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File 164030110660.jpg - (918.57KB , 900x900 , 3x3.jpg )
35959 No. 35959 [Edit]
You know what we haven't done in a long time? one of these 3x3 threads.
Post em if you got em and show off your favorites!
Expand all images
>> No. 35960 [Edit]
File 164030381179.png - (2.07MB , 879x881 , 3x3.png )
If you asked me on a different day, some of these might be different.
>> No. 35961 [Edit]
Somehow Azumanga feels out of place among the rest.
>> No. 36402 [Edit]
File 166011417159.jpg - (1.59MB , 1200x1200 , 4x4.jpg )
Went and made a 4x4 version. I've really gotta rewatch some of my old favorites to see if I'd still feel the same way about them now.
>> No. 36403 [Edit]
File 166011700293.jpg - (1.71MB , 1200x1200 , 4x42.jpg )
Did it too.
>> No. 36405 [Edit]
File 166014950145.jpg - (292.38KB , 1000x1000 , fourbyfouranime.jpg )
Here's my 4x4. Tough to whittle it all down, but I'm happy with it.
>> No. 36410 [Edit]
Didn't expect to see fag on anyone's favorite list.
>> No. 36411 [Edit]
File 166034128352.jpg - (786.58KB , 1200x1200 , 3x3.jpg )
Made my 3x3. I should rewatch most of my favorites at some point.
>> No. 36412 [Edit]
File 166034627988.png - (1.98MB , 1080x1080 , tohno 3x3.png )
My favorites are pretty normalfagish.
>> No. 36413 [Edit]
It always cheers me up when I'm feeling down.
>> No. 36414 [Edit]
girls last tour, mushishi, and school rumble don't seem at all normalfagish to me.
>> No. 36419 [Edit]
List of studios for fun.

Madhouse: 5
Production I.G: 2
Gonzo: 1
Gainax: 1
David Production: 1
Lerche: 1
Kinema Citrus: 1
Tokyo Movie Shinsha: 1
Studio Deen: 1
Sunrise: 1
J.C.Staff: 1

I almost never pay attention to studios, so I'm suprised by how much of a lead Madhouse has.
>> No. 36421 [Edit]
I assume this doesn't count subsidiaries, right? There's no way Sunrise would have just one.
>> No. 36422 [Edit]
Just went off the first one listed on mal in the case of there being multiple. I don't think I saw Sunrise anywhere else though.
>> No. 36437 [Edit]
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Feels like overkill at this point, but went for a 5x5
>> No. 36439 [Edit]
File 166066499984.jpg - (1.34MB , 1600x1600 , 4x4.jpg )
Made my 4x4. I really don't know if I would like most of my favorites (not shown in the 4x4) I watched in the past anymore.

Post edited on 16th Aug 2022, 9:11am
>> No. 36441 [Edit]
Madhouse makes some damn good stuff.
>> No. 36442 [Edit]
Only one way to find out anon!
>> No. 37325 [Edit]
File 168984813571.jpg - (77.10KB , 714x1063 , 20230720.jpg )
Hard mode: one per genre and one per studio only
>> No. 37326 [Edit]
File 168988721440.png - (2.11MB , 2259x1480 , animechart.png )
Code Geass used to be my favorite show, now I can't bring myself to watch through any of the new movies that have come out.
>> No. 37327 [Edit]
I still like Code GayAss, the first season anyway, but I don't feel compelled at all to watch the revisions.
>> No. 37328 [Edit]
What does Serial Experiments Lain and Watamote have in common with Oh My Goddess?
>> No. 37329 [Edit]
I should've written "next to it on the same row," my bad.

Watamote and Oh My Goddess are both slice-of-life shows and funny in their own way, is all. Watamote being infinitely funnier.

Then again, Watamote and Lain both deal with loneliness, so maybe not such a bad fit after all.

Post edited on 20th Jul 2023, 3:09pm
>> No. 37541 [Edit]
File 169906394527.jpg - (244.02KB , 1200x1700 , 20231103.jpg )
But there's more than 9 distinct genres in anime...
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