No. 23347
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Moths, specially, for many years.
There was a time, when I was like 9 or so, that one big brown landed on my back while I was drawing, late at night. I first though it was someone's hand, but I saw no one; when I checked my back in the mirror I yelled in terror, got paralyzed in shock and had to stay in bed for the next day to recover.
Years after that, I saw a dead moth of the same kind lying on the street. I first eluded it, but then made up my mind, got a pair of scisors from my house and cut its wings (barely touching it had me at my limit). I did it in order to preserve at least the wings, watch them calmly and try to overcome the fear; it didn't quite work.
Even further years later, I started doing sc. illustration of butterflies and started collecting them myself; I also got moths. Studying, understanding, drawing and manipulating them (apart from killing them of course, sometimes), finally allowed me to cope with the fear. No that it completely disappeared: they still affect me immensely; but I can now control myself and even enjoy their prescence (my room walls are now cover with them).
BTW: Ascalapha odorata; that's how the one from that time was called. I own a pair now, male and female.
Post edited on 8th Feb 2018, 9:19pm