and I honestly cant think of a way to make them harder without adding in cheap deaths.
I'd love if they made a multiplayer game where you have to run through all the levels against another player with rewards for exploiting gravity. The most fun part of Mario Galaxy is definitely messing around with the different gravities
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