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File 166596678789.jpg - (254.83KB , 1920x1080 , [NC-Raws] 孤独摇滚! - 02 (B-Global 1920x1080.jpg )
36639 No. 36639 [Edit]
Thought I should make a thread for bocchi the rock since I assume people here like kirara shows and might be able to relate to this one.

The show feels in some ways complementary to both Slow Start and Comic Girls, in that each of these shows explores different aspects of shyness. Concretely, while Hana, Kaos, and Bocchi can all be deemed as "shy" it stems from different aspects of their personality and manifests in different ways. Slow-start seems to focus more on anxiety: while Hana is quite capable of interacting friends, she second-guesses herself and allows anxieties to get the best of her. There's a very poignant scene in one of the episodes that stands out where she can't sleep because she's pathologically worried about a loose screw that she found on the floor, and she's concerned it might have been important. Even at the end of the series after she's gotten to know all of her friends well, she knows logically that her friends wouldn't care if she told them her secret, but she can't bring herself to which is probably the most tragic aspect of the show and what makes the ED especially memorable: "mada sukoshi dake sunao ni narenakute... terekusai kara iienai kotoba mo aru kedo..."

Comic girls to me focused on self-confidence: Kaos is capable of becoming talented but she doesn't believe that herself. She's shy like Hana, but whereas Hana readily accepts her new friends, you get the sense that Kaos might not even feel someone like her is worthy of having mangaka friends (certainly she doesn't feel her own creations have any worth, as evidenced by that infamous scene where she answers her career survey with

>If there is any occupation that someone as useless as I am could pursue and that would be of any use to someone out there, I'd like to try, but even after wracking my puny brain, as far as I can tell, I suspect that there is no task currently in this existence in this world that I could accomplish without causing serious trouble. Taking this fact to heart, I will minimize my environmental footprint on this earth, living in as small a corner as possible, so please forgive me for only being able to fill out the first box of this survey.

Bocchi on the other hand feels abit closer to watamote in focusing on social anxiety at its core. Bocchi is clearly talented and knows that herself, but she somehow slipped through the cracks in middle school and that fated her on the path to hikkidom. The art detail in the show such as playing with perspective, shadows, and coloring to indicate physical distance between bocchi and the others; details such as showing her explicitly avoiding eye contact, etc. are cherries on the cake that really highlighting this.

Whereas with Slow Start the "limiting factor" in Hana's life is her anxiety, and with Comic Girls the limiting factor is her self-confidence (if she overcomes that, the rest of her life would fall into place naturally), for Bocchi the limiting factor is her social anxiety.

It might also be worth thinking how Bocchi might have turned out more like Hana or Kaos if early on her life something had been different. They clearly all share the same root psychological tendencies/characteristics but as a result of experiences in their life it ended up expressing in different ways. E.g. if Hana never had to repeat a year, her anxiety likely wouldn't be as large as an issue, since she'd be less likely to overthink things. Alternatively a more sobering thought is to imagine the scenario where Bocchi never ended up meeting Nijika and never joined the band. As she is at the start of the show, Bocchi is on the verge of beginning to aceept her social isolation as inevitable, and on the verge of giving up on attempts to reach out altogether. A few more years of hikkidom and the results can be left unstated.. she'd probably end up becoming a TC regular!
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>> No. 36640 [Edit]
File 166596689574.jpg - (198.55KB , 1920x1080 , [NC-Raws] 孤独摇滚! - 02 (B-Global 1920x1080.jpg )
Another example of nice artwork, this slow panning shot somehow captured that uncanny feeling of having to look someone in the eye. I don't know if I'm being placebo'd by the context but it feels like she's starting past the 4th wall of the screen and looking directly at the viewer.
>> No. 36644 [Edit]
Although part of me has a harder time with the suspension of disbelief on this one. The friendships in Slow Start and Comic Girls at least seem reasonable given the setting of classmates/dormmates respectively, but I find it really hard to believe that anyone would get asked by a stranger to play in a band as small as theirs. (Speaking of which, what ever happened to their original guitarist?).

