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File 158779305349.jpg - (359.04KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Princess Connect! Re Dive - 01 [108.jpg )
34300 No. 34300 [Edit]
Same isekai setup you've heard a million times before, but this time the MC has brain damage. Seriously.
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>> No. 34301 [Edit]
File 158779318242.jpg - (218.16KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Princess Connect! Re Dive - 01 [108.jpg )
>the MC has brain damage.
This one isn't far off...
>> No. 34306 [Edit]
>this time the MC has brain damage
So what changes about the standard isekai setup? What's the special twist in this anime?
>> No. 34308 [Edit]
File 158806167932.jpg - (246.64KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Princess Connect! Re Dive - 01 [108.jpg )
Nothing really, but the characters are likable, the production value is pretty good, and it has a pretty happy go lucky fun vibe going for it.
>> No. 34310 [Edit]
File 158806312122.jpg - (291.00KB , 1920x1080 , [HorribleSubs] Princess Connect! Re Dive - 01 [108.jpg )
Who knew guys could be moe too? I guess all it takes is making them retarded.
>> No. 34312 [Edit]
I might have to watch this now. (No homo.)
>> No. 34326 [Edit]
File 15884024219.jpg - (650.19KB , 1760x2500 , 1586820561248.jpg )
There's any Isekai that's actually worth watching?
I've been avoiding the genre because no particular reason but I wonder if there's something good between so many bland clones. Like, Konosuba? that one about a girl with a big shield? Everything seems so bland but I suspect I could be missing something good.
I know there's good Isekai manga like pic related but there's still some barrier between me and the animated form.
>> No. 34327 [Edit]
Give it a try, what's the worst that could happen if you don't like it?
>> No. 34329 [Edit]
I could get cancer.
I guess I will try but I'm scared the whole genre could be even worse than it seems.
>> No. 34347 [Edit]
Thought I'd play the game, but it's got DRM out the ass and I couldn't get it to work.
>> No. 34387 [Edit]
File 159075802314.webm - (3.24MB , 3.webm )
Umiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii da~
>> No. 34492 [Edit]
File 159634555311.jpg - (40.41KB , 474x474 , 20200809.jpg )
I'm watching this for Kokkoro. Some of the staff worked on KonoSuba, so that carried through in this show.
>> No. 34493 [Edit]
Now that you mention it, there are certainly some similarities.
>> No. 34519 [Edit]
Season2 announced.
>> No. 35975 [Edit]
Any thoughts on season 2 so far?
>> No. 35976 [Edit]
It's epic.
>> No. 35988 [Edit]
File 164408099226.jpg - (87.13KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Princess Connect! Re-Dive S2 - 01 (72.jpg )
See the turtle of enormous girth. On his shell he holds the earth.
>> No. 36010 [Edit]
File 164576549299.jpg - (101.82KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Princess Connect! Re-Dive S2 - 02 (72.jpg )
I don't know why this would bother her so much, it's not like her everyday outfit isn't extravagant.
>> No. 36383 [Edit]
Got around to finishing season 2 of this. Wasn't really expecting them to finish the story and wrap everything up by the end of this season. I really liked the first season but this second one, I dunno... it felt a little hamfisted and messy. Rushing to tie up the story probably didn't help. I feel like this season relied a little too much on viewers having experience with the game. The first season had some of that too, but somehow it didn't feel as bad. I guess with a first season you kinda just expect them to throw a bunch of characters out, which would get flushed out in more detail as things progress. They don't however really expand on the huge amount of characters they throw into the mix and instead just add more. What you're left with is too many characters in a poorly fleshed out world that ends before explaining half of what's going on, let alone properly establishing the motivation behind the villain or their goals. It's a lot of "who's that, what's that, what are they doing?" It ended on what felt like a "oh, that's it?" finality that should have been much more grand. There's still good stuff here, the interpersonal dynamics are good, but too much feels lacking, in a sort of "go play the mobile game" kind of way, and lets be honest, that's probably intentional.
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