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File 157273134698.jpg - (191.51KB , 500x288 , 156f09d2f22902afc284a256c6526113.jpg )
33668 No. 33668 [Edit]
What do you think about video game adaptations(not visual novels)? Rpgs usually already have fleshed out stories with more room for diaologue and side characters, but there's benefits to an animated medium too. Which ones have you seen?
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>> No. 33669 [Edit]
I actually haven't seen very many. I was surprised to find out some games I enjoyed even had anime adaptations, like Atelier Escha. I should see how that one is.
>> No. 33670 [Edit]
File 157283502727.jpg - (66.54KB , 1280x720 , [HorribleSubs] Fate Grand Order - First Order - 01.jpg )
I find most of them to be the equivalent of shovelware.

Low-effort, poorly directed & lousily written garbage put out in an attempt to cash in on the fan's goodwill for enjoying the game. VNs are generally less offensive in this regard, as there is literally an existing script (which will be butchered, but I digress) for a starting point -- more true videogames have less to work with initially, and the end product is so much worse.

Or it's a 23 minute advertisement for the game with no plans to put forth an actual series.
>> No. 33671 [Edit]
If you like E&L you're probably going to like its animated series.
>> No. 33672 [Edit]
I did enjoy the game. The Dusk series had a really great image of living a decent life in what amounts to a dying world.
>> No. 33673 [Edit]
It's a very melancholic and yet cheerful world.
>> No. 36496 [Edit]
File 166263439534.jpg - (94.01KB , 1000x1450 , bigO (4).jpg )
>23 minute advertisement for the game with no plans to put forth an actual series.
That's Sakura Taisen for you....
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