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File 167083585345.jpg - (173.70KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Arknights - Reimei Zensou - 02 (1080p.jpg )
36837 No. 36837 [Edit]
Anyone here seen this yet? It's not half bad.
Expand all images
>> No. 36843 [Edit]
Production values seem decent, it's better than what I was expecting at least. direction is decent too and it certainly had me engaged. Tense scenes actually feel tense.
My only complaint (kind of a nitpick) so far is the smartphone inclusion which feels awkward, clunky, and out of place. I get it, this is based on a phone game. That doesn't mean the doctor needs to give commands via his smartphone.
I guess the idea they're trying to illustrate here, is that the Doctor generally doesn't get directly involved in fights, uses drones to observe the battlefield from a distance and give commands accordingly? Either way it was an eye roller.
>> No. 36863 [Edit]
File 167132416064.jpg - (149.14KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Arknights - Reimei Zensou - 04 (1080p.jpg )
If animal affiliation is this word's equivalent to races, wouldn't this be a kind of racist thing to call someone?
>> No. 36884 [Edit]
File 167178791371.jpg - (164.67KB , 1920x1080 , ASW_Arknights_-_Reimei_Zensou_-_08_1080p_HEVC296CC.jpg )
I guess this was just 8 ep long, but I'd rather have 8 well done ep over 12 not so great ones.
As someone who has played the game, I mostly like the adaptation. The thing with the game is the dialog is poorly edited. It's bloated and needlessly wordy, what should be simple and short conversations tend to drag on. This eventually got to be too much for me and I like others I know who play it, soon started skimming the story, then eventually skipping it all together.
The adaptation cuts out all the fat so you get just the meat of the plot. It's a much more focused narrative with very little filler. This is on top of some pretty decent production values.
It's far from perfect however. I could nitpick, but there's two main things that stuck out to me. The first and lesser of the two is that it felt like they had too many characters, mainly on the villains side, but maybe in general. They kept Road Island fairly compact at first and focused on just the important characters, then they add in a couple characters from one PMC, and then a couple more after that from another PMC, then a couple more characters from a different faction, all the while bringing out a few too many villains I think. I think it be a little hard to keep track of who's who for people who haven't played the game. It would be fine if the ep were twice the length they are, but it's a lot for 8 24minute eps, the cast should be a bit more condensed. They could have easily cut out of the PMC and had the other be twice as fleshed out. I doubt many would complain if they removed black steel and gave penguin double the screen time. On the villains side they probably should have just kept it to the big baddy and one or two of her henchmen, which is what they 'mostly' did with skull "shitter" and W. But that fight with maphesto really should have been with skull shitter instead (I love how they pronounce Skull Shatter).

That said, my main issue is the Doctor, the character you play as in the game. They... don't translate well at all into this adaptation. Everyone goes to such great lengths and sacrifices so much for this character, and they come across as pretty useless. For most of this season, they're just 'there', standing around not saying or doing much, and certainly not helping. They're supposed to fill this leader/commander role, but old donkey ears takes that position instead, making the Doctor feel redundant of not pointless.
Yes, they have amnesia which is the excuse the game and anime use to explain everything about the world to the view though the Doctor, but in spite of their lack of memories they're still a naturally good commander, which is why they do the commanding and base management in the game. In the anime, it comes across like they don't really do much of anything other than take up space while Donkey does the doctor's job. It might sound crazy, but I feel like the anime might have worked better if they just cut the doctor out all together and changed things around so that Donkey is the leader of Roads Island instead, lord knows she acts like it and gets treated like it anyway. It's not helped by how flat out weird the character looks, which is really saying something with the range of character designs here. There's not really any explanation given to why the doctor wears what looks like an ugly knights helmet, even at home base. I do like the theory that it's a hazmat suit, and that they're the only ones with enough common sense to protect themselves from this virus, but that's still just a theory.
They 'do' have the doc command things via their smartphone a couple times, which I have to say is a bit embarrassing to watch. I get it's a phone game, but really now?
Overall it's still pretty decent, but it could have been better is all.
>> No. 37389 [Edit]
File 16964232626.jpg - (175.63KB , 400x570 , 294824.jpg )
The second season, Perish in Frost is apparently airing on the seventh of this month! The opening is already out
The song is "ACHE in PULSE" by MYTH & ROID
>> No. 37390 [Edit]
If the game is anything to go by, this season should be an interesting one.
>> No. 37391 [Edit]
Perhaps, you need to actually watch the show to be sure after all. I personally somewhat liked the fourth and fifth chapters, though as some other Anon ITT has said the story is excessive, about what you would expect from the writers getting paid by the word I guess

