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25070 No. 25070 [Edit]
A community I used to be rather fond of to discuss a certain game series has officially gone to shit. To sum it up, it used to be a wonderful, friendly place where you could post whatever pertainingto a certain series, and you'd be met with nice and wholesome discussion. Now the good people have almost entirely left and what's left is straight up abusive people who will trample you if you even include posts written in a way they don't like. It feels like you can't post anything more than a sentence long meme or image dump. It's fucking awful right now and I think I'm about to leave for good or at least just lurk the thread for a while.

I'm really distraught by this because I've been around since almost the beginning and it's a really shame it degraded into what it is. At least I have met a lot of good people and found a lot of wonderful things through it.

Is it time to find greener pastures? Anybody else with similar experiences?
>> No. 25071 [Edit]
All open communities degrade eventually. The cycle of communities forming and dying is just a part of the cycle of the internet. Is what I've come to believe. Unfortunately, I have yet to master the art of finding communities before they hit their era of decline...
>> No. 25073 [Edit]
The same could sadly be said almost word for word for every good place that has atrophied and been stamped out with the passage of time.

>The cycle of communities forming and dying is just a part of the cycle of the internet
Unfortunately it seems in recent times they've been doing more "dying" than "forming," and whatever communities are formed are usually done in clique-y discord servers. And for whatever reason Discord seems much more conducive to faggotry (in both the literal and metaphoric sense) than other platforms are.
>> No. 25074 [Edit]
Yes, when I referred to communities forming, I meant, for the context of this thread, to refer only to good communities, which excludes those to which you refer. For these communities, I'm inclined to agree with your assessment
> it seems in recent times they've been doing more "dying" than "forming,"
but my previous experiences show me that it could well be that such communities are still being formed, only that we don't know where to look for them. (Or, that I don't put enough energy into it?)
>> No. 25076 [Edit]
>Is it time to find greener pastures? Anybody else with similar experiences?
Leave. Staying will only embitter you.

>(in both the literal and metaphoric sense)
I noticed that with programming social circles too.
>> No. 25078 [Edit]
I recognize that feeling. I hate modern internet.
>> No. 25086 [Edit]
Let me guess...4/jp/?
>> No. 25087 [Edit]
The time to be distraught over 4/anything going to shit was years ago.
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