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File 148563105639.jpg - (58.85KB , 1280x720 , Dragon's Dogma_ Dark Arisen Screenshot_38.jpg )
12342 No. 12342 [Edit]
I just want to live in this world forever.
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>> No. 12349 [Edit]
File 148646787935.jpg - (61.32KB , 1280x720 , Dragon's Dogma_ Dark Arisen Screenshot_77.jpg )
Nobody else played this game? I highly recommend it if you enjoy Japanese games in general.
It's got decent elements of hunting game, which Western gamers aren't so familar with, which is why I'd assume it got rather average mainstream reviews.

You get to create a waifu and use eletric-whips and the story envokes Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophies.
Just get past the delivering the hydra head mission, then the game opens up...or kind of throws you in, it won't hold your hand at all after the mission, you'll have to pay attention to what people say.
>> No. 12474 [Edit]
I got past the hydra mission and couldn't figure out where I needed to go.
Proceeded to spend a couple hours trying to beat some bandits but they were too strong for me.
I'm too stupid to play games without big arrows pointing me at my objective.
>> No. 12477 [Edit]

I believe you were supposed to go do most of side quests and such for xp/equipment before leaving that area, else the next areas have a steep difficulty curve and you have to resort to cheese tactics to kill stuff.
>> No. 12480 [Edit]
>which is why I'd assume it got rather average mainstream reviews.
It got pretty decent reviews. Very few sites gave it below 80%. There's that one asshole who claimed it's a "4.8/10" game but he's wrong.

I'd say 8/10 is a perfect rating for it. Dragon's Dogma has it's flaws but it's a really fun game.

I ran a Magic(k) Archer, which was my favorite class, on my first playthrough and subsequently a Mystic Knight. I wanted to make an Assassin but I abandoned that run and traded it in. I'd like to play it again.

The pawn system was something I really appreciated. Mine was a Strider named Moth for the first two playthroughs.
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