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File 165974103939.png - (1.74MB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot_2022-08-05_17-09-21.png )
36386 No. 36386 [Edit]
What did you wish for 16 years ago?
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>> No. 36388 [Edit]
File 165979956137.jpg - (33.91KB , 500x350 , corona_chan_by_mantisshrimpp_ddp7lkp-350t.jpg )
I wished for a global pandemic
>> No. 36389 [Edit]
File 165980232254.png - (1.53MB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot_2022-08-05_11-19-42.png )
Wish granted
>> No. 36390 [Edit]
I wished I could end college soon and find a decent job, have some money to spend, play many videogames and have a comfortable boring life. I'm quite convinced that if my young self could see how these 16 years have been couldn't resist it, mentally. But like boiling a frog, if the changes are gradual you survive things you actually shouldn't.
>> No. 36392 [Edit]
I wished I could spend the rest of my life playing videogames and watching anime everyday.
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