And even ignoring this deus ex machina, the interactions between Hitori and the others are almost in that uncanny valley where it's not quite awkward enough to be "real" (though if it were it'd be unwatchable) and yet not warm enough to just suspend disbelief entirely as kirara magic. I can only assume the latter is intentional to highlight the barrier between Hitori/Nijika et al., but the barrier almost seems bidirectional
>> No. 36707 [Edit]
File 166702933140.jpg - (68.17KB , 775x775 , 1666560725655303.jpg )
>> No. 36710 [Edit]
This site has a slightly cleaner version:
>> No. 36725 [Edit]
Hm they really went all out on the visual effects for this one. SHAFT would be proud.
>> No. 36746 [Edit]
File 166771084640.jpg - (205.38KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Bocchi the Rock! - 04 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
Again nicely done on the typesetting for this CR/Funi, what an unexpected delight. Probably sound like a broken record at this point, but I never thought I'd see corporate subs ever bother with more than the bare minimum. I can only assume whoever's working on the typesetting this (and DIY for that matter) care about the show.
>> No. 36747 [Edit]
File 166771435733.jpg - (540.95KB , 1920x1080 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Hmm >>36606
>> No. 36750 [Edit]
File 166789386316.gif - (2.33MB , 560x314 , out.gif )
About halfway through, I'm fairly certain that this is indeed the case. There's a fundamental tension between the nature of a cgdct/slice-of-life where inter-character interactions need to be warm and personal, and Bocchi's role as a social outcast which precludes that. The anime's still quite watchable, partly due to the excellent directing and visual effects, but I think this is a show I would have expected to like more than I actually did.

How popular was the source 4-koma?
>> No. 36751 [Edit]
File 166793031188.jpg - (3.14MB , 3024x4032 , Ej9XmlfU8AEpZQA.jpg )
Heh, I guess I wasn't the only one who thought of that song upon watching the anime.
>How popular was the source 4-koma?
I highly doubt this is the best gauge of its popularity, but pic related came to mind. These are the results of a 2020 Kirara popularity poll at the Yodobashi Camera in Niigata City. The poll was conducted via a sticker board that invited passers-by to place stickers to vote for their favorite works. Each participant was permitted to vote for up to five works, voting no more than once for each work. The works that were eligible for votes were those that were on exhibit at the 2020 Manga Time Kirara Exhibition, which had also been under way somewhere else in Niigata City at the time.
It got 54 votes, about the same number of votes as Hanayamata (54), GA (57), and A-Channel (57). The most popular was Gochiusa at 251 votes. It might also interest you that Slow Start got 158 and Comic Girls got 98.
List of titles in the poll:
>> No. 36752 [Edit]
(Just noting that I had converted it from source webm to gif since I thought TC didn't support the former, but seems like it actually does! And ffmpeg's gif conversion doesn't seem to be very good, it introduces high-frequency aliasing as part of the palletization. You should probably grab the original from

>2020 Kirara popularity poll
Ah I remember seeing photos of that during the interim phase where people were still allowed to place stars, I was always curious what the results were. The relative numbers seem to be about what I'd gauged, maybe the only exception being Kill me Baby which seems more popular than I expected. Thank you for sharing!

Post edited on 8th Nov 2022, 1:48pm
>> No. 36759 [Edit]
File 166805913575.jpg - (163.73KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Bocchi the Rock! - 01 (1080p) [E04F4E.jpg )
Slow start but I decided to jump into this.
I'm curious... it's not a coincidence a kid that stays at home alone playing popular rock song covers all day, calls herself GuitarHero, right? ...Right?
>> No. 36762 [Edit]
I think that the reference was intentional? Unless I'm missing something about your comment?

(Also might be a good time to link to the fine-tuned subs in >>/sub/148, if you prefer delocalized version. CR has been mostly fine from 4 onwards, but they clobber a joke or two in the first few eps).

