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File 156801028550.jpg - (445.72KB , 740x1085 , 0CB0F83B-48EA-44BF-9759-F8691D717BC1.jpg )
33200 No. 33200 [Edit]
Let’s talk about escapism.

What is escapism exactly?
>the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.

What are the benefits and downsides of escapism? Do you think it’s an inherently bad thing? Do you knowingly/unknowingly practice it or do you try to stay grounded in reality? In what ways do you usually practice it?

For me my big escapist thing was I couldn’t wait to get to sleep because after a long day I could lay there and fantasize about whatever I wanted, it was a nice carefree time but lately I have taken to staying up as late as possible and constantly consuming some sort of media while posting on image boards. If I don’t do that I feel that my time and day is wasted. It’s awful and while in the moment I feel happy and manage to get away from reality, as soon as I stop and step away I become high strung and anxious about things. I can’t even take a nap in the middle of the day out of fear of wasting time

Im not sure if it’s just my habits or me myself who changed but I’m going to try to reevaluate and readjust so I can get back to my day dreaming and early bed times, but I’m not sure where to begin. I prefer that more relaxed type of escapism, it’s soothing
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>> No. 33201 [Edit]
>Do you knowingly/unknowingly practice it
I'm sure many would count anime, especially the SoL genre ones as a form of escapism that helps substitute for friendlessness or sadness. Besides that, I concur on looking forward to sleeping: it's relaxing and peaceful, and helps while away 9 to 10 hours. I've also taken up meditation as a lesser, supposedly more healthy version of that.

>What are the benefits/downsides
In small doses I don't think it's inherently a bad thing. However escapism through pornographic means might start to become unhealthy since it leads to desensitization. Escapism combined with boredom is also a potent vice since it's easy to slip into a state of mindlessly refreshing imageboards for hours looking for something, *anything* interesting. I suppose it's a good thing that the post frequency of this board is low (and other, faster imageboards have low SNR) since after aimlessly refreshing for hours or so I'll give up and do something more productive.
>> No. 33202 [Edit]
It's definitely sleep for me. I wish I could go to sleep forever.
>> No. 33215 [Edit]
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I'd say for me it's cute stuff and japanese culture. Animu, figurines, vocaloids, comfy clothing such as pajamas or knitwear, waifuism, winter, sleeping, knitting, japanese language, websites, j-vlogs, train videos, ... Comfy up and play vidya during weekends or at night, etc. ...

I'm not sure how exactly it qualifies as escapism though. It's not like I specifically watch anime or knit just to forget reality. Rather, those are the only things I care about. "Reality" is simply not as relevant to me, so I adopt a take it easy attitude towards work and just about everything else.

It's more like a way of living I'd say.
It is the reason I'm not interested in real relationships too.
Whenever I'm feeling bored or scared I just daydream about my waifu or what my plans are for when I get home. Simply wearing a scarf or something warm, reading manga or browsing the web is enough to make me feel good, no matter the occasion.

The reason I went to college is to get the opportunity to some day work in Japan, but I also absolutely hated factory work. I find office jobs more comfy. I'm generally a happy-go-lucky at work and try to befriend everyone and perform good because it's comfier that way.

Funnily, it motivates me to not escape reality. Often I just want to get stuff over with, maybe do overtime at work or whatever just so I doesn't bother me later. Maybe that's why I tend to act straightforwardly, if rude.

Of course, sometimes I also get anxious, and just want to spend the whole day at home rather than whatever I must do. I think escapism is inherently good, so long as one doesn't overdo it. Sometimes we need to take a step back. Escapism allows for just that. For me, it became something much more. It's my own fantasy world which I constantly jump to back and forth. It's soothing "having somewhere to go to" when things aren't doing so well.
>> No. 33216 [Edit]
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The benefit of escapism is that it allows you to, well, escape a bad situation mentally and think about things that make you feel good. I think it's an inherently GOOD thing, I see little value in this world and honestly, I don't really treat this world as an important one. As may be obvious, I practice it quite knowingly and I would only return to reality if I had to do some "final" things. Usually I daydream, listen to music I like and let me just say it isn't metal or anything like that. I almost exclusively prefer electronic dance music, of varying kinds. Disco, Eurodance, Hi-NRG, to Hardstyle, Hard Trance, Techno, to Ambient Trance. Really, anything with a rhythm and synthesizers goes. There's also anime and other such 2D media, but sometimes my mood swings and other mental illness related stuff makes me unable to pay attention to it.
>> No. 33217 [Edit]
Other than sleep, I like to program to forget my issues. I never end up doing anything worthwhile, but that doesn't matter: peaceful hours will fly by. I've also recently started using f.lux and friends, and it made the experience even better during the evening and night.

>I can’t even take a nap in the middle of the day out of fear of wasting time
>Im not sure if it’s just my habits or me myself who changed but I’m going to try to reevaluate and readjust so I can get back to my day dreaming and early bed times, but I’m not sure where to begin. I prefer that more relaxed type of escapism, it’s soothing
Give meditation a try.

