Does tohno-chan like riddles? Fire away if you got any (but remember to spoiler the answers if you choose to include one.) There is a thing that nothing is, and yet it has a name. It's sometimes tall and sometimes short, joins our talks, joins our sport, and plays at every game.
When is a door not a door? When it's a jar.
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a head but never weeps? A river
>There is a thing that nothing is, and yet it has a name. It's sometimes tall and sometimes short, joins our talks, joins our sport, and plays at every game. Anon?
>>38629 Kinda fits, but I think people are anon, which is something.
>>38635 Nobody is really anon.
This is as light as a feather, yet no man can hold it for long.
>>38643 snow
>>38644 Snow can be pretty heavy, especially as it piles up, and if it's cold out it won't melt so there's no reason someone can't hold it long.
I occur once in a minute, twice in every moment, but not once in a hundred thousands years. What am I? Rather than post the answers, I think I'll wait till someone guesses right before posting another. Should be more interesting that way.
>>38645 Okay, snow that is as light as a feather and exposed to room temperature.
>>38646 M. I looked it up. Come up with something original.
Feed me and I live. Give me drink and I die. What am I?
>>38649 An alcoholic.
>>38648 I can't help but think googling answers defeats the point.
>>38649 fire?
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