Post edited on 9th Nov 2022, 9:57pm
>> No. 36763 [Edit]
File 166806012625.jpg - (179.99KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Bocchi the Rock! - 01 (1080p) [E04F4E.jpg )
Yeah I was referring to the game. Seems weird for anime to make a direct reference since they're always so paranoid about copyright stuff in, as seen in >>/pic/6035
Likewise, I was wondering if that sticker was a love live reference (I'm not well versed in the rock scene.)

>they clobber a joke or two in the first few eps
Yeah I did notice they butchered the band name. My Japanese isn't great but it's enough to pick up on that much.
>> No. 36779 [Edit]
File 166893202060.jpg - (299.29KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Bocchi the Rock! - 07 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
Hm I think what's irking me about the depicted relation between Bocchi and her friends is that Nijika et al. don't seem to show much consideration for Bocchi. They can recognize when she's stressed, but don't step in or doing anything to help her. And then afterwards they quip that she's "fun to be around." Fun for them watching Bocchi datamosh maybe, but perhaps not so fun for Bocchi in that moment.

E.g. this scene in particular. It's very un-kirara like; kirara shows usually handle the fine-line between slapstick and genuine annoyance with grace. For instance in Yuyushiki Yuzuko's pranks never actually cause Yui any real stress (and I recall the one time she did cross the line, she recognized it and immediately backed off). Slow Start never had any jokes at the expense of Hana if I can recall, and the entire show dripped with "affection" in the sense of her friends being able to anticipate and make Hana feel at ease (the canonical example being Hana/Tama-te's interaction at the sleepover when Tama immediately senses Hana's anxiety).

By contrast, the depiction of friendship in Bocchi the Rock doesn't have that kirara charm, it feels like ordinary "real-world" "friendship", in the negative sense. Another example would be how Nijika only asks if Bocchi really wants to be in the band 2 episodes in, and that too in a face-to-face interaction. I don't think asking such a question in-person is ever a good idea, especially to someone with social anxiety like Bocchi since they likely don't have enough courage to refuse directly, i.e. there's a clear burden of expectation.

But maybe I'm overthinking, this show is apparently quite popular so I guess no one else seem to feel this way.
>> No. 36798 [Edit]
File 166951294486.jpg - (214.77KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Bocchi the Rock! - 08 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
Same thing in ep8, another joke seemingly at the expense of bocchi. It really cheapens the whole thing, as if the bocchi scenes are merely a way to cram in as many reaction images as possible. I really hope the success of this show won't mean all Kirara adaptions henceforth are going to tend towards this style.
>> No. 36802 [Edit]
>> No. 36804 [Edit]
There's a radio show with the VAs:

No subs as far as I can see but the dialogue does not seem very difficult to parse, so you could use it as decent listening practice. Or just use it as asmr type stuff.
>> No. 36806 [Edit]
>Seems weird for anime to make a direct reference since they're always so paranoid about copyright stuff
Guitar Hero is technically a western property so maybe there's more of a perceived leeway? Plus, the series has been basically dead for more than a decade outside of an attempted reboot that didn't do too well. There would probably be more trouble if she called herself GuitarFreak.
>> No. 36807 [Edit]
Boulevard of Bocchi's Dreams (Green Day x Bocchi The Rock!)
>> No. 36808 [Edit]
File 166969403864.jpg - (241.65KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Bocchi the Rock! - 04 (1080p) [10FE59.jpg )
Pretty much how I react to people bringing up FacBook too.
>> No. 36815 [Edit]
File 167011982813.jpg - (169.66KB , 1920x1080 , [YuiSubs] Bocchi the Rock! - 09 (x265 H_265 1080p.jpg )
I'm not sure if this show is supposed to be a case study on terrible friends. They don't deserve Bocchi. Maybe Nijika is excused if she was indeed actually busy (although at the least it feels like they should have been chatting), but shame on Kita for not inviting Bocchi; she clearly had the time to go out with her other friends, but can't make time to be with Bocchi (one/one if need be, since she at least realizes she's not comfortable in a group)? And all that after Bocchi swallowed her discomfort to help Kita learn the guitar?

