No. 26751
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, 2894x4093
, fire bunny.jpg
I had the idea for this after buying a few things from a small shop where they forgot to ring me up for a bottle of disinfect. I went back in to pay for it. When I got home the bottle splooged on me and leaked all over. I thought about that saying "No good deed goes unpunished."
I find myself wondering a lot why I bother trying to be a good person in a world that generally punishes you for it in one form or another. You can lie your way out of problems or be honest and screw yourself over. You can take what you want, do what you want, and treat others however you want and the result is just getting a lot of what you want. Almost seems like insanity to do anything else. Maybe I am insane, but the one thing I want is to not be that kind of person. My life might be a miserableness endless nightmare of pain and suffering which routinely leaves me begging for the release of death to a god that ignores my torment, but if nothing else I can take solace in saying I tried in spite of it all. In a world as ugly and horrid as this one, at least I never gave in. A world like this needs people to be decent, because it has far too many who aren't.