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File 168264863684.jpg - (489.81KB , 4096x1825 , e5e5397d8d83c407e80e0db8724288e6.jpg )
37147 No. 37147 [Edit]
Couldn't find a thread for it, so figured it was about time someone make one.
Expand all images
>> No. 37148 [Edit]
File 168265690076.jpg - (67.18KB , 1154x649 , SubsPlease_The_IDOLMSTER_Cinderella_Girls_-_U149_-.jpg )
Momoka is a miracle of the universe.
>> No. 37150 [Edit]
File 168272204170.jpg - (157.62KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - U14.jpg )
>> No. 37151 [Edit]
I love her. They made her really cute in the most recent episode.
>> No. 37155 [Edit]
File 168275722052.jpg - (509.26KB , 1451x2048 , 1664503892711360.jpg )
I don't really care about idolmaster but the creature known as Koume stole my heart years ago.
>> No. 37180 [Edit]
Short-hair doesn't work for blondes
>> No. 37183 [Edit]
File 168374537960.jpg - (219.36KB , 1164x2048 , 8ac0840423427d26be6b33c857118030.jpg )
Disagree. That's a you thing.
>> No. 37184 [Edit]
NTA. I agree with him very much
>> No. 37185 [Edit]
File 168390008264.jpg - (131.90KB , 847x1490 , FbBO-tGaUAETa7e.jpg )
Long haired Koume, so we can all get along
>> No. 37186 [Edit]
File 168390666185.png - (279.27KB , 720x900 , KanColle short hair Bismarck.png )
I accept the peace proposal. Different franchise but here is a short hair Bismarck to display my willingness to get along
>> No. 37191 [Edit]
File 168413149984.jpg - (151.25KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - U14.jpg )
Ep4 was really hard to watch. I really like Momoka, but it felt like this ep was bullying her. At least she managed to rise above it.
>> No. 37225 [Edit]
File 168516595020.jpg - (160.33KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - U14.jpg )
I'd say smart, but that works too.
>> No. 37251 [Edit]
File 168620763681.png - (831.94KB , 1154x649 , U_10_078_T1.png )
They just keep rolling out the veterans.
>> No. 37260 [Edit]
File 168627865094.jpg - (146.72KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls - U14.jpg )
Shits on things that are cute, shits on being an idol, shits on anything girly, shits on people who don't want to play soccer. Argumentative, stubborn, complains a lot, and expects unreasonable special treatment. ...and yet people don't understand why I wouldn't like her.
>> No. 37261 [Edit]
Simple: "I can fix her."
>> No. 37262 [Edit]
I don't think her fans want to fix her.
>> No. 37263 [Edit]
I know nothing about idol master, but based on this description alone, I can tell you she's perfect for rape hentai.
>> No. 37264 [Edit]
These two aren't mutually exclusive.
>> No. 37274 [Edit]
File 168715329087.png - (815.53KB , 1280x720 , vlcsnap-2023-05-18-10h05m28s255.png )
This was the most adorable ep so far.
>> No. 37577 [Edit]
Did hell freeze over?
>> No. 37587 [Edit]
File 170096192077.jpg - (87.51KB , 850x1133 , hakozaki_serika_and_handa_roco_idolmaster_and_1_mo.jpg )
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