Post edited on 5th Oct 2023, 5:32am
>> No. 37394 [Edit]
>writers getting paid by the word
Wait really? That would really explain a lot if true.
>> No. 37395 [Edit]
I have been on the Arknights general there for a little while and have seen this posted by multiple seemingly random anons, if they are to be trusted then yes

Post edited on 5th Oct 2023, 12:43pm
>> No. 37396 [Edit]
After some point I pretty much just started skimming the dialog because it was just too unbearable to read. Then eventually skipping it all together and staying for the game play alone. It got really tedious to read at times.
>> No. 37397 [Edit]
Completely the same, additionally I am barely interested in the story itself anymore. The world is still very cool though
>> No. 37408 [Edit]
once they resolved the main plot and did the whole time skip or whatever I pretty much checked out entirely. It's like they completely changed the world they set up in favor of this more 1920s Victorian hybrid themed setting that might look nice and pretty but is kind of boring compared to what we had before.
>> No. 37410 [Edit]
File 169662117614.jpg - (108.13KB , 1440x810 , 1696609946859645.jpg )
The first episode has aired!
>> No. 37411 [Edit]
Yay, more ex-wife!
>> No. 37412 [Edit]
The story which starts EP 09? I got to it just today actually, I think I will do the same..
>> No. 37417 [Edit]
Nah, I mean in the game when Talulah and her gang are defeated. The story should have ended there, instead time skips and a new story starts.
>> No. 37418 [Edit]
File 169665104124.jpg - (126.99KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Arknights - Fuyukomori Kaerimichi - 0.jpg )
That's her secret, she's always angry.
>> No. 37423 [Edit]
Oh, I see... Guess I will hope on Endfield then
>> No. 37424 [Edit]
File 169667196997.jpg - (230.47KB , 1920x1080 , celluloid-shot0001.jpg )
Looks quite comfy, I would totally live in that room and on RI given the chance
>> No. 37425 [Edit]
File 169667206781.jpg - (188.11KB , 1920x1080 , celluloid-shot0003.jpg )
>> No. 37426 [Edit]
File 169667209578.jpg - (319.21KB , 1920x1080 , celluloid-shot0009.jpg )
>> No. 37429 [Edit]
File 169672578913.jpg - (68.70KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Arknights - Fuyukomori Kaerimichi - 0.jpg )
It's nice to see the production value hasn't faltered.
>> No. 37465 [Edit]
Cried a bit during the second episode, the story was sad already but the anime does bring it out more
>> No. 37469 [Edit]
File 169751427167.jpg - (110.64KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Arknights - Fuyukomori Kaerimichi - 1.jpg )
Awesome ep
>> No. 37475 [Edit]
I've been watching from part 1 and yet I don't even play mobile games. At times it's a bit melodramatic but it's well produced so I feel like it would be a waste not to watch it
>> No. 37489 [Edit]
File 169782935336.jpg - (161.16KB , 1920x1080 , 3.jpg )
Just now realized twin tails are Ch'en's canonical hairstyle, nice. Also, SWIRE!!!
>> No. 37540 [Edit]
File 169905072943.jpg - (121.19KB , 1280x720 , [Erai-raws] Arknights - Perish in Frost - 05 [720p.jpg )
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