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File 16567878911.gif - (1.47MB , 500x281 , 635474cd4b48f0fa3ee10ce0d6a3b112120717e7_hq.gif )
36304 No. 36304 [Edit]
I'm just about finished Terror in Resonance. Really great series and it's a shame there's only 12 episodes. Can you imagine if autistic people actually existed?
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>> No. 36305 [Edit]
I'd recommend Higashi no Eden if you haven't seen that yet.

Post edited on 2nd Jul 2022, 12:28pm
>> No. 36306 [Edit]
I also second this recommendation.
>> No. 36307 [Edit]
Out of curiosity, is Higashi no Eden related to Steinbeck's novel in any fashion, or did they both borrow the same Genesis verse?
>> No. 36308 [Edit]
I haven't read that, but based on the synopsis of Steinbeck's novel, I would assume not.
>> No. 36309 [Edit]
Steinbeck's east of eden is basically a retelling of the story of Cain and Abel clothed in additional layers of American-isms (I don't mean that in a negative sense, I don't know how else to word the notion that the book tries to capture the spirit/zeitgeist of 1900s America, more particularly that of California region).

But then again maybe the directors of Higashi no Eden just thought the title sounded cool.
>> No. 36310 [Edit]
There isn't really a family conflict in Higashi no Eden, though there's a few scenes that take place in America.
>just thought the title sounded cool
I would assume that. Inserting biblical references just because they think they're cool is nothing new in anime.
>> No. 36333 [Edit]
Am I the only one who didn't like this? It was okay for one viewing but I wouldn't watch it again. I didn't find anything original in it.
>> No. 36334 [Edit]
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Do you know of another series with autistic protagonists? Canonically I mean; not just autistic coded.

Tbf noir is one of the genres I like more than others, but I also appreciated the series working in Greek mythology into the plot. It reminded me of Witch Hunter Robin doing the same thing with the witch cult hypothesis
>> No. 36335 [Edit]
Technically, the guys in this one aren't autists either. They invented some phony terms for autism if I remember right, I forgot what they called it. And well, the average autist is far from being the mastermind Nine and Twelve or Five were.

Canonically? No, I don't think so. But being a weird/outsider/etc guy is a common theme in anime. 90% of anime MCs could be classified as spergs or autists of some kind.

>greek myth
Yeah, that was another thing I disliked. There appears a criminal mastermind who uses allegories to X mythology, that is just overused if you ask me. Not talking about anime only, but overall as far as entertainment goes.

I liked the music and the animation. I also liked how the ending wasn't some generic happy ending. But that's pretty much all I liked.
>> No. 36336 [Edit]
File 165809269649.png - (1.07MB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot_2022-07-02_12-32-18.png )
They used the term savant syndrome, which you are technically correct in that it isn't synonymous with autism, but it's obviously associated with it. The same could be said for hyperlexia to give another example, but it's also obviously associated with autism. The protagonists were very clearly autistic in this series, and it even included metaphors for traumatic experiences in school.
>> No. 36339 [Edit]
Oh yeah, that's what they called it.

About the protagonists, I don't know, 12 in particular struck me as someone with good social skills. 9 was semi-autistic and 5 took the cake.
Another thing that I thought now is that I probably would have liked this series better if the protags weren't high school kids, maybe if they made them 30 something (and weirder and more autistic) then I could have enjoyed this more.
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