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File 155466045037.jpg - (736.56KB , 1098x822 , __hakurei_reimu_and_kochiya_sanae_touhou_drawn_by_.jpg )
24286 No. 24286 [Edit]
I killed a roach and left it's body with its spilled viscera to rot because I am too disgusted to clean it up. I know that it's unhygienic and will attract other bugs to it but I just can't be bothered. Forcing yourself to do something you hate requires willpower, and mine has been sucked dry by depression and other negative emotions. Now I understand how some of those hikkikomori and mentally ill people can end up with ridiculously filthy houses. You just can't be bothered to clean one thing, then another, then the bugs help themselves, and before you know it you're living in a dump. This is applicable to any other problems in life too. I like to think of myself as being better off among the "losers" in imageboards but it's not unlikely that I am heading in their direction. I have never been so grateful that humans have the ability to commit suicide.
>> No. 24287 [Edit]
i kno wthat feel bro
>> No. 24288 [Edit]
>I have never been so grateful that humans have the ability to commit suicide.
Not sure why people don't think about this much, but I think people require that same willpower you speak of to actually commit suicide.
>> No. 24289 [Edit]
Thats why most hikkikomori are still alive. They just cant be bothered to die.
>> No. 24290 [Edit]
Its not not being bothered to die, but not able to because of their lack of willpower.
>> No. 24291 [Edit]
When someone says "if you hate your life so much, why don't you just kill yourself" I have a little analogy.
Imagine you had some condition that caused you pain for every metre you were above sea level. Life is like living in a valley at 1,000m, surrounded all around by mountains of Himalayan proportions. "Why don't you live by the sea?" Because climbing over the mountains would be too painful.
>> No. 26819 [Edit]
That's a really good way to explain it. Thank you, anon.
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