moe moe kyun~

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File 166646628724.jpg - (836.02KB , 1600x900 , akiba maid sensou.jpg )
36656 No. 36656 [Edit]
Moe Moe Kyun~

I hadn't watched a seasonal anime in awhile, but then I saw a new Cygames original. I wasn't disappointed.
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>> No. 36657 [Edit]
File 166647177554.png - (436.73KB , 734x720 , [Mad le Zisell] Akiba Maid Sensou - 03 [720p]_mkv-.png )
How much would you pay?
>> No. 36673 [Edit]
File 166665650847.png - (2.21MB , 1920x1080 , fight.png )
In case you overlooked the sign, clever.
>> No. 36696 [Edit]
Ep4 was probably the most interesting so far. Paralleling work culture and cults in this way works nicely.
>> No. 36701 [Edit]
It was throwing me for a loop a lot since I wasn't expecting a lot of the characters to do what they did.
>> No. 36702 [Edit]
Has it been pretty good so far? It seems cool from what I've seen. I've only been following one anime this season. I guess I don't have much reason not to follow a lot since I have free time but not much energy...
>> No. 36703 [Edit]
Yeah that's why I liked it, it provides some character development which makes me hope the remaining episodes won't be predictable either. The context behind Ranko which the viewer knows makes it interesting to retroactively analyze her actions.

Watching the first episode should give you a decent idea, it may have a few tricks left up its sleeve but the bulk of the show shouldn't diverge from that. Personally I wouldn't put it as a _must watch_ show, and it's not a show I'm particularly invested in, but it's fun to follow along with just to see what happens. Sort of like lycoreco in that regard, except I think akiba sensou is slightly more novel.
>> No. 36704 [Edit]
>Personally I wouldn't put it as a _must watch_ show
I don't have much better to do now, and it's easier than picking through older anime for something that looks interesting, which will happen on it's own.
Might as well follow along as it gives me something to look forward to other than DIY!.
>> No. 36705 [Edit]
File 166702415855.png - (1.01MB , 1632x640 , escape.png )
Comedy is on point.
>> No. 36709 [Edit]
One has to wonder what made her like this.
>> No. 36737 [Edit]
File 166761249959.png - (771.05KB , 1280x720 , [Mad le Zisell] Akiba Maid Sensou - 05 [720p]_mkv-.png )
She's such a good girl.
>> No. 36738 [Edit]
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It's the little moments.
>> No. 36739 [Edit]
File 166762614027.png - (713.95KB , 1280x720 , [Mad le Zisell] Akiba Maid Sensou - 04 [720p]_mkv-.png )
Her whole existence is comical. That aside, I quite like every character thus far.
>> No. 36764 [Edit]
>it may have a few tricks left up its sleeve
Ah indeed it did! While ep4 might have been an inflection point indicating the show might has more substance than it initially revealed in the first episodes, I think ep6 is where it finally becomes more than the sum of its parts, setting up the rest of the season to move beyond the episodic format to one with continuity and character growth.
>> No. 36766 [Edit]
I'm very excited to see where things go from here.
>> No. 36767 [Edit]
File 166835954190.jpg - (411.11KB , 1000x1290 , fdc1d12c82fdb997d9ab434d2c367afd.jpg )
I thought Nagomi's friend was a weak character. Too obvious that she's just a plot device. Her going from casual acquaintance, to putting her life on the line for Nagomi's sake, felt rushed.
>> No. 36768 [Edit]
Yes this is also true, I didn't feel particularly moved by her death.
>> No. 36777 [Edit]
Where did Nagomi get fighting skills like that?
>> No. 36797 [Edit]
She's a MC; Ranko trained her off-screen; becoming a maid eventually bestows one with combat acumen; and, of course, the power of friendship.
>> No. 36829 [Edit]
The hag was going to experience love via elopement. Now her eggs are going to dry up!
>> No. 36830 [Edit]
I don't understand the ending of the episode (ep10). Ranko shows up to the meeting spot without her gun, even when she is informed that she's likely to get murdered. (Of course from the aftercredits it turns out he wasn't planning to "take her out" by murdering her, but Ranko doesn't know that). But why would she rather die and be killed by her lover? It doesn't make any sense to me.
>> No. 36831 [Edit]

And even if Ranko's gamble won off, where exactly do they think they're going to go? I doubt they'd be allowed to leave the country, and I'm sure the yakuzamaid network would put them on their wanted list, so they'd have to lie low in some rural town. Seems like Ranko's just thinking with her heart instead of using her head on this one.

>> No. 36832 [Edit]
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>> No. 36846 [Edit]
She'd rather be killed by the one she loves than to kill the one she loves even in self-defense.
>> No. 36847 [Edit]
File 167115921682.png - (366.10KB , 468x612 , [SubsPlease] Akiba Maid Sensou - 11 (720p) [5B5660.png )
>> No. 36880 [Edit]
Nagomi saying "moe" might be the cutest moment in the show.
>> No. 36905 [Edit]
File 167220676211.jpg - (20.05KB , 598x230 , 00 (3).jpg )
You mean ED2?
>> No. 36914 [Edit]
That was a fun ride.

Post edited on 29th Dec 2022, 10:15am
>> No. 37398 [Edit]
File 169656957248.jpg - (1.24MB , 2557x1440 , nope.jpg )
I put off watching it because I wasn't keen on the violence and watching cute girls get killed, but I think for anyone who might feel that way the first ep deals with that about as perfectly as they can. They blow things so far over the top in the initial fight that it's impossible to take serious, and it's a clear indicator that you shouldn't think too hard about it. Besides, it seems like everyone that gets killed has it coming anyway.
The whole thing would fall apart if you thought too much about any of it anyway. It's an interesting concept for sure, it's basically a Yakuza story with maid cafes instead of families. The cafes themselves are like fronts, sending a cut of the profits to the families that these cafes belong to, and getting into it with rival families.
I think the "war" part of the tittle is a bit misleading, you could say there's some small turf war stuff and issues with a rival faction, but it's mostly about a small cafe that gets into trouble with it's new recruits, and how things spiral out of control from there.

Some possible spoilers here:
Early on I found it a bit weird how ep1 ends with our protagonist wanting to run away after learning the true nature of maid cafes and surviving what by all accounts should be a traumatic and terrifying experience, by ep2 she's mostly okay with it and all it takes is a very short pep talk from a stranger to make her want to stick it out. It felt like a bit of a jarring transition. In retrospect I'd wonder how she wouldn't know what maids are really like in this universe, since it's apparently a known thing to a degree in the public, at least by the end of the series anyway.
I guess that's just one of many ".....whatever!" type moments in this, which there's a lot of. I wouldn't really call it lazy writing so much as you just need to suspend your disbelief, since it's a fairly silly concept to start with. That said, it does feel a bit sloppy here and there, and could certainly have been better in a lot of places, but it does seem to get better as things go along. It's like everything ramps up by the end.
One thing I felt could have been done a lot better was the introduction of Zoya in ep3. They dump her entire backstory into the same ep she shows up in, and from then on has absolutely nothing to do for the rest of the series and contributes almost nothing. She could have been a one off character and nothing would have changed. Not only that, Ranko was set up as the muscle of the group, and Zoya basically takes away much of her agency. She probably would have worked better as a rival character for Ranko working at another cafe since they set that up in her intro but never went anywhere with it. Shiipon and Yumechi don't really get flushed out much either but they seem fine as just the normal/average maids that have been working there for a while and are settled in. The manager is great in every scene they're in and deliver some really well executed humor. I really felt for Ranko, she's a really tragic character for someone that gets introduced as just a trigger happy muscle, but man I really wish she could have had a happier ending. I complained about Zoya taking away some of Ranko's stick, but by the end she does give that status back pretty much a background ghost and lets ranko get the spotlight for a while there, only by that point all the maids basically turned into trained ass kickers. It's a bit weird because for the first half they give off the impression the characters in our main cafe are just a handful of normal girls trying to get by and keep their heads down in a line of work they know is really really bad, with ranko showing up fresh out of prison to stir the pot. Then lastly there's Nagomi, the protagonist. An all around good girl. She stumbled a bit but in the end stayed true to what maids should really be, and it seems strongly implied she's the main reason maids stopped being violent gangsters, by basically being a good person from start to finish. She's something of a tragic character in some ways too, but things could have gone a lot worse for her it seems. Oh and as for Okachimachi, fuck Okachimachi.

Overall, it started off really silly episodic and dumb fun, but as it went on it gets easy to become a bit more attached to the characters and sympathies with their plight as things start getting more and more serious. It feels like a very natural escalation that kind of eases you into this world. It's fun but bitter sweet too. A lot of it is hammed up a little too much, some of the deaths are awkwardly done, and The world makes little sense but that doesn't mater.
it was as >>36914 said, a fun ride.
>> No. 37420 [Edit]
File 169665573488.jpg - (49.04KB , 474x539 , 20231008.jpg )
Best ED
Akiba Maid War - Ending - Maid no Komoriuta - Ranko & Nagomi
>> No. 37422 [Edit]
File 169665706430.jpg - (1.42MB , 2557x1440 , y5w46.jpg )
>> No. 37427 [Edit]
File 169668938161.jpg - (487.69KB , 2800x1500 , 01d987aab5d32d06408c45f22a5e8746.jpg )
My favorite is

Lifetime Girl Declaration
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