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File 151407736248.jpg - (91.87KB , 584x450 , ztg2B2M.jpg )
12805 No. 12805 [Edit]
Not really a video game, but would anyone be interested in playing DnD? We were wanting to play using an online tabletop and maybe voice chat. We would be playing either Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 or 5th edition. All the books are available online for free, though the 3.5 havent been in print for a while so they're easier to find, plus there's alot more of them to draw from for your character.

So who wants to play?
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>> No. 12806 [Edit]
Replies: >>13220
>and maybe voice chat
Hard pass. D&D seems fun but not if I have to listen to other people.
>> No. 12971 [Edit]
Replies: >>12973
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D&D multi-player online?
>> No. 12973 [Edit]
I don't think they were referring to the MMORPG:
>We were wanting to play using an online tabletop and maybe voice chat
>> No. 13220 [Edit]
without voice chat a single game is a thousand times longer, definitely a social activity and wouldn't work in a reclusive community ironically
>> No. 14898 [Edit]
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Just play BALDUR"S GATE 3...
>> No. 14899 [Edit]
I never saw this thread... I would have liked to play.
>> No. 14900 [Edit]
Replies: >>14901
I don't really like Faerun too much. Always prefered Shadowrun, Mindjammer and maybe Numenera but I'd be ok playing D&D with tohnos. Not with voice chat though, no way.
>> No. 14901 [Edit]
Replies: >>14906
I volunteer to play any game, the hard part would be to find a DM... I've been a DM and I don't feel like I'm up to the task, also it's a lot of work.
>> No. 14906 [Edit]
Replies: >>14907 >>14920
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I would consider DM'ing a game but I currently only play OSR such as Labyrinth Lord or Swords & Wizardry or 1st Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.
>> No. 14907 [Edit]
Replies: >>14908
>1st Edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
That was my favourite and I DM'ed a few times, some people think it's too restrictive but I like how it feels less videogamey than newer editions.
>> No. 14908 [Edit]
Yeah, I really like it too. I run one game with my IRL friends and play in two others ran by much older guys than me, who played it when it released. It's a really fun edition, even if things like the way that identify works and needing a lot of gold to level can seem quite brutal.
It's always hilarious watching the Level 1 - 5 magic user be obliterated by simple enemies in one strike.
>> No. 14913 [Edit]
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I'm interested. I played some DnD knockoffs, first in a TTRPG event in a fast food joint, and then with some classmates when I went to college. But in college I think the DM had no idea what he was doing because the game was absolutely unbalanced. This was a long time ago and I've been wanting to try ttrpgs again.
>> No. 14917 [Edit]
Seems like we have quite some people interested then, huh?
>> No. 14920 [Edit]
Replies: >>14924
I've never played AD&D, but I have played with a couple of retroclones and enjoyed them. I'd play with TC but I wouldn't do voice chat.
>> No. 14924 [Edit]
Replies: >>14933 >>14936 >>14991
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14906 here. It is possible to play such games as 'Play by post' wherein the game is played in a thread. However, this essentially prohibits combat, as it would simply move too slowly. Also, such games tend to lose traction very quickly, and in this respect the anonymity of TC is a detriment, since it would suck to have your character hijacked by a poster with ill-intent.

I was thinking about this hypothetical game recently, and I wondered if the posters here would like to play in a game with an overt 'anime aesthetic' such as magical girls with guns, maids with magical powers, etc, or if they would just prefer the traditional D&D high fantasy.
>> No. 14933 [Edit]
Replies: >>14934
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D&D-style high fantasy is well represented in Japanese anime and roleplaying games. You just have to add that sort of 'colour' to it.
>> No. 14934 [Edit]
Replies: >>14949
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So something between Chronicles of Mystara and Lodoss War?
>> No. 14936 [Edit]
Replies: >>14945
>and in this respect the anonymity of TC is a detriment, since it would suck to have your character hijacked by a poster with ill-intent.
Wouldn't tripcodes come in handy here?
As for the hypothetical game I'm up for both.
>> No. 14945 [Edit]
Replies: >>14958 >>14968
I'm not terribly aware of trip etiquette here, to be quite honest. I've never liked tripfagging but I do see its value in this sense.

So would people like to play an OSR game? That is, 'Old School Renaissance', which seeks to take the original and advanced (1st) edition rules of Dungeons and Dragons and formats them in an easier to follow way.

I don't like the later editions due to build-autism. People minmaxxing and deciding on builds before they even play the character. It's very obnoxious.
>> No. 14949 [Edit]
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I'm thinking FIRE EMBLEM
>> No. 14958 [Edit]
Replies: >>14967
>So would people like to play an OSR game?
I'm up for it.
>> No. 14967 [Edit]
Replies: >>14979
Is the consensus that people do not want to use voice chat software? I understand the decision not to use it.

I use this site to store character sheets. It also has forum software so the 'play by post' option is available. Of course it requires signing up.

The other option would be IRC. I know that people have played that way in the past but, I've never set up an IRC server myself, only joined one to chat from.

(This is the DM anon obviously)
>> No. 14968 [Edit]
>I don't like the later editions due to build-autism. People minmaxxing and deciding on builds before they even play the character. It's very obnoxious.
I think it's also very difficult to stray from that. I tried to make a more unique character in 5E recently and I felt railroaded into a minmaxed approach.
>> No. 14979 [Edit]
Replies: >>14980 >>14990
>Is the consensus that people do not want to use voice chat software?
That seems to be the case.
I heard about playing RPGs on IRC, but I have no idea how it would work. This should require some additional steps like adding bots and some sort of logger(bouncer?) to record messages posted while one is offline, no? My IRC experience is also limited to chat only, so the Myth-Weavers forum seems the practical choice here.
>> No. 14980 [Edit]
Then I'll look into making a Myth Weavers game (I've only ever used it to store character sheets) and I'll see if it can be made private in some way, since I know that members of TC are often private people.
>> No. 14990 [Edit]
I'm not familiar with myth weavers, but IRC has worked out decent in my experience. The only thing you really need a a dicebot and a place for players to put their character sheets, and preferably a GM capable of giving good verbal descriptions of the environment considering that you're limited to just text. Servitor is a good option for the former.
>> No. 14991 [Edit]
File 170749998735.jpg - (52.56KB , 300x300 , 5b8d9932d5ecf35a560627a181f1026a.jpg )
>I wondered if the posters here would like to play in a game with an overt 'anime aesthetic' such as magical girls with guns, maids with magical powers, etc, or if they would just prefer the traditional D&D high fantasy.
I wouldn't mind seeing a combination of the two. Playing a cleric of the church of Goshujin-sama or a mahou shoujo style magic-user would be awesome.
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