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File 14582869445.jpg - (415.54KB , 1600x1000 , be8f2d188da9afe535ac7b189c5f359a.jpg )
25720 No. 25720 [Edit]
If you could change just one thing about any anime, what would it be?
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>> No. 25721 [Edit]
I watch it for the cute 2D girls. So there'd be more of that.

Post edited on 18th Mar 2016, 4:47am
>> No. 25723 [Edit]
Everything. Anime was clearly a mistake.
>> No. 25724 [Edit]
In the first Symphogear I'd have them really die. It ruins the whole series when the swansong only works as it should ONCE. Still, it's got the best 1st ep I've ever seen.
>> No. 25743 [Edit]
I'd add puffy vulvum to Kaiji.
>> No. 25749 [Edit]
s c r o t u m f i e n d

>> No. 25774 [Edit]
File 145862918621.jpg - (571.78KB , 2166x1146 , c20160330.jpg )
Mmm... 2D bishoujo
>> No. 25777 [Edit]
I'd just want all the Jojos past Part 2 to not be episodic. I miss 1 and 2's continuous story.
>> No. 29169 [Edit]
Me too. It really went down hill after part 2
>> No. 29558 [Edit]
File 150795398462.png - (307.32KB , 640x569 , 954afcd16c7fa2126bd5c2b03b7783fa1380938170_full.png )
10 to 15% of seasonal anime would have that 90s aesthetic.
>> No. 37565 [Edit]
File 170036488388.jpg - (51.48KB , 438x660 , 20231116.jpg )
The Boy and the Heron Trailer #1 (2023)

Are you talking about a specific anime or anime in general?
My personal take ~ I don't mind 3DCG in anime if you blend it well it your show like BEASTARS or 『宝石の国』
Make sure you blend 3DCG and 2d well; this requires some co-ordination to get the color shading to be consistent.
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