Yes, it's the best. Winter and Fall are especially great times to sleep too: the feeling of warmth and safety as you insulate yourself with layers of blankets, lulling you to sleep.
Please hurry up and leave, Summer.
>> No. 33221 [Edit]
Look at the size of that sack oh her! I don't think I've ever seen an anime girl with a scrotum that big before
>> No. 33222 [Edit]
>I like to program to forget my issues. I never end up doing anything worthwhile
What kinds of stuff do you usually do? I never have any ideas of things to make, and doing some small project suggested by people online seems pointless since it's never going to be used after being done.
>> No. 33223 [Edit]
Puffy vulva is delicious.
>> No. 33224 [Edit]
File 156833872359.png - (703.89KB , 2015x2204 , c_is_fun.png )
>What kinds of stuff do you usually do?
I make stuff that I need, be it a userscript to fix a website's bullshit or a series of small programs to help manage my data. I might also make stuff in the spur of the moment that I find exciting. The other bonus to making your own solutions is that you'll want to improve upon your initial designs after dealing with the problem domains.
Fun things are fun!
>> No. 33243 [Edit]
How do you know that its not puffy from some sort of disgusting infection or disease? What if that puff is made out of disgusting masses of bacteria, fungus and puss?
That seems pretty gross to me, is that really what you're into?
>> No. 33248 [Edit]
Because there's no such disease outside of your warped imagination you idiot. What I'm really into is reporting stubborn shitposters like you.
>> No. 33253 [Edit]
Yeah I usually do the same, but once you get things working the way you want there's usually not much changes to be made and boredom sets in again.

Tangentially, the language in your pic doesn't appear to be C. It looks like R but I haven't used that too much, and it's weird mismash of lisp-like and C like syntax always seemed a bit off-putting (tidyverse probably helps and ggplot is probably best in class, but for casual needs pandas+seaborn always seemed good enough).
>> No. 33256 [Edit]
All the more puffy vuvla for me, so I can't complain
>> No. 33260 [Edit]
I for one enjoy tenderizing the vulva before eating.

You could try targeting old hardware like the NES and the GameBoy. It's something that seems fun.

>Tangentially, the language in your pic doesn't appear to be C. It looks like R but I haven't used that too much, and it's weird mismash of lisp-like and C like syntax always seemed a bit off-putting (tidyverse probably helps and ggplot is probably best in class, but for casual needs pandas+seaborn always seemed good enough).
I googled it a few times since stumbling upon the image, but I never found an answer.
>> No. 33262 [Edit]
It has R-style function syntax but that doesn't look like any R I've ever used. I also haven't used R in a number of years so idk.
>> No. 33267 [Edit]
my escapism has not been going well. i am not getting enough sleep for me to properly rest or dream long enough to enjoy it, thats on my part because my effort is half assed. im also trying to stop masturbating because its getting to an unhealthy point, i always half ass that as well and end up edging forever at night. maybe i should try to fix it one problem at a time
>> No. 33270 [Edit]
I would be so happy, if I could just have some peace and quiet. I have no private room of my own and no space that I can really even claim priority to. It's horrible, I'm starting to get angry at the sound of peoples breathing at night, like neck-snapping angry.
>> No. 33279 [Edit]
college? or sharing a room because youre poor?
>> No. 33313 [Edit]
I use escapism for inspiration
>> No. 33322 [Edit]
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>Rather, those are the only things I care about. "Reality" is simply not as relevant to me

That's just how I always felt.
My "hobbies" are my reality, the outside world is just some bother I have to deal with from time to time.
I don't get this attitude of having to focus in "the important things" while everything you like has to be secondary and just a thing to relax to deal better with "real world".
Once you have an income and you don't want to reproduce why you need to focus on anything else but what you like?
I'm a loser because I spend my time doing things I enjoy while winners have to spend their time dealing with things and people they hate.
>> No. 33323 [Edit]
>Simply wearing a scarf or something warm

God, I miss the cold so much. When you live in a place were the summer lasts 6 months and there's literally no winter you can't never feel like that.
>> No. 33325 [Edit]
Nah I never was cut out for college. I'm living with family because I had a mental crisis (schizo) requiring me to get help from them.
>> No. 33860 [Edit]
Is it escapism to dream of a better tomorrow?
>> No. 33862 [Edit]
I call it solipsism.
>> No. 33883 [Edit]
I try to direct my escapist impulses towards things that are at least somewhat beneficial, i.e. that help me acquire knowledge or skills of some kind.
I learned Japanese and English through escapism. Indulging in manga and American video games and internet memes is a lot more enjoyable than dealing with the people around me in my native language.
Nowadays I've largely lost interest in fictional media, I just can't get myself to care about the human relationships that most of it deals with. In fact I consciously avoid fiction now, only watching 1 or 2 movies and maybe one anime show per year.
I believe that fiction is desensitizing. Think about it, your subconsciousness did not evolve to differentiate between things happening on a screen and things happening IRL, so e.g. seeing people die in stories a thousand times is bound to blunten your emotional response to people dying in real life. I figured that engaging in relationships with others might become a more appealing idea to me when I don't constantly satisfy my natural need for human interaction with fiction and porn.

I noticed that I can spend a lot of time doing logic puzzles. It started out mainly with video games like Prime Mover, later I redirected this hobby towards programming. Mainly in assembly language, where making the computer do even simple things like outputting a number on screen requires you to solve all kinds of little puzzles, such as converting binary numbers to decimal using artithmetic and binary logic. By now I'm probably a more proficient Assembly programmer than 99% of professional software developers, who usually just learn some of it in a college class and never touch it again.
>> No. 33885 [Edit]
I prefer daydreaming as my way of escapism. I like to create my own stories. I wish I had writing talent to make them "real" and get paid money though.
>> No. 33886 [Edit]
>I believe that fiction is desensitizing.
That's not what i've experienced. Normally i'm mostly numb to what the people around me are feeling, but if i'm in the middle of a book, I'm already in the mindset of empathizing with others so I feel a little more. The brain gets better at what it's trained to do. Fiction doesn't actually have stakes to it, so I don't think it's desensitizing.
>> No. 38372 [Edit]
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>> No. 38378 [Edit]
Stop posting this low effort shit.
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