And that too it takes the club owner to make them realize Bocchi's not doing well? One gets the impression that they really don't care much about Bocchi beyond her role as the band's guitarist. And the salt on the wound is Bocchi lending Ryou money several times and seemingly never getting paid back. It seems like the only character in this show who actually cares about and understands Bocchi is the perpetually drunk one (Hiroi I think?); even in her drunken state and in the midst of a storm she remembers to come to Bocchi's performance, which seems like more effort than any of Bocchi's supposed friends have put.

Post edited on 3rd Dec 2022, 6:43pm
>> No. 36816 [Edit]
File 167020275268.jpg - (312.53KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Bocchi the Rock! - 07 (1080p) [D9ACC0.jpg )
Yet another one of those Too Real things. I got a nasty case of this a couple days ago that I'm still recovering from.
>> No. 36833 [Edit]
File 167075425388.jpg - (366.24KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Bocchi the Rock! - 08 (1080p) [D7E0A4.jpg )
Pretty much how I felt when thinking about life after hitting 18, and how I've felt about it ever since then.
>> No. 36835 [Edit]
File 16708185598.png - (206.20KB , 1074x324 , image.png )
nijika strong
>> No. 36839 [Edit]
File 167090648863.png - (464.24KB , 720x604 , FjysYosWIAQJooy.png )
>> No. 36844 [Edit]
File 167100478153.jpg - (785.76KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Bocchi the Rock! - 02 (1080p) [CCDC18.jpg )
Just gonna leave this here.
>> No. 36883 [Edit]
File 167168523244.png - (1.95MB , 1080x2021 , qrxdzs5oeb7a1.png )
>> No. 36885 [Edit]
File 167182032484.jpg - (413.47KB , 1920x1080 , [SubsPlease] Bocchi the Rock! - 11 (1080p) [7AFE89.jpg )
>> No. 36903 [Edit]
File 167220412323.png - (253.52KB , 979x527 , image-11.png )
It's amazing how this thing absolutely exploded in popularity.
>> No. 36904 [Edit]
Goes to show the power of appealing visuals, even if most people don't actually understand it they notice.
>> No. 36918 [Edit]
File 167238269392.gif - (0.97MB , 498x415 , bocchi-the-dock-gotou-hitori.gif )
I don't want to wait 2+ years for season 2!
>> No. 36919 [Edit]
File 167238378482.jpg - (261.27KB , 595x842 , f522135fb6b804fc8fad88e49666902c.jpg )
I know the tracksuit is a common trope with hikineet types in anime, But it feels like to me it would stand out a lot more than any other type of clothing, especially in a bight pink color. Wouldn't that defeat the point? The point being as far as I understand it: (correct me if I'm wrong) to avoid standing out, being seen in an embarrassing school uniform as these are technically allowed in schools, or have people notice you don't change your cloths after school. A normal uniform seems like it would make more sense for these. This stands out a lot more than a uniform would, and there for would be more embarrassing to me especially with the associated trope. It might hide never changing, but so would a uniform.
>> No. 36955 [Edit]
whom are you quoting?

Post edited on 7th Jan 2023, 6:33pm
>> No. 37143 [Edit]
>worried about a loose screw she found on the floor
The scene in question
>> No. 37149 [Edit]
File 168266084139.jpg - (544.00KB , 1200x675 , FueTfR6aEAAGVsM.jpg )
>> No. 37252 [Edit]
File 168620778522.jpg - (169.98KB , 1200x675 , FyBp8YrWwAIdICw.jpg )
They tore it down...
>> No. 37444 [Edit]

Sounds like it's going to get a pair of recap